Recently a photo was circulated by the campaign manager for
Sam Carpenter. This photo showed respected Republican and Communications
Director for the Wooldridge campaign, Jonathan Lockwood at a fundraiser for
Maria Garcia.
Maria Garcia is running for Multnomah County Commissioner
and is a moderate Democrat, who has been endorsed by Bernie Sanders.

First let’s look at the events of a few weeks ago.
The Lockwood Affair
It did not take long for David Bacon Gulliver, Sam
Carpenters campaign manager, to start casting aspersions on Lockwood, calling
him an “LGBTQ activist bomb-thrower” and labeling Garcia as a “radical
Make Oregon Great Again, who is strongly tied to the
Carpenter campaign, echoed this sentiment and was followed by Carpenter loyalists

Two he did not directly raise funds for Garcia, simply
attended a fundraiser for her as a local business owner interested in local
Third he was allegedly fired from the moderate Knute Buhler
campaign for being too Republican.
Also Garcia is a staunch anti
public employee-labor union advocate. While she was endorsed by Sanders and does support sanctuary status at least
she has some common ground with a few Republicans.
Doubling Down

They tried to say they were just questioning what Lockwood
was doing and that they are standing up for true Republican values. You know
the same excuse your nephews give you when you catch them with their hand in
the cookie jar and they say they just wanted to make sure the cookies were
still there for later.
It did not work when you were kids so what makes you think
it would be any different now that you are adults? Also if you had a backbone
you would have taken it up personally with Lockwood first.
Instead you were more interested in the public attention you
would get for virtue signaling as opposed to doing the real work and sacrifice
that it actually takes to have real virtue.
Same Team?
Oregon Tea Party has released communications from Sam Carpenter’s Campaign
manager, David Gulliver, showing him directing Carpenter supporters to paint
other conservatives as racists and bigots.
This is to be done to “make Greg [Wooldridge]…ashamed to
have them.” This tactic might be effective online and provide short term gain,
it does damage in the long run when you have Republicans calling each other
racists. It just adds credibility, or at least the appearance of credibility,
to the Progressive’s baseless accusations that the Republican Party is the
party of racism.
This is the same sort of tactics used by the mainstream
media against President Trump. They would say his supports are bigots, racists
and violent and when protesters would attack Trump supporters they would say ‘violence
erupts at Trump rally’ implying that those who are violent are the Trump
supporters. Inferring that Trump is to blame for the violence done by Progressive
David and his comrades also engage in an online tactic known
as brigading. Brigading is a concentrated effort by one online group to
manipulate another, usually through mass commenting and down voting. Generally
speaking this is an acceptable form of discourse online as it does not seek to
silence anyone but rather promotes a differing opinion. Of course it is the
internet so expect a few trolls to pop up now and again.
The point of this tactic is to make it appear that there is overwhelming
support for one topic, issue or person and drowns out the voices of those who
disagree or dissent. If you pay attention you will often see the same small
group of people commenting and liking pro-Carpenter propaganda. It also gives
the false impression of overwhelming success, which will draw people in who
think that he has massive support, when in reality his support base is a
minority of people cycling through.

They even deny reality when confronted with the evidence. Even
when provided with screen shots they still deny the truth. The same way the
Progressive’s deny biology when it suits them. In this conversation they cannot
refute the evidence, so they fall back on personal attack. They call the person
dissenting a liar and claim he is engaging in a smear campaign while doing they
engage in the same.
My Opinion
These are just a few examples of this sort of behavior.
These sort of tactics accomplish a few different
things. One they make people feel like Carpenter is ready and willing to fight
it out. It would seem that he is so eager to fight that he is attacking his own
party. People want a Republican who is not so soft and who is willing to say I
stand for Republican values and I am not ashamed to actively promote and defend
Using this on your own party, while it might benefit
in the short term, only creates problems in the long term. It gives the
Democrats ammunition for the general election and causes sore relationships among party
Sam Carpenter, I doubt you are ignorant of the things going
on in your own campaign. Meaning that you are not only allowing this sort of
behavior to happen, but are fostering and promoting it.
