As I sat listening to the news a certain phrase struck me.
They were talking about the issue of immigration and what is going on at the
border when I heard both the interviewer and the person he was interviewing use
the words asylum seeker.
Earlier they had used the term immigrant or migrant but
switched as the story went on so that it would have gone almost unnoticed. As a
writer and someone interested in language and the words we use this switch hit
my ears like a baseball bat.
The Evolution
The switch from immigrant to asylum seeker is no accident
and it is not the first time our language has been used to change the
The original, and legal, term was illegal alien. This term
was clear and concise meaning a person who entered the country outside of the
legal means who was not a citizen of the country.

An alien was someone from a foreign country but an immigrant
was someone moving from one country to another. A subtle but important
difference. It made it seem like the person was just looking for a home, not
that they had a home they left for someplace else.
Recently the term was changed again, dropping the word
illegal and leaving us just with immigrant. Activists started using phrases
such as no one can be illegal. This changed happen very quickly and was done
very openly.
It was done for a sinister reason, so that opposing the
arrival of illegal aliens could be twisted to call someone a racist and a
xenophobe. An immigrant is someone who is coming into this country from another
looking for a home. If they are just immigrants than opposing their arrival
means you oppose letting anyone into this country, when in reality you do not
want someone to come to this country illegally.
The next change that is coming is the term asylum seeker.
This is not someone simply moving into another country, but someone fleeing one
country due to violence or disaster. We have seen this term used to justify
illegal immigration into Europe.
This term produces sympathy for the person trying to get
into another country illegally. Once you start calling all illegal aliens
asylum seekers, suddenly you’ll have nothing but ‘asylum seekers’ crossing the
The Muddling of
It is a muddling of our language so that we can no longer
talk to each other. The quickest way to get people to not talk to each other is
to have them speak a different language.

If you have ever listened to two people speaking in a
different language around you than you have probably at one point assumed they
are talking about you. Sometime this might be true but for the most part they
are probably just talking about themselves, but that feeling is still real.
For example the statement, increased border security is a
good thing to prevent illegal aliens from entering our country, can mean that
you are fine with people entering the country but just want them to do it
legally. To another person it means you hate anyone coming into this country
who does not have the same skin color as you and you are xenophobic because
they are just fleeing their shit hole country, but don’t call it a shit hole
country because that will trigger me too, and it also makes you a racist.
Once you realize our language is being muddled you have to
ask yourself the question, why? Why would someone not want people to be able to
talk to each other? Because they want them to fight. If we cannot solve our
problems together using our words than we will resort to using violence.
If we are fighting than we will organize ourselves into
groups and we will lose one of the foundational advancements of our culture,
the sovereignty of the individual. We will seek protection in the group and
doing so will mean that we must give up more of what makes us individuals.
Once you realize our language is being manipulated,
naturally you will want to know who is doing it. The answer is a difficult one
because it not one person or group. The answer is we are all manipulating the

Language does change and evolve naturally. For example the
word literally now can mean both something literal and something figurative.
This change, even though it seems silly, is perfectly acceptable. It is when
this change is either forced, such as will bill C-16 in Canada, or intended to
manipulate that you will see a problem created.
Try listening for a week to the words people use and ask
yourself why they used that word instead of another one. Listen to the words
you are using and ask yourself the same question, I think you will be surprised
by your answer.
This is why it is so important to be careful with the words
you use. Always aim for using the best words you have to describe what you are
talking about in the clearest detail whenever possible. Tell the truth, or at
the very least do not lie.
First of all. This garbage is poorly written, and poorly edited. You seem like a very passionate high schooler.
ReplyDeleteHowever for someone claiming not be racist, I feel like you talk heavily on immigration coming only from countries residing brown people.
Hardly ever do you talk about immigration from Australia, Europe, or any other country.
You lack something very important... Empathy. Youre sayying you could care less about these asylum seekers. When, god forbid we have a tradegy, I sure as hell hope other countries wouldnt treat us the shitty way conservatives in this country treat them.
You mention activists, are you talking about leftists, liberals or anyone who does not share your core value of hatred.
90% of your posts prove how uneducated and unempathetic you are. People like you is whats wrong with the system and our country. People filled with so much anger for helping people. Racist people.
Where does your entitlement come from? Unless youre native american you do not deserve to be here more than anyone else.
How is this poorly written? I'll admit that I do my own editing and that I probably miss a few things but I would be interested in direct examples of my 'poor writing' so that I could improve it.
DeleteNot once did I mention the country these illegal aliens are coming from, and I only used skin color in a facetious way or to describe how some people (which clearly includes you) view certain language.
It is not a lack of empathy, I feel for people in difficult situations, but I also understand the reality is that the US cannot solve all the problems in the world. I want them to follow the laws because I do not want them to have to live in fear of being deported. If they are truly seeking asylum they need to go to a point of entry and request asylum, not cross the border illegally.
The rest of your comment is just personal attack and outright falsehood that clearly displays your cowardice because you hide it behind the mask of anonymity.
Its poorly written because its boring, and difficult to read. Your use of the word then and than is incorrect and those errors are made often though our many of your posts. if you are trying to make a point of any kind it at least has to make sense.
Deletea lot of your posts talk about building walls and such so it wouldn't be far fetched to think you are talking about people from mexico. lets not pretend you are talking about white people when you clearly aren't.
you saying its not a lack of empathy is a joke. you are holding your racist conservative beliefs over the safety of other HUMAN BEINGS, because you feel they don't belong here.... without jumping through the hoops.
so what you're saying is... I DON'T CARE IF THEY SUFFER AND DIE. and that is far from empathy.
you are a product of eating up whatever the media puts out for you.
I don’t think I have ever written a blog post about the wall, I may have mentioned it before it is not something I talk about a lot.
DeleteThanks for the tips on than and then, I have gotten better but sometime I do mix those up.
Do you have any proof that I’m racist, no you don’t because I am not. Also I never said I don’t care if they suffer and die that is you putting words in my mouth. Don’t pretend you know what I am saying because honestly you have no clue.
Another example of this language manipulation for you and your readers:
ReplyDeleteLee Atwater, Republican strategist, 1981: You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."
So you agree that language manipulation is bad. We can both sit here all day and pull up quotes from members of both parties that today seem horrible and racist but the fact is that it is just an attempt to smear someone else using guilt by association. It is also the most naked form of what-aboutism I have seen because you are not asking me what I think about this statement but rather using it in an attempt to paint myself and current Republicans as nothing but racist. To be honest I never really think about race, instead I think about peoples actions and characters, the things they can control and try to make my judgement based on those characteristics not on something as silly as the color of someones skin.
DeleteYou may not think of yourself as racist and I could care less about labeling you as such, but the party you support is founded on racist views. The current president ran on a campaign that is strikingly similar to a known racist president (Reagan).
DeleteI don't give a fuck if you think this is whataboutism, it's relevant because you don't talk about it. Ignoring the criticisms of your party does not make them any less poignant. You can't just not think about race and expect racist institutions and structures to go away. We have to do away with those to make the change really happen.
And yes, both parties are racist. I'm not a fan of the Democrats either. We need real change in this country and neither party is going to make that happen. See the entire history of America as a counter point if you disagree.
The Republican Party was founded on ending slavery. The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, ended slavery and the Republican Party.
DeleteI talk about the ideas that interest me, if you want to write about racism in both parties you can start your own blog and publish what you want.