Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Why the Term The People is Not As Nice as it Sounds

The term the People seems to be very inclusive. The People, that just means everyone, right?

In fact it is probably the oldest most divisive term in the world.

In the mists of history various forms of the term The People have been used. Native American groups called themselves something that usually translates into ‘The People.’ The Greeks had one name for themselves and everyone else was a barbarian.

This term is not limited to the ancient world. We have seen it in more recent history. Hitler used the term to describe the Germans and Stalin used the term to mean the proletariat.

The People is an interesting term. It implies that there are The People and those who are not The People. Another way of looking at it would be there are those who are human and those who are not.

Rarely has the term been used to describe all people. More often the term humanity or all of mankind with be used to describe everyone.

If The People does not mean everyone why do so many groups use this term?

Two different reasons are obvious.

First, to delineate one group from another. For example, The American People. This is just an easy way of saying this group of individuals as opposed to that group.

The second reason is to put those you do not like into an out group and dehumanize them. Horrific atrocities can be committed when armed with the justification of The People. After all, if they are not The People, than are they really people?

Several words can be used in place of this phrase. The Community, the oppressed, the proletariat, the marginalized and the list goes on. There are also several words that can be used to identify those who are NOT The People. Barbarians, Nazi’s, deplorable’s, untouchables.

Be Wary of The Champions of The People

When you hear someone talk about The People you need to be cautious. Especially when they are screaming at you that they are fighting for The People. Chances are, you are not among the people. This makes you an enemy of the people so watch out.

You can also hear The People being mentioned when people are racial supremacists. They tend to believe that The People are somehow superior to others. Chances here are, you are not pure enough to be among The People so you are a danger to their superiority. This makes you a threat to The People so watch out.

If you are listening to someone speak and they start talking about how they want to help The People you might want to stop and think who exactly they mean by The People. Wanting to help people is very different than wanting to help The People.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Oregon Legislators of Color Speak Out Against Racist Violence: A Reply

Here is the original article I am responding to:

The violence that took place in Charlottesville earlier this month marks yet another heartbreaking and tragic chapter in America's history of bigotry and bloodshed.

Wow, I sure am glad you are one of my state elected officials with a view of America like that. If you think that all American history is a history of bigotry and bloodshed, you need to look a bit closer, or perhaps go back to school. I instead see American history as the planting of the seeds of freedom and liberty for the individual. The language of the constitution, which you use later, has been used to throw off ideas of bigotry and bloodshed. Instead of looking at the horrors in the past and sitting in judgement, why not look at how those horrors were overcome because brave Americans had the freedom and courage (and free speech) to stand up for what they saw as right.

We mourn the lives shattered and lost, including Heather Heyer, who was killed while standing up for civil rights.

The death of Heather Heyer is a tragedy. I’m glad to see that you will not let a good tragedy go to waste. What civil rights was she standing up for? I thought the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. I agree that if the Alt-Right Neo Nazi types gain power they would be a threat to civil rights, but the truth is they are a minority group and have been for a long time. In fact they are only growing due to these counter-protest movements that sweep up anyone they don’t like and label them Nazi or Alt-Right.

But while we grieve, we must also recognize that the responsibility of standing up to Nazis, white supremacists and the Klu Klux Klan belongs to all of us.
This I mostly agree with. I would have said it belongs to each individual instead of all of us, but that is just splitting hairs.

History has shown clearly that in the face of a growing tide of people who seek division, none of us can stay silent.

I am not a religious person, but Jesus said it best, “You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye.” Matthew 7:5 World English Bible translation.

Every elected leader in the country needs to boldly and unequivocally denounce fascism, racism and bigotry in all its forms.

I am going to operate on the basis that most people do not like fascism, racism and bigotry. So I think it is kind of pointless virtue signaling to ask for everyone to denounce those things. Almost as if you are asking for a purity test, but I’ll just chalk it up to ignorance as opposed to malice.

"We the people" must show commitment to the ideals of the Constitution, and never retreat from the fight for "a more perfect union."

Very true. I’ll be waiting for your defense of freedom of speech at the next pro-free speech rally that gets invaded by Antifa.

Unfortunately, we've seen politicians giving aid and comfort -- if not outright encouragement -- to white nationalist groups.

Pictures or it didn’t happen.

That is why we, the people of color in Oregon's Legislature, felt it was important to speak up.

What the heck is with the phrase people of color? Are there people that are not of color? If it is okay to say people of color, would it be okay to say colored people or does the order of the words matter? I’m going to have to side with Martin Luther King, Jr on this one I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” I could care less about your color, your character is what truly matters. The jury is still out on the content of your character by the way.

Through the Trump campaign and administration, these groups have become emboldened, reenergized and empowered by the rhetoric and the exploitation of fear toward people of color, Muslim, Jewish and immigrant communities.

