Monday, August 13, 2018

Cleaning House: Recognizing, Criticizing and Rejecting the Alt-Right

One of my biggest criticisms of the left is their willingness to openly embrace socialist groups and groups like Antifa. Yet with the recent anniversary of the horrific event at Charlottesville I am reminded that both sides have their extremist elements.

The Alt-Right

When the Alt-Right first came on the scene no one really knew what it was. A lot of people thought that they were part of the Alt-Right believing that it was simply an opposition to the establishment Republicans.

It became clear that the Alt-Right were nothing but a group of racist/xenophobes attempting to find legitimacy among those on the right who were disaffected with the establishment. Some people recognized it right away, for others it took longer.

It is easy to criticize other people and groups but much more difficult to criticize yourself or your own group. Part of the reason for this is that you do not want to face reality because it could be too painful, which is understandable because reality is painful at times.

It is also difficult because you might be worried about damaging the group. That is a worry because it is true, criticizing your own group will damage the group. Yet the answer is not to ignore the things that need to be criticized but to address them directly.


If you do not criticize those you are associated with others will be more than happy to do it for you and will lump you in with the criticism simply due to your association. It might be painful and damage your association if you criticize it, but that is only short term. In the mid to long term it will make the association stronger.

If left un-criticized and undealt with the problem with just continue to grow and cause more damage. This is why it is important for those on the right to be self-critical, not only of themselves but of the party as well.

Think through the reasons why you want what you want. Why do you want immigration reform? Is it because you do not want Mexicans here or is it because you think it is unfair to people who come legally to allow those who violate the law to benefit just the same?

Fully understanding your reasons behind your opinions will help you recognize those who share the same reasons. In addition it will also help you identify those who share similar opinions but for very different reasons.

Standing Up

When I say stand up I do not mean it the same way a far left activist would. Do not surround someone and shout pejoratives at them. We know that does not work and instead of solving the problem only makes it worse.

Instead ask someone why they hold the view they do. They should be able to give you a reasonable answer. If they get angry or dismissive they might have ulterior motives or have not fully thought about why they believe what they believe. Always assume the later at first but if given time they are still unable to come up with a reasonable response then probe a bit farther to determine their motives.

When doing this be sure to be precise with your language, do not allow for wiggle room, and always be honest and truthful. Do not try to be deceptive, even if it does work it will also cause damage to yourself and the association. Besides the truth is easier to remember.

It is time for us on the right to recognize, criticize and reject those on the Alt-Right. For those who have already done this (people like Ben Shapiro), thank you. For those of you who did not know, time to wake up.

Again when I say Alt-Right I mean right wing identity politics such as White Nationalists, White Supremacists, Neo-Nazi’s and anyone who things Western Culture is exclusive to white people. (For an expanded definition check out my earlier blog post on the subject, what does Alt-Right really mean and why it’s important to know).

We need to keep our own house cleaned up. If we are able to do so, maybe we will be able to help our Democrat neighbors clean their house as well and together Make America Great Again!

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