Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Ills of Multiculturalism

            Multiculturalism is defined as “relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society.” This means that you have several cultures in one area. Yet the problem with multiculturalism is what do you do when two cultures do not mesh? What do you do when one culture values free speech and another culture says people who speak badly about a religious figure should be put to death? In a multicultural society both cultural groups will be looking to the law for justice. Of course the law cannot provide fair justice without trampling on someone’s culture. A society must favor one culture above another or find a compromise that will not meet the standards of either culture.
            Multiculturalism only breeds tribalism. We see that today with all the advocacy groups. You have the tribe of Black Lives Matter, the tribe of illegal immigrants, the tribe of LGBTQ, and even the tribe of the Alt-Right. This tribalism promotes the tribe above everything else and will come into conflict with other tribes. You can see this in instances where Black Lives Matter shut down Gay Pride Parades or force the Rainbow Flag to add black and brown on it. It is Black Lives Matter asserting its dominance over another tribe. This is exactly what the Alt-Right is advocating for when they say they want a white ethno state. You can also be sure that if the tribe is what matters most that you, the individual, do not matter at all. This sort of collectivism goes against the very individualist spirit of the America and Western Culture.
            Instead of focusing on multiculturalism we should be focusing on multiracial monoculturalism. It is the culture of the United States and the West that brought people here from all over the globe. It is the culture of the United States and the West that has built the strongest and freest nations on the planet. It is to be part of America and Western culture that people risk their life to come here. People of all races and religions are welcome here as long as they want to be part of America and Western culture. To hold to the values of America and the West, where you are responsible for yourself and have the freedom to pursue your dreams. Where you can argue with your neighbor about politics but you are the first to show up when tragedy hits. Where you value each person as an individual and not as their collective group identity. Once you get down to it, no one is just one identity. No one is just black or gay or Christian. Instead an individual can be all those things and so much more.
            Multiculturalism is not a strength of the country, instead it causes battles between culture groups. Yet if we all hold to the culture of the American Dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness regardless of race or background, we can continue to make America the greatest country on earth. So be proud to be an American and part of Western Culture. It is not perfect but it is a hell of a lot better than any other culture in human history.

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