Yeah it had nothing to do with the rampant bias in the mainstream media, the unrelenting attempts at character assassination carried on those who are not Progressives, or flagrant over use of the words racist, sexist, homophobe etc. It had nothing to do with article after article blaming white people for everything that has gone wrong in history from sites like Vox, Huffington Post, and Buzzfeed to name a few. It had nothing to do with the ideology pouring out of college campuses that says America and the West is nothing but evil racist misogynist society that needs to be torn down. Nah it was all Trump.

There are not "many sides" to this issue.

Every issue has many sides.

There are fascists and then there are the rest of us, who have a responsibility to reject racism and white supremacy.

If the fascists reject racism and white supremacy will it still be okay that they are fascists? I don’t think this kind of language helps bring people together. I feel like this could easily be “There are Progressives and then there are the rest of us, who have a responsibility to reject racism and people of color supremacy.” Or “There are Feminists and then there are the rest of us, who have a responsibility to reject sexism and female supremacy.” This is very divisive language for someone who just said “History has shown clearly that in the face of a growing tide of people who seek division, none of us can stay silent.” Consider this me not staying silent.

For Oregonians, it's easy to see what's happened in Charlottesville and elsewhere as something that can't happen here.

If you let the police continue to do their job and don’t tell them to stand down I think we will have little to worry about.

The reality is that we've seen a rise in hate crimes and hate-related activity in Oregon.

Yeah Antifa is out of control and these Anti-Free speech protesters seem to only care about their hate for anyone they perceive to be a Nazi.

And now more than ever, we must confront our state's dark history of sanctioned racism and its ongoing impacts.

I feel like we already confronted our state’s dark history of sanctioned racism. As for its ongoing impacts, would you mind providing some information on those?

Anti-immigrant groups still have support from Oregon politicians and are still pushing xenophobic measures to the ballot.

Proof? I think those groups are probably anti-illegal immigration or rather pro following the law. As for xenophobic measures, again, I’d like some proof. If they are truly xenophobic and they are going on the ballot than I think you can rest easy as most Oregonians are not xenophobic. I also think you have a different definition of the word xenophobic than I do, but I can’t be sure. Rejection of unfettered immigration and open boarders is not xenophobic by the way.

We must not supply the fires of hate with oxygen to spread terror in our great state.

These words sound pretty, but basically have nothing behind them. Whose hate are we talking about, Antifa’s hate for anyone who is not an anarchist or Communist, or white supremacist hate for anyone who isn’t white or Progressives hate for anyone who is white, straight, cis-gender, or male? I am guessing from the previous statement you mean the Anti-Immigrant xenophobic politicians and groups. Which I would take to mean basically anyone who is not from your party. How do you plan to cut off the supplies of oxygen to these people? When you say oxygen do you mean free speech or do you really mean literal suffocation? Poetic language sounds nice and can be powerful but this use of it here falls flat with any amount of scrutiny.

Racist violence doesn't happen in isolation.

Yeah, if you are isolated there is no one to be racist against. Geez.

It's fed by fear and anger and exploited by those seeking to consolidate power.

So you admit politicians are exploiting fear and anger to consolidate power. Who would be the ones consolidating power, the people who want government to do everything or those calling for a smaller government? Guess I’ll just vote for the people running on the smaller government platform.

It's up to all of us to prevent it from taking further hold by speaking out, by passing pro-equity legislation and by educating our fellow Oregonians. 

I am sure it was just a typo but I think you meant “reeducating.” Pro-equity just means that we all have the same in the end. For example 50% men and 50% women hired on at a company. This leaves out merit and interest. Equity can only be achieved through forced compliance. I doubt you have women who are lining up to become trash collectors or sewer cleaners. You cannot force people into jobs they don’t want and you cannot force people out of jobs to make a spot for someone else based on gender or anything else. Instead what you can do is provide equality before the law so those with the desire and the ability to obtain those positions are free to do so. You should not be allowed to be a doctor just because you want to be a doctor, you should have to earn and prove your ability to be a doctor, not just have it handed to you because some politician wants a world where we all have the same outcomes. You cannot force everyone to be the same because people are different, have different dreams, desires and abilities.

The Oregon Constitution proclaims, "We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness."

Glad to know the Oregon Constitution agrees with me that people are equal in rights and says nothing about people being equal in outcome. I don’t think you are bad people but you have been swept up by bad ideas. Ideas that have been tried before and ended in some of the most horrific atrocities committed. Stop focusing on the rights of the group and instead look at universal rights of the individual.

Monday, August 28, 2017

To The People Dressed in All Black

What gives you the right to punch Nazi’s?

Who are Nazi’s?

Why are you so obsessed with Nazi’s?

Why do you use violence against people and justify it by calling them Nazi’s?

Is everyone on the right a Nazi?

Is a conservative Jewish news commentator a Nazi?

Is a gay liberal YouTube interviewer a Nazi?

Is a classical liberal Canadian college professor talking about Free Speech a Nazi?

Should we round up people and put them in an oven for being a Nazi?

Or should we put people in Gulags for being Nazi’s?

Are people with long hair on top and short on the side Nazi’s?

