Thursday, May 18, 2017

Dear America

Dear America,

I am sorry you have been called racist and sexist. I know you are neither of those things. Yes you had a part of your history that was racist and sexist but you have taken steps to overcome that and correct the problem. Yet you are still called racist and sexist because of what has happened in the past. I am not saying we should ever forget the past, freedom needs vigilance, but we should also realize and celebrate the change in your point of view and your core ideals which made this change possible. Just because everyone does not have the same outcome does not mean you are still racist or sexist. Everyone has the freedom and opportunity to reach those outcomes but just because not everyone reaches them does not make you out to get them. It is not your fault that I cannot play in the NFL, I do not possess the talent, size, strength, or ability to make it into the NFL. Just like it is not your fault that someone is poor. Yes it is harder for people born into poor families and areas to make it out but I have faith in people in making the best possible future for themselves if you leave them alone. In fact if we want to look back at history we can see that Government getting involved and doing things with people almost never works. No one wants someone else telling them what to do.

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