Of course the comments to this blog will be much of the
same. You will get people posting things like ‘MOGA’ and ‘Carpenter for Governor’,
and ‘I am with Sam.’ You will also get people saying this is nothing but a
smear job or a hit piece and they will call me a liar. They will seek to attack
me and ruin any credibility I may have while putting me on trial in the court of public
That is the essence of social justice and we have seen it
throughout the history of the world when people try to speak the truth. From
Galileo, to Jesus, to Socrates. I am not saying I am anywhere near comparison
to these great people, but that we need to learn from their example that the
loudest and angriest voices are often not the correct ones.
Beautiful piece. Thank U
ReplyDeleteThank you for the read and the comment.
DeleteI'm concerned about the same thing and I will hope Sam has the integrity to ask his supporters to endorse Greg.
ReplyDeleteI have reservations about each of the frontrunners in the Primary, but whoever-- I mean whoever's the Candidate-- close ranks behind him, try to get past the damage already done and turn our energy to convincing Independent and moderate Dems that our brand is capable of restoring honest Government to Oregon
I will support whoever wins the primary and I do hope this can be resolved once we have a candidate. I do hope the backlash that has been generated causes Carpenter to rethink things a do what is best for Oregon and the Republican Party.
DeleteYou nailed it. Very well-written. It makes me sad when I realize the damage this can cause, including loosing in November. If the nominee is Sam,this behavior will not serve him or the state well. I too hope he steps aside bridges the divide and endorses CAPT. Wooldridge.
ReplyDeleteI agree. This sort of behavior might make minor gains now before the primary but will not win out in the long run. Wooldridge May have been late to the game but he has a lot of support and is not damaged by this infighting.
DeleteFrankly, I'm not impressed by the campaign staff of either of the conservatives in the race. Both sides seem bent on fanning hr flames of division rather than cooling things down. I've never been so embarrassed to call myself a Republican or a Conservative.
ReplyDeleteCarpenter's scorched earth campaign won't win in Oregon in the general and he shows no interest in changing his tactics or horrid campaign manager. Wooldridge entered late and refuses to spend any significant money on campaign ads, which one would normally do to make up ground after entering late. It makes one wonder if he entered late just to split the conservatives so Knute will step in as the winner. Lockwood and Walker are both political insiders and this is the sort of game insiders play. Even if that wasn't is intention, the impact is the same.
All that's resulted is entrenched factions and a split conservative base. Both men claim to be leaders. THIS is how you display leadership?
I'd rather see how they're going to add people to their teams and base of support rather than drive wedges and drive people away. Shouldn't the conservatives be pulling more people in and that even if your guy won't win, shouldn't the other conservatives be at least pulling for any conservative to win? Instead, you have the two sides hating people. Saul Alinski himself couldn't have done a better job of dividing the conservative base.
If you can't run a campaign where you can successfully juggle multiple view points and factions, how will you ever govern a state where there are dozens if not hundreds of factions? Let's see some leadership, otherwise why on earth would people support you to run the state?
This is a sad and sorry state of affairs. Kate Brown was vulnerable and there was a real shot to win. Instead, we'll end up with Knute who couldn't win against her for SOS and won't win in the general.
Wooldridge leadership has united republicans and campaigns. His leadership brought Bruce Cuff as well as Cuff volunteers and supporters. Isn't this the type of leadership you claim to want? I'm struggling to find what you might be disappointed in with Capt. Greg Wooldridge's leadership.
DeleteThanks for the comments. I understand your worry but I think Wooldridge is in it to win it. Is everything going as well as I would like, no, but I think the base will come around to whoever wins the primary. Kate Brown seems to be universally disliked that almost anyone would be preferable. I know I will support whoever wins the primary regardless and hope that the person who does is able to shift to a wider message to attract Non-Affiliated and Independent voters. I think we still have a shot at beating Brown, but it is going to be close and take a lot of work.