Are bald people skin head Nazi’s?

Can only white people be Nazi’s or can we have multiracial Nazi’s?

Are all police officers Nazi’s?

If you listen and believe can you punch anyone someone just points at and calls a Nazi?

Do you even have a working definition for Nazi?

Or is anyone you disagree with a Nazi?

Have you considered that maybe you, are the Nazi?
 Here is an amazing video by the talented Chris Ray Gun. If you haven't already check him out on YouTube.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Important Questions that Need Answers

My fists clench and my mind burns as I watch people dressed all in black destroy windows, smash cars, and hurt people.

At first I thought, why aren’t the police doing something?

Then it happened again. Again the police did nothing.

My next thought was, well if the police are not going to do something why aren’t the people doing something? If someone were smashing my car or my window my wrath would be on full display.

At the third battle of Berkeley I cheered when I saw Antifa running. Finally I thought, some people with a back bone standing up to these people.

The media, like a spider, spun another strand in their complex narrative. Violence at Trump rallies turned into violence erupts at a pro Trump event.

On the surface this was true, but the way the headline was written matched the way the article was written, slanted. Never was it mentioned that Antifa showed up at the event to start violence. Violence just ‘broke out.’ It was never mentioned that the violence at Trump rallies was directed toward Trump supporters.

The mainstream media wanted it to appear as if violence just happens at Trump rallies. That his supporters are violent. At the same time they refuse to show the violence of Antifa. I mean if you are Anti-Fascist that’s a good thing right?

Antifa and far leftists caused over $1 million in damage in Portland alone after Trump was elected. Yet they are praised after Charlottesville as some sort of heroic group daring to stand up to Nazi’s. My body shook with rage as the mainstream media, politicians and pundits all blamed everything on the Alt-Right Neo Nazi’s etc.

The Alt-Right deserved that blame but they were not the only ones who showed up to fight.

My Questions

I have been asking myself and like-minded friends what should we do? How do we stop these violent and destructive riots in the street?

It has become clear that in most cases the authorities are powerless or refuse to act. So we cannot look to them. The best they can do is try to keep people apart or remove a smaller group to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

The patients practiced by the police is uncanny. I would have a hard time standing stone faced as people yell and scream at me, call me names, throw bottles of urine and rocks at me, and tell me that the ‘cops and the klan go hand in hand.’

So what do we do? Ignore them? Organize and march against them? Organize non-violent resistance against them? Start our own rallies? Point and laugh at them? Try to talk to them? Beg the state to step in and exercise more authority?

I do not have the answers, but I know I am not alone. These questions are on a lot of people’s minds. These are questions we need to answer quickly and correctly, because if we do not there are plenty of other people offering solutions.

Final Solutions.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Why You Should Be Paying Attention to Local Politics

The President of the United States is a very powerful position at least that is what we believe.

We all watch him closely and everyone has a comment or opinion on the things he does. But does he really do a whole lot that affects you personally?

What happens at the federal level does have an impact, but in your day to day life a local official will have more power over you than the enormous federal government. On the flip side you will have more power over a local official too.

Your vote matters more locally than it does nationally. But the changes you make locally can grow and impact things nationally.

Affects You More

While it is fun to talk about Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court, it is also important to talk about your local elected officials.

They are the ones making laws that effect you directly. They can raise or lower your taxes, decide on the amount of money to spend in schools, and what programs should be funded.

It is these everyday decisions that make up most of the laws and determine how your tax dollars are spent.

More Influence and Control

While local politics is not as glamourous as national politics, it is every bit as important.

While the local politician has more direct influence over you, you also have more direct influence of them as well. A group of 1000 people on the national level is not that big, but a group of 1000 people in one town can mean the difference between winning an office and losing one.

Winning a local office means you will have the ability to make direct and local changes. It is these small changes that are the foundation of grass roots movements.

With these local grass roots movements you can begin to make change in a big way.

Small Change Makes Big Change

People like success. If you are able to make a change locally and it works well, people will want to copy it.

If charter schools work to increase graduation rates, people will demand charter schools. Regardless of the party, parents want what is best for their kids. If you prove locally that something works great, people will see that success and spread it. This is how ideas and movements are made.

It is also in these small actions that biases are broken. It is a lot harder to think of a Republican as a Nazi if he is the one who is organizing donations to help the local homeless at your school. It is in these local offices where you can build one on one relationships that break the narrative.

Local offices play important roles in the community and can influence how people see politicians. They are also the ones who can make real on the ground change. Desegregation and Civil Rights started locally way before they took place nationally.

Clean Your Room

A popular meme on the internet comes from Professor Jordan Peterson where he tells people to clean their room.

He explains “If you can’t even clean up your room, who the hell are you to give advice to the world?”

This means start small, clean your room, then when that is taken care of move on to the next thing. Clean your house. Imagine if everyone just focused on making their own lives better and the lives of those around them better.

Imagine if we had Oregon running so well that when things go bad nationally we are strong enough to not only take care of ourselves, but be able to help others.

