There was a Right Wing rally in Portland on August 17th
2019. The rally was to raise awareness for domestic terrorism, particularly to
highlight the actions of the group known as Antifa. This rally was in response
to the brutal attack, at the hands of Antifa, on an independent journalist Andy
Ngo that left him with a brain hemorrhage.
Narrative One
Leading up to this rally there was a lot of hot rhetoric on
both sides. This of course caught national attention and the media was
attempting to bill this event as the next Charlottesville. Naturally this
alarmed the public, no one wants Neo-Nazi’s and White Nationalists gathering in
their city.

The media and the Progressive mayor, not interested in
allowing the truth to get in the way of a useful narrative, ignored that fact. The
mayor instead doubled down. He made the rounds on major media outlets saying
that violence will not be tolerated in Portland.
His statements were a bit vague and any attempt by media
personalities to get him to clarify who he was talking about were dodged. He
seemed to imply that he did not want groups from outside of Portland to bring
violence into the city. It seemed like mayor Wheeler was going to allow the police
to do their jobs to keep the peace.
The mayor, along with a group of Portland organizations,
held a rally a few days before saying they don’t want outsiders to bring
violence into their city. That they don’t want people to come here and say
hateful things and spread their hateful message.
In an unrelated and totally coincidental matter, several
members of Patriot Prayer had arrest warrants issued for them and were taken
into custody. This included the head of Patriot Prayer Joey Gibson, who turned
himself in voluntarily to the police.
The Death of
Narrative One
The rally was set to start at 11am on Saturday August 17th
2019. Several groups showed up early to organize people and to share their
location on social media. I arrived 15 minutes early and made my way to park
where the rally was set to take place. After making my way around the police
line and ending up among the black bloc I eventually made my way to the Right
Wing group.

The Proud Boys got between the protesters and other members
of the rally, trying to keep everyone focused on the speakers rather than
engaging in shouting matches. Most the people at the rally understood that Antifa
were a distraction and focused on the speakers. While in the park the Right
Wing groups knelt down and said a prayer.
They prayed for Antifa and the city of Portland. To bring
light into the city and to bring an end to the hate. This was followed by a
signing of the national anthem and chants of USA. After this the organizers
announced they would march to another location. They walked across the bridge
and ended up at their location. It was here that a man walked into the group
and started shouting F*** YOU while pointing at the face of every person he
The Proud Boys acted quickly to keep the crowd away from him
and the police quickly removed the man from the situation. No punches were
thrown, no one was beat up and the police did their job. Soon after this,
around 1:30pm the group was told by the organizers to disperse and head home.
People left and made their way home.
The rally was over and it was peaceful. Antifa remained and
turned their anger on individuals they singled out as Nazi’s, the police, and
even attacked the bus the Proud Boys were attempting to leave on. Seems a bit
odd that Antifa members spent hours yelling at the Right Wing groups to leave
and the moment they try to leave they attack them.
After the Right Wing groups left a civil disturbance was declared
due to illegal blocking of roads and several assaults committed by Antifa. The
next day the media tried to carry the narrative forward writing things like ‘violence
rocks Portland at Far Right rally’ or ‘13 arrested at Far-Right protest in
They seem to have forgot that almost everyone has a cell
phone with a camera and can watch the events happen in real time, unedited.
These media companies had their comment sections light up as people pointed out
that they are attempting to mislead people. Mayor Wheeler came out afterward
and said that Joe Biggs, one of the organizers, was no longer welcome in
Wheeler said that Bigg’s message of hate had no place in the
city of Portland. This narrative died as soon as the bus carrying the Right
Wing rally goers left the city.
Narrative Two (Plan
We the people are not stupid. We understand that Antifa is a
huge problem in Portland, but Mayor Wheeler refuses to directly address them and
the media refuse to shine the light on this group. The first narrative was
false and that falsehood was exposed for the world to see, and public sentiment
started to turn against Wheeler and Antifa.
That is when the second narrative was born. In order to
shift public sentiment against the peaceful Right Wing groups the media started
running stories about how much businesses who closed their shops the day of the
rally suffered.
The estimated cost to these businesses was $3
million and expected to grow. The media of course is trying to stand this
narrative on the corpse of the previous one. They say if these Right Wing
groups would not provoke people than things like this would never happen.
To clarify, the narrative goes like this. If Right Wing
groups would stop committing the crime of being Right Wing in Portland than
black clad people would not have to violently assault people, destroy property,
and attack the police costing millions of dollars of tax payer money and
hurting business.
It would seem that the Mayor does not believe the people
actually committing the acts of violence and property destruction are
responsible for their actions. Instead it is the groups who those people hate.
It also seems that Mayor Wheeler believes the Right Wing groups are responsible
for the hate and anger of other people because the Right Wing groups are the
objects of that hate.
The Mayor of Portland seems to think that Right Wing groups
should not be allowed to go into certain places if they are hated in those
places. And if they do go into those places they are not allowed to enter, the
simple act of being there is justification for the outrage, anger, hate and physical
attacks they suffer. Not only that but that they are to blame for the attacks
they suffer and any damage done due to those attacks.
The goal of this second narrative seems to be the same as
the first, sway public opinion against the Right Wing groups.
A Comparison
Joey Gibson, leader of Patriot Prayer told reporters that he
and his group have done around 60 rallies all over the state of Washington. All
have been peaceful, no property damage was done, and no one was hurt. A few
counter protesters even showed up but they all remained civil and everyone got
to exercise their right to free speech peacefully.
Antifa protested in Portland after the election of President
Donald Trump and cost the city $1 million in damages. There was no Patriot
Prayer in the city, the Proud Boys did not exist as a group, and no one was
counter protesting them. They were so upset about the election of Donald Trump
they attempted to burn down and destroy the very communities they now claim
they are protecting.
The question becomes, if Patriot Prayer can have around 60 peaceful
rallies (so peaceful they get zero media coverage) all over the west coast, why
is it that there is only fighting and violence in Portland? You must also ask,
if Antifa protests turn toward violence and destruction even in the absences of
Right Wing groups, why does the mayor not address directly the issue of Antifa
The problem at these rallies are not the Right Wing groups
(don’t get me wrong the Right Wing groups have problems of their own to be
sure, just like any other group), they understand they are under a microscope
at these events. They understand that any hint of aggression, any fighting, or
any statement will be analyzed, picked apart, twisted and turned if it can be
used to support the narrative that the cause of all the problems are Right Wing