DeleteWalker and Lockwood are throwing bombs, returning fire for fire. Wooldridge is poorly prepped for interviews and shows exceptionally poor knowledge of issues and resolutions. He should have more knowledge by now. His team has raised a paltry $200K when he'll need $8-12 million for the general. There's practically zero advertising. I've seen all of one ad, played twice on YouTube. That's it. One ad twice and it was a single session of watching YouTube. Nothing on TV. Heard a grand total of zero on radio. If you enter late you need to make up ground, His team has done none of that. The only real "advertising" is signs. Was it another case of Walker steering campaign cash to his cousin's sign company? Was this Bruce Hannah's idea to split conservatives and get Knute in? I don't have answers but the overall impact has been to ensure a conservative doesn't get the primary win during a year when Kate was absolutely vulnerable.
DeleteThe only genuine leadership he's shown is that by entering the race he's divided the conservatives and split their vote. Are the conservatives united at this point? Is that what you're saying? So maybe he'll get some of Cuff's supporters but it's too little too late. You cant enter a three-hour marathon two hours late and expect to win. You need a car to catch up. For that matter, he'd have needed a boat load of cash and a ferry full of professionals and grassroots to make up time. He had neither and got neither.
A leader would have gotten Bruce Cuff to drop out before he was already on the ballot instead of it being too late to remove it. There needs to be a blizzard of ads going out to inform voters Cuff is no longer in the race. Not just to his known supporters but to all voters who aren't in direct contact with his team. Yet more ground to be made up that isn't covered.
A leader wouldn't have stepped in at the last minute if there's no chance to save the team but only divide it. Greg would have been better served to get on Sam's team and help reform Sam's campaign and get rid of the divisiveness. He's a leadership consultant and speaker isn't he? He should have started with Sam. He could have made a difference to unite and bring people together. Not this mess.
Sometimes, the best choice is to not get involved. Leadership would have asked what's best for the team, not what's best for me. His entry, poorly planned and even more poorly executed, has not been good to unite the team. Look at the mess.
I'm not sure why or how you can't see that.
Greg would be a good choice given better preparation and planning. But being poorly prepared with a poor grasp of issues and solutions and entering late was a poor choice. And now we're all poorer for it.
I am not saying your analysis of Greg is wrong, but if Carpenter reigned in his campaign manager more and told his people to knock off the bully tactics against other Republican’s than I doubt we would be having the issues we are having right now.
DeleteHeck I’d probably even be supporting Sam, I really liked his speeches I’ve heard and his willingness to fight, if he did not allow his campaign to bully other Republican’s. They are sloppy and I do not see that style of campaign working in the general election especially with the media bias in this state. I think Sam could fix this by showing a little humility. Either way I am going to support the winner of the primary regardless of who it is, because any Republican would be better than Kate Brown.
I agree on Sam's poor choice of his campaign manager and seeming unwillingness to tell him to knock it off. It divisive and not helpful and should Sam get through then Gulliver's comments on FB and Twitter will be fodder for commercials. Should Sam win, the best thing he can do is either fire Gulliver or put him in the back room far away from the public.
DeleteThat said, even if it wasn't a divisive race, even if the two sides got along, the fact Wooldridge entered and is splitting the conservative vote, we'd still have to have similar discussions on the results of that late entry. The fact remains even if the two sides were best buds, they'd split the vote and Buehler walks in.
The only hope right now is that voters coalesce around one or the other, not both, and that Knute's natural voters stay home due to lack of motivation.
I guess I don't see it the same way. I have watched and listened to every interview CAPT. Wooldridge has given and have been extremely pleased with his insight, ideas, solutions and philosophy. I finally got an opportunity to meet him on person and spent about 15 minutes speaking with him one on one. I walked away feeling confident in his strengths and ability to bring an end to the political polarization that has a grip on my home state and accomplish the things that need to be done. Did coming late hurt,yes, however he is working tirelessly to gain ground. I see more and more voters looking at him. More saying that is who they are voting for, especially independents and libertarians. I guess we'll have our answersoon.