Thursday, March 14, 2019

Mr. Wheeler Has No Clothes

In a Republic the public elects and imbues representatives with certain authority and responsibility. This is the people willingly giving up a piece of their rights and liberty in order to make their lives a better place.

When an elected official abandons their responsibility to the people, that imbued authority is also abdicated.

An elected official also abdicates their authority when their responsibility has become corrupted. If they only feel responsible for those whom they share an ideology their sense of responsibility has been corrupted.

It is with this corruption or abandonment of responsibility that the authority can no longer be claimed by the elected official. The constitution is clear in this situation, if the authority has been abdicated it is to return to the people.

Losing Faith

Mr. Wheeler has refused to support his police officers, instead he favors the ideologically possessed activists who are only interested in exerting power over others.

Why should they break up a fight among two people if ideological activists will spin it to make it seem like a legitimate exercise of authority is an abuse of power and the media will gladly fan the flames created by those lies simply because it feeds their ideological desire?

Then the Mayor, the person who is supposed to represent them and support them, sacrifices them for his own personal and political gain all while wearing the mask of compassion.

This is how you get violent thugs in the street blocking traffic and attacking cars while the police watch and do nothing. This is how you get masked groups of vandals destroying property and attacking groups who have a legally approved and permitted protests with mortars all under the guise of 'protest.'

Businesses have lost faith in the mayor as well. A mayor who supports the homeless person urinating on the sidewalk of a business to the point where no amount of water will rinse away the stench.
A mayor who not only supports the homeless people who aggressively harass employees but promotes the very activists who would love nothing more than to see these businesses destroyed either out of misguided sense of outrage or an actual hatred of anyone possessing a shred of competence.


It seems that Mr. Wheeler believes that if he exercises his authority he is doing something wrong. He seems to be on a campaign to seek approval from the radical activists in Portland and with that approval find someone with whom he can exercise his authority.

He is the one the people of Portland invested with the authority and responsibility of managing and maintaining the city. The people of Portland did not elect the activists who seem to have such a stranglehold on the mayor.

This would seem to imply that the mayor has not simply abandoned his authority and responsibility but has prostituted it out to the ideological activists on whom he seeks approval.

The people of Portland invested the authority in the mayor and if he is going to give up some of that power he needs to return it to all the people not just the radical activists who yell at him the most. With his latest interview the mayor of Portland seems upset that he does not have the power to oppress those who he disagrees with ideologically.

He says he wants to stop people fighting in the street but he believes that the only way to do that is to oppress Patriot Prayer or groups like them. The truth is those groups have the right to protest just as much as anyone else and that the real problem in the city are those whom the mayor agrees with on an ideological level.

I am talking about Antifa and the violent masked activists. They disrespect the police, the people of Portland (at the same time they claim to stand up for and defend the ‘community’), and anyone who holds an opinion different than theirs.

Mr. Wheeler seems beholden to these ideological groups even to the point where the good people of Portland are left to suffer. While these things might not have impacted you yet, it is only a matter of time before Antifa comes for your business or bash your head in for flying the wrong flag (even if you agree with them).

While they might not do these things at the express direction of the mayor they do so knowing full well that Mr. Wheeler will turn a blind eye to their activities. I would ask the people of Portland, put aside your political ‘group’ and take an honest look at the mayor of Portland. Does he stand for clear principles or does he simply try to please those who are loudest?

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

What is MayAGA and will you stand with us?

What is MayAGA? It is a month where liberty loving Americans say they will not be silent anymore, don a MAGA hat, and do what they can to Make America Great.

While the MAGA hat is linked to President Trump I ask that you consider looking deeper at the meaning of wearing a MAGA hat. I am not asking people to wear it in support of President Trump, rather wear it as a symbol that you will not be afraid anymore. Afraid that if you dare to speak the truth as you see it you will be attacked and ostracized.


The basic level of participation is to wear a MAGA hat during the month of May and go about your life as normal. Wear it to the grocery store, to the movie theater, or out to a restaurant. Do not make a scene or big deal about wearing the hat, just wear it and act normally.

The next level is to do something during the month to Make America Great. Organize a food drive, accomplish a personal goal, pick up trash in your local community, or help an elderly person carry their groceries to the car. We are not asking you to change the world only do something that makes something slightly better for yourself or someone else.

Anything more beyond that is up to each individual to decide.

The Rules

I.          You must remain 100% non-violent. Meaning even if you are attacked physically you do not fight back. You protect yourself, take the attack, stand up, dust yourself off and refuse to back down.

II.        You must be 100% non-racist. MAGA does not know skin color, everyone is welcome.

III.       Speak carefully. Tell the truth as best you can and if you wouldn’t say it to or in front of your mother don’t say it. Remember the media is hungry to take you out of context to sell their narrative.

IV.       Do not wear a MAGA hat if you WANT TO piss people off or trigger others. Rather wear it as a sign that you will not be told what to say or believe.

V.        Ignore the haters. Some people might call you names, shout or yell at you. Do not engage them, they are not interested in a conversation and not worth the time or risk.

VI.       Always remain calm and never back down or apologize for your MAGA hat.

VII.     Treat everyone as an individual not as a representative of their group. One man does not speak for all men simply because he is a man.

VIII.    If someone is afraid of you or your hat offer to have a conversation with them. If they refuse do not push the issue or mock them.

IX.       Do not chastise, name call, or play the shouting game with people who spew hate at you. Most of them simply do not understand or are enslaved by their ideology.

X.        If someone takes your MAGA hat, demand it back but do not attack them. They can take or destroy the hat but they cannot take or destroy your liberty.

XI.       Do at least one thing during the month to Make America Great Again. Personal and local community betterment make bigger impacts than you think.


I understand people have concerns about participating in MayAGA. The main concern is that people are afraid they are going to be attacked and hurt. While this is something to worry about I do not believe it is as common as we all believe.

The truth is that liberty is not safe and that this is a legitimate concern. The real question is what do you do about it? Do you allow yourself to be silent out of fear, enjoying the temporary security of obscurity and bondage? Or do you face it directly and ultimately become stronger for the struggle?

Participating is going to take a certain amount of courage and risk. If someone comes to hurt you remain calm but do not back down. Ultimately they want to silence you and make you afraid to be you. Do not give them the satisfaction.

If this happens you need to understand that the many eyed media monster will be watching you. How you act in this situation can determine how this whole project will be viewed. Remember most of the media wants to make you out to be a villain for standing on your own.

It is not just the media who will be watching your actions. Other liberty centered Americans will be watching too. They will be watching and waiting to see if they want to stand with you or if you are just another provocateur looking for self-aggrandizement. Act in such a way to inspire others to stand with you and join the cause of liberty.

The other side of this concern is if people who claim they are participating do something unsavory. This is always a possibility with any movement, but some safe guards have been built into this project to protect against this.

The chief among these are the clearly stated rules. Violating these rules breaks the association and the person or persons violating them will be barred from official participation.

The media will not care about this, they have a narrative they want to sell at any cost. The truth is we are not doing this for them or their praise or approval. We are participating for our own individual reasons and to answer the call to do something courageous. You are not guilty for the actions of others and if someone does something you do not like you can disagree with them.

We are not a collective, we are an association of individuals capable of making up our own minds and making our own choices and living with the consequences of doing so.

If you have other concerns feel free to contact me and we can address them together.