A focus on the local level will have an impact on the national level. We also have more power to impact the local level than the national level. And while it might be exciting and engaging to talk about what the President is doing now, ultimately he will have less direct impact on you than your local elected officials.

So why don’t we clean our room, who knows things might just get better.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

What Does Alt-Right Really Mean and Why it’s Important to Know

I’m sure you have heard the term Alt-Right, maybe even you have been accused of being in the Alt-Right. You might even believe that you are Alt-Right.

The term Alt-Right seems to mean, whoever the Progressive Left disagrees with. But what does it really mean?

Basically the Alt-Right is identity politics for the right. It includes White Nationalist, White Supremacists, Neo-Nazi’s, and anyone who thinks Western Culture is exclusive to white people.

The Alt-Right are National Socialists, which means they want a bigger government taking care of people and protecting them, except they want it ran by and for what they call the ‘white race.’

Some people advocate for violence and others are peaceful but they all want a separation of the races, particularly white people separated from anyone who is non-white.

A good working definition for the Alt-Right would be: A person or group who believes in the superiority of white people and seeks the formation of a rigidly controlled and regulated top down white ethno-state. Belief that races should not mix and that Western culture is white culture and can only be preserved by white people.

Of course the Alt-Right is a broad term and many groups and individuals will disagree on a few subjects so this definition, like any other, is not perfect. Instead it is a frame of reference to relate back to when dealing with this term.

Why this Definition is Important

It is important to define the terms we use and this term is important for two reasons.

The first is that with a clear definition people can separate from the Alt-Right that are not Alt-Right.

Being called Alt-Right does not mean you are in the Alt-Right any more than being called an A**hole makes you one.

By leaving the definition vague people might believe they are truly Alt-Right. This is not true.

For example you are not Alt-Right for wanting immigration reform. The reason why you want immigration reform will determine if you are Alt-Right or not. If you desire reform because you want to keep the white race pure, you are Alt-Right. If you desire reform because you think it is too easy for people to stay in the country illegally while obtaining benefits, you are not Alt-Right.

The Alt-Right tries to hide behind and appropriate ideas on the right. In the above example they will just say they want immigration reform and leave out the racial component. While the goals may be similar, the ends are very different. This is why a separation is needed less people assume you have the same goals in mind and share the same philosophy.

The Alt-Right uses this loose definition to appear as if they have a large following and more power than they actually possess. Do not let the Alt-Right define you.

Disarming the Progressive Left

The second reason is to take the power away from the Progressive Left.

Currently the term Alt-Right is being used as a club against anyone the Progressive Left does not like. Ben Shapiro (who is Jewish and who received the most anti-Semitic harassment online in 2016, mostly from the Alt-Right) has been called Alt-Right. Dave Rubin (a classical liberal and a gay man) has also been called Alt-Right. Richard Spencer (a white nationalist) has been called Alt-Right. Nothing connects these three people together other than their opposition to the extreme actions of the Progressive Left by groups such as Antifa. They even disagree with the form that opposition should take.

If we can clearly define what Alt-Right is than it cannot be used against people who are not in the Alt-Right. If there is a publicly agreed upon definition of Alt-Right the word will lose its power when used incorrectly. People won’t be able to say you are Alt-Right for saying you are Pro-Free Speech.

It will also allow other people to recognize those who only use the term to slander their political enemies. It will reveal those who are willing to use deception to achieve their goals and call into question those goals that require deception to achieve.

The Progressive Left uses this loose definition as a weapon against anyone they disagree with. Do not let the Progressive Left define you.

Words Matter

The definitions for the words we use matter. If we do not share common definitions we cannot talk to each other.

If you cannot solve your problems by talking, that only leads to fighting.

A clear definition of the term Alt-Right will go a long way to helping people separate those who are actual racist from those who have different opinions. It will take the power away from those who would seek to label anyone they don’t like Alt-Right and thus bad people.

If you do not help in defining this term it will leave it to the Alt-Right and the Progressive Left to do it, and do you want to be defined by them?

Monday, August 14, 2017

Violence in Charlottesville: Clashing Collectivists

I would like to say that the violence in Charlottesville Virginia shocked the nation, but the truth is it just seems like business as usual.

The Script
Stop me if you heard this one before, people on the right plan a rally. People on the left spend time from announcement of the rally till the rally calling everyone attending a Nazi, a Fascist, a White Supremacist, or Sexist. People on the right say they will destroy Antifa and defend free speech, people on the left brag about collecting Nazi scalps and bashing the Fash. The rally happens and the police, who up to this point said they will protect people, stand down. Antifa/counter protestors taunt and throw things at rally goers. Rally goers, equipped with sticks and shields engage in brawls. The media calls Antifa and counter protesters peaceful and rally goers Alt-Right/Far Right White Supremacists and blame Trump. People on both sides blame the other and call each other Fascists.

