Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Canada: Death by 1000 Cuts

            Canada, our friendly neighbor to the north. American’s and Canadians have shared a long history together. We have had some bitter fights and have worked together on some amazing projects. Yet Canada seems to be losing her way. Bill C-16 has passed in Canada. This bill makes misgendering someone a crime with the full weight of the law behind it. They also introduced a bill targeting Islamaphobia that could eventually work its way into law.
            Bill C-16 adds gender expression and gender identity as protected classes under the law. That seems innocuous enough. Yet when you look at the laws already in place you find a more sinister intent behind this law. First, gender expression and gender identity are subjective, meaning it is up to each person to define it and it can be changed at will. This not only undercuts the I was born this way argument for Transgender people, but puts the weight of the law behind a whim. Secondly, putting this bill under the purview of the Human Rights Commission, it allows someone to be taken before a Social Justice Tribunal. These Tribunals are able to fine you as they see fit and refusal to pay could lead to jail time or seizure of property.
            Anti-Islamaphobia motion is another piece of legislation that sounds innocent, but is full of malice intentions. It would increase protection for those of Islamic faith without extending those same protections to other religions. For example, it would be okay to say Jesus was a liar or Moses was murderer but if you criticize Mohammad that is Islamaphobia. Under the guise of preventing racism, they seek to create a protected class that you are unable to criticize. Not only does this limit speech, but it smacks of the creation of an aristocracy.
            Those that support these laws say things like, “the law will not be used in that way” and that may be true while they are administering the law. Yet what they do not realize is that they will not live forever and someone more malevolent and willing will come along and do with these laws, all the while claiming moral righteousness and legal precedent, what they want in order to gain power. Sadly Canada does not have a strong protection on the Freedom of Speech as America does in the 1st amendment. Instead they are burdened with Social Justice Tribunals, Hate Speech Laws, and a Progressive Prime Minister who cares more about being the poster boy for Social Justice then for protecting the rights and principles of the Canadian people.

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