Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Refuse Fascism

Lately the date November 4th has come up several times from several different sources. It would seem those on the far left (Antifa, Communists, Progressives) are planning a big day of protest.

Why the 4th?

No one is sure other than it is the first Saturday in November. Some people think that it has something to do with Guy Fawkes Day on November 5th. It is also the day Ronald Regan was elected President. It is also close to the date Trump was announced the winner of the 2016 Presidential election. It could just be because they want to ruin everyone’s weekend.

It gives them some time to try and organize but announcing it also gives those who want to stand against them time to organize as well. This could also be why they are planning it for November, they want everyone to show up in force.

What are they going to do?

Again no one is sure and the websites advocating for this day do not give specific examples. The closest you’ll get to a stated goal is to remove the Trump-Pence regime. They do not give details on how to do this but it has something to do with getting into the streets and protesting for days.

I would guess this means they want to get people into the street to riot and protest. They are counting on the protests gaining momentum day after day. For this to happen they would have to do something big. You can get people out and motivated but only for a short period of time before they grow tired or have to get back to their lives.

To gain more momentum you need to secure a victory or reward. Something to keep the troops motivated and to keep up morale. Or a rallying call to gain more support, such as actual Nazi’s showing up and killing someone. They may try to occupy some buildings or territory but I doubt that even if they are successful they would be able to hold onto it for very long. I could make guesses all day long but we just have to wait and see.

Should you be worried?

Honestly no, I think most people have little to worry about. If you live in a major city you probably want to go away for the weekend or prepare just in case, but in the rural and suburban areas you are probably fine.

We have seen these people cause a lot of destruction, but nothing clearly organized and directed. Even if they did gain some sort of power, I would imagine it would devolve to infighting almost immediately as different groups struggle for power. We have seen this already with Black Lives Matter shutting down pride parades.

I do not mean we should let our guard down, only that I doubt the level of influence these Antifa/Progressive groups really have. The police have been stepping up to deal with them, more and more people see them for what they really are, and people are just tired of the outrage.

Refuse Fascism

If these groups understand this, than they could be desperate, which would make them dangerous. I looked at sites like refuse fascism to get a better understanding of what was going on and what these people were telling themselves. I would highly recommend visiting the site so you can see some of the outlandish ideas these people have. Scrolling through the website it occurred to me that someone actually believes this.

Not just believes it, but believes it so much that they have set up a website and spent time writing it all out, editing it and posting it. As someone who writes (I wish for a living but currently I do not get paid to do this) I can tell you it is a lot of work creating posts. Short posts, around 500 words, can take up to an hour if research is involved. Rants take up less time but tend to be less readable and do not flow well. Along with editing, adding photos and publishing it could take about an hour and a half to finish one blog post (I do minimal editing sometimes and do not spend a ton of time on photos and it still takes me this long).

The volume of text this site had to take someone (more like a small group of people) a few days to write, edit, and publish. This means there is a dedicated group driving this, who fully believe everything on the site, or fully believe that others will believe it and join their cause.

I am not sure why these groups picked November 4th or what they have planned. I do not think they are as big as they say they are, but they do have a dedicated core group who fully believe that Trump is a dictator and anyone who does not believe as they do is part of the problem and need to be attacked before they can do more damage to anyone else. Be safe on November 4th, take a lot of deep breaths and do not fall for anything these Antifa/Progressive groups have planned.


  1. The people doing those sites could be getting paid by George Soros funding. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, and I haven't seriously investigated this issue, but I have seen rational people suggest Soros funds stuff like that. If this can be proved, this information should be even better publicized.

    1. Yeah I have noticed the name George Soros thrown around a lot more. It has the ring of conspiracy theory to it but I have seen some solid evidence linking him to some of these groups. It is usually like one group is paid by another which is paid by another which is funded by Soros. If he is doing these things he is very good at keeping his distance.