The Actors
The people on the right in Charlottesville were made up of White Nationalists, White Identity Movements, Trump supports, free speech advocates, and conservatives. They obtained a permit for their protest, which the Mayor attempted to pull. In a lawsuit a judge ruled that they had a right to protest.

On the left (counter protestors) were made up of Antifa, BLM, Anti-Trumpers, hate speech activists, and Democrats. They had no permit and came to ‘stand up’ against these protesters.

The History (Timeline)

Back in February 2017 the city council in Charlottesville voted to remove the statue of Robert E. Lee from the park of the same name.

March 2017 a lawsuit is filed claiming the removal violates the terms of the statue’s donor and laws surrounding war statues.

May 2017 A protest against the statues removal took place. They were met by counter-protesters. The statue is to remain for six months.

June 2017 The plaque on the statue is removed.

July 2017 Robert E. Lee Park is renamed Emancipation Park.


August 11th Torch wielding protesters gather at the University of Virginia. They are met by counter-protesters. Shouting matches and name calling occurs.

August 12th Protesters and counter protesters arrive. Violence breaks out and police declare the protest unlawful. The protesters are forced into the street where counter protesters have gathered. As fights occur a state of emergency is declared. James Alex Fields, Jr. drives his car into a group of counter protesters killing one, Heather Heyer, and wounding at least 19 others.


The President Donald Trump condemns violence on both sides:

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time." (CNN)

The mainstream media blames the protesters and labels them all white nationalists, Nazi’s and racists. President Trump is criticized for not calling out white nationalist specifically. On Monday President Trump condemns the hate again and says that includes white Supremacists, KKK and Neo-Nazi’s:

“Racism is evil – and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans." (CNN)


People online and in the MSM are going nuts over this. They are pointing to Trump and blaming him for everything that happened, claiming he is the one who stirred up this tension. When he comes out and condemns it, he does not condemn it in the ‘right’ way. When he comes out and condemns it in the ‘right’ way, he didn’t condemn it soon enough.

The truth is that you cannot win with the Progressives until you think and act exactly as they do. Feminist attack men for speaking up for women, such as the case when a boys school in Australia made a video claiming support for women on international women’s day. The girls school responded by saying they were sexist and why do they think they have the right to speak for women.

The Reason

We are seeing a rise in Alt-Right and White Nationalist Movements. This is being laid at the feet of Donald Trump and Barak Obama depending on who you talk to. While they may be a part of this rise they are not the main cause. Instead they are just part of a bigger ideology playing itself out.

Post-Modern Neo-Marxist have taken over the universities. These universities create people who go on to be leaders in our country in journalism, business and politics. It is at these universities where they are taught about toxic masculinity, toxic whiteness, white privilege, straight privilege, the patriarchy, only white people can be racist (power + privilege = Racism), intersectionality, institutionalized racism/sexism, Islamophobia, Transphobia, and how America is a deeply racist, sexist country founded on the idea that white men are the best and should be the only ones to hold power (and that is evil).

Ironically they are also taught that capitalism is oppressive and bad for society all while they enjoy Starbucks coffee and work on Apple Computers.

These Post-Modern Neo-Marxist see the world as oppressors and the oppressed, or as Marx would say bourgeoisie and proletariat. White people oppress black people and minorities, men oppress women, Capitalism oppresses the workers, Straight people oppress LGBTQ+ people, Cis people oppress Trans people. To be in the right, they want to stand with the oppressed. If you question this narrative you are just an oppressor or suffering from some sort of internalized oppression.

Enter Far Left Collectivist

This sort of thinking lead to the rise of groups such as Antifa, BLM, and By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) to name a few. At their protests you hear chants like, death to cops, fuck white people, death to fascists, smash Capitalism, and liberals get the bullet too.

You have the mainstream media calling people like Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson (both classical liberals) Alt-Right or Far Right. This just shows that they are willing to lump anyone they dislike or don’t agree with into this category of Alt-Right. They do this because they need everyone to be into collectives so they can rank them and remove the ones that are the wrong kind of people.

Fire with Fire

This sort of collectivizing of people, instead of individualizing, has led some to think that they need their own collective in order to stay relevant. This is where you get white nationalist and white identity movements. They see groups like BLM gather around race, so why can’t they?

These groups gain momentum from events where people are silenced and long standing names of parks or buildings are changed. They see it as a form of erasing the past and suppression. Every time Antifa burns an American flag another white nationalist is created. Every time someone defends a statue of George Washington being removed and they are called a white supremacist a white identitarian is created. Every time the protest veto is exercised to deny someone the right to speak, people stream into the Alt-Right.

They are drawn in by these groups because they feel they are under attack simply for being proud of America, for being white or male.


The white nationalist groups gain their justification from the Post-Modern Neo-Marxist group’s attempts to de-platform and shut down free speech. They feel that America and their way of life is being attacked and destroyed. They are not wrong in this belief as there are people who want to “fundamentally change” America. By calling every day patriotic Americans who only want to speak and redress their grievances white nationalists and racists you are giving more support to those groups. This cements a common interest and a common enemy.

