Monday, July 10, 2017

Beware Of Politicians Bearing Gifts

            It is not the government’s job to make sure you have a place to live. It is not the government’s job to make sure you have enough to eat. You need to take care of that for yourself. You need to earn it, and the great thing about America is that you can earn it. It is not the government’s job to make sure you have a good paying job, it is your job to earn that. If you want the government to provide housing and food and work then you might as well bring back the plantation.
            To ask the government to provide housing is a terrible idea. First it makes you dependent on the government, meaning if you do not do as they say, they can take that housing away from you. Secondly if they are