Antifa and other Post-Modern Neo-Marxist groups get their justification from what they call systemic racism and fascism. Groups like Antifa see most government as fascist and believe that everyone and everything is racist, you just have to point it all out. They see equality of outcome as true equality and anything less is oppression. They want zero barriers, no boarders, no private property, no family unit, and no traditions. If you support any of those things, it is only because you want to continue to oppress people for your own benefit. They claim they are fighting for the very lives of people who are being hurt everyday by these sort of ‘oppressions’.

Regular People

The fact that most people fail to see is that most people do not care about these sort of things. Most people are just trying to live their lives with the least amount of suffering as they can manage. They are worried about their kids, making mortgage payments, helping their elderly parents. They think about their job and prospects for the future, about how to stretch a budget so they can take their wife away for their anniversary.

They could care less about race or what someone has to say at some college somewhere. They don’t care about Twitter and who said what about who.

What Happened and What To Do

These are just some of the factors that have played into the buildup of what happened in Charlottesville. You have two groups using propaganda to stir people up against the other. They label anyone outside of their group as an enemy. When these groups get together they will fight because they cannot communicate to each other.

Instead of joining the side you agree the most with and joining in the rallies to fight against white genocide or the rise of fascism, why don’t you say your piece as an individual. Reject the collectivism on both sides and do everything you can to make your own life better. Stop demanding the government take care of you, it is not your parent, and stop demanding the government do anything. Instead take it upon yourself to be the change you want to see in the world. Clean your room, mow your yard, balance your check book, pay down your debt, and take care of yourself. If you can manage that then move on to helping your neighbor and then help the world.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Three Questions to Ask Leftist That Will Destroy Any Argument

Below are three of the most powerful questions you can ask anyone on the left when engaging in debate. These three questions are simple straight forward and should be easily answered if you have sound reasoning for your argument.

Compared to What?

This question strikes at heart of most arguments put forward by those on the left. To them everything is terrible, in fact they need it that way so they can come across as useful. So when they say America is Sexist, asked them Compared to What. If you compare America with the Middle East we defiantly are not sexist. If you compare America to its own past, we are less sexist today than we were 100 years ago. This puts things into perspective. Yes we are not perfect but you know what, we are better than we were and this is something to be proud of.

What Hard Evidence Do You Have?

This one rarely gets answered. More often they will present anecdotal evidence. The problem with that is that for every anecdote for your argument you’ll be able to find one against it. Don’t fall into the trap of trading anecdotes, it gets nowhere. Instead focus on the hard evidence such as verified scientific studies and books published by real experts in their fields. More often than not, a person on the left will feel that they are correct as opposed to actually doing the work to find out if they are correct.

At what Cost?

This is something that the left never considers. The call for more entitlement programs may sound like you want to help people, but you need to consider who is going to pay for it. Of course the reply to this is the Government. Government does not earn money, instead they get money through taxes. So when they say the Government should pay, in reality they mean you should pay for it. This question goes deeper than financial costs. If you look at how the welfare system is set up you can see that it has a social cost too. You get more in benefits if you are a single mom as opposed to a married couple. This leads to fatherless homes and children growing up without a father. If you are married it is harder to leave a relationship at the first sign of trouble.

While these three questions will pretty much destroy any leftist argument they need to be used wisely. They can be turned around on you so make sure you know what you are talking about, or be truthful of your minimal amount of knowledge. It is okay that you don’t know everything about any given subject. If you are passionate about a subject find out the answer to these three questions. Always remember, that in a debate your goal is not to change the other persons mind, but to change the minds of those viewing the debate.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Google Archipelago

            We all have had that job we wanted to get fired from. Some may have even created elaborate ways in which we would do it, usually involving telling a boss or customer off. Yet I doubt that anyone has dreamed of getting fired for using science.

            This is exactly what has happened to James Damore the author of the Google Memo titled Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber. In the 10 page memo James Damore outlines differences between men and women as well as addresses the culture of bias at Google.

            He cites sources, draws on his background in biology, and even suggests other ways to reduce the gender gap at Google that does not involve discrimination. While doing this he reaffirms that he is for diversity and inclusion, recognizes that instances of sexism exist, and does not endorse stereotypes.

Google’s Bias

            Other employees at Google expressed concern that if they spoke up about or defended these points of view they could be fired. Turns out they were valid in those concerns as James Damore was fired for writing this memo.

            If this were just some guy at Google getting fired for being a sexist, why would it matter to anyone? The truth is that it touches on something important. It points out there are people who think you should be fired and that you are disgusting if you have a different opinion than the group. It also shows the power the Progressive PC authoritarians have.

Diversity of Appearance

            It also lays bare the hypocrisy of the left. They want diversity, but to them diversity is only skin deep. Diversity is a strength when you have a diversity of opinions and ideas. It is a weakness when it becomes about appearances. If someone is better for a position but you give that position to someone else simply because they have a different skin color or gender that is discrimination.

            This way of thinking puts looks over merit. If you are looking for the best woman for the job you might get a very skilled and talented woman, but you may also be missing out on an even more skilled and talented person simply by limiting your search to women.

The Real World Effect

            When things like this happen it has an impact in the real world. You or I might think twice before sharing our opinion out of fear of being fired from our job. We have bills to pay, families that rely on us bringing home a pay check. This is not the jack boot kick down the door type of censorship. Instead it is the development of a climate that fosters self-censorship.

            That is why we must stand with those brave enough to speak up and risk it for the freedom to express our opinions, no matter who wrong or clumsily they may be. If you do not stand now, than you might be the next one they come for.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Marx Perfectly Describes and Destroys Antifa, SJW’s, and their University Professor Masters

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tzu The Art of War.

I do not remember when I first heard this quote but the truth of this statement has always stuck with me. It is in this spirit that I decided that now was the time to read the Communist Manifesto.

It explains a lot of what is happening currently on the left. With quotes such as “In Communist Society, the present dominates the past.” (Pg 23) and “The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.” (Pg 24)

The Manifesto also criticizes other forms of Communism and Socialism, pointing out beneficial sections of the different forms as well as failings.

One of the forms called out is called Critical-Utopian Communism and Socialism. Here is what Marx said about them:

“The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development. In proportion as the modern class struggle develops and takes definite shape, this fantastic standing apart from the contest, these fantastic attacks on it, lose all practical value and all theoretical justification. Therefore, although the originators of these systems were, in many respects, revolutionary, their disciples have, in every case, formed mere reactionary sects. They hold fast by the original views of their masters, in opposition to the progressive historical development of the proletariat. They, therefore, endeavor, and that consistently, to deaden the class struggle and to reconcile the class antagonisms. They still dream of experimental realization of their social Utopias, of founding isolated “phalansters”, of establishing “Home Colonies”, or setting up a “Little Icaria” – duodecimo editions of the New Jerusalem – and to realize all these castles in the air, they are compelled to appeal to the feelings and purses of the bourgeois. By degrees, they sink into the category of the reactionary [or] conservative Socialists depicted above, differing from these only by more systematic pedantry, and by their fanatical and superstitious belief in the miraculous effects of their social science.

They, therefore, violently oppose all political action on the part of the working class; such action, according to them, can only result from blind unbelief in the new Gospel.” (pg 33 The Communist Manifesto)

The reactionary sects formed by these Critical-Utopian Socialist and Communists today are called Antifa and Social Justice Warriors (SJW). They appeal to the “feelings and purses” of big companies and wealthy people. They hold a “fanatical and superstitious belief in the miraculous effects of their social science.” Replace social science with Social Justice and it perfectly describes the cult like behavior of the far left.

They have unwavering faith in their “new Gospel” known now as intersectionality.

Antifa does “violently oppose... political action”, they are an anarchist group, although they do not mind it when it works in their favor. This is why they made threats to shut down the Rose Parade because Republicans were going to participate.

In these crazy times we live, it is best to arm yourself with knowledge not only of yourself, but of others who oppose you. Also I thought it would be funny to quote Marx back to these Critical-Utopian Communist and Socialists just to see their reactions. If only they didn’t wear masks all the time.

What do you make of this, is there value in reading the Communist Manifesto and understanding the other side, or is there no hope? Do you see any parallels between Marx criticisms here and Antifa/SJWs?

Monday, August 7, 2017

Change Is Not Made Through Outrage

You start to shake a little as you reach for your phone.

You quickly and effortlessly punch in the code to unlock the phone and find the Facebook app. You tap your foot as it takes a few seconds to load.

You start to scroll through your feed and you see headline after headline that makes you upset.

Some politician is going to bring about the apocalypse with their new plan. Someone said something horrible on twitter. Too many white people at the Oscars!

You are upset, the world is horrible, America is awful and you need to do something about this.

It is at this point where the activist puts away the smart phone and picks up a sign and goes out onto the street to wave the sign at people in an attempt to make the world a better place. They start to form a group and manage to get a protest going.

They feel good being part of something. They feel good for standing up to evil and speaking truth to power. They feel good for doing their part to make the world a better place. They then go home to an empty apartment, pull out their laptop and look at social media again.

The cycle repeats itself.

Never once does the activist think, maybe Western culture is a good thing. It gives me freedom and I have never lacked for much of anything, much less basic necessities like food and clean water.

Maybe capitalism isn’t so bad, I mean I do enjoy flying on an airplane, seeing movies, using my laptop and smart phone, the internet and eating out. These things never occur to them as they put on their Che Guevara t-shirt and hold up a hammer and sickle banner.

It also never occurs to them that standing in the street holding a sign that says I’m against poverty is useless.

No one is for poverty and what good does it do to wave a sign with your beliefs on it at other people? You could spend that time actually fighting poverty.

Get a job where you can make extra money and use it to donate food to the hungry. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Sort out your own life so that when your parents or siblings needs help, you can help them.

Instead of maligning people and telling them they are wrong, why don’t you look in the mirror and find out what is wrong with your life, and fix it.

And once that is done take a small step out and fix thing with your immediate family.

Start small, because that is where you can make real change. You do not make change through outrage and protest, but through small real life actions that relieve, in a small way, the suffering of life.

Remember that the next time you want to grab a sign with an idea on it and start yelling at people. It may make you feel good for the moment, but in the end you are just a person with a sign yelling at people, only making their suffering in life a little bit worse.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

It’s Hot, is it Climate Change or Summer?

            It is August and it is over 100°F. It has been this hot all week. It makes people miserable and irritable. It is also the time of year climate change becomes a hot topic. I think most everyone can agree that climate change is a real thing, but the debate comes down to is it man-made or just a natural cycle and what are the effects?

Climate Denier

            If you’ve ever said you do not believe or even that you are skeptical of climate change, you have probably been called a climate denier. But if you have been called that, it is probably the least offensive name you have been called. Take heart, you are in good company. Galileo and Copernicus were called crazy for challenging the commonly held belief, so was Charles Darwin. If someone accuses you of being a climate denier, don’t take it personally, just ask them a few questions.

Challenging the Faith

            First I would ask if they think climate change is man-made or a natural cycle of the earth? I think you’ll find a surprising amount of people who think it is a mixture of the two. Next ask, what they think are the primary contributions people make to man-made climate change? Follow that with what do you think could be done in regards to those contributions? To cap it all off ask, why aren’t you doing that yourself? If they think burning fossil fuel is the major contribution than how can they justify their airplane trip to Europe or driving a car every day to and from work while desiring everyone else to stop doing those things.

The Sky is Falling

            Those that believe in climate change have their own apocalypse narrative. Like most dooms day predictions they will probably never happen. Climate change is happening but the impact humans have on it is not understood and the effects of the change are not understood. There are more pressing issues that need to be dealt with before everyone can focus on climate change. For starters we could address the amount of plastic trash that is ending up in the ocean and threatening fishing and wildlife. North Korea is becoming more and more out of control. What the heck is going on in education?

The Solution

            If you want to do something about climate change or anything really, than take action. Not the sign waving, brow beating activist action but real personal action. Find things in your life that need sorting out and attend to them. Put into action what you believe and if it works out, show others how to do what you are doing. You will make far more of an impact that way than waving a sign in a vain attempt to appear morally superior. Plus people will probably like you more.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Overly Complex Reason Antifa Hates Trash Cans and the Heroes Resisting Them

Have you ever wondered why Antifa hates trash cans so much?

A quick YouTube search will turn up several videos of them knocking over, kicking and throwing trash cans around.

This puzzled me, so I decided to look into it, and some of the answers I found astounding.

Antifa’s Official Unofficial Statements

I first had to find some Antifa members to interview, so I searched their natural habitat, the upscale coffee shop near a publicly funded university.

I found a group of Antifa members on their iPhone and approached the group. It was difficult at first because they kept yelling every time I tried to ask a question, but eventually I got a few statements out of some of the members.

One member said looking up from her iPhone: “Trash cans hide the horror of capitalisms excesses, knocking them over just brings the truth into the light.”

A thin short Antifa said “Trash cans are full of garbage and so are Fascists, destroying them sends a clear message to all Fascists that they are not welcome here.”

Some of the statements included:

“Hitler talked a lot about removing the ‘trash’ and ‘filth’ from society in his book Mien Kampf. These trash cans are a constant reminder to marginalized people of how our society is run by white supremacists. You just don’t understand my struggle as a trans person of color vegan.”

“Trash cans are just full of destruction of the environment and must be eliminated to save the whales.”

“They oppress poor and homeless people who may look in them for food or soda cans by labeling the cans with the word Trash. It should be changed to Discarded and Unwanted Item Repository to ensure we are not discriminating against the poor.”

The reason Antifa hates trash can is complex and varied but they are not the only ones focusing on the trash can question.

Kekistani Order of the Emerald Wastebasket

As I left the coffee shop a man with a green frog pin approached me.

He overheard the shouting match, the traditional method of communication for Antifa, and said he wanted to give his side of the story. At first it was strange to hear someone speaking normally and without something covering his face.

He said he was part of an order of Kekistani Knights who revered the trash can as a holy icon of shit posting. They call themselves The Kekistani Order of the Emerald Wastebasket.

Explaining that the Order was dedicated to protecting the trash can as well as the liberty of society to use trash cans as a place to dump dank crap and spicy eats.

“Every day Normie and Kekistani pilgrims pay homage to and leave offering for the icon, it is our job to make sure they can continue to do so.” Said the man who identified himself as Sargon of the Frog.

It is good to know that there are people who are out there fighting back against this trash can genocide and it gives me hope that we will have trash cans far into the future so they can be enjoyed by the next generation. Shadilay my dudes!

No persons were interviewed for the post, in case you are not in on it, this was a parody. If these jokes makes you angry that makes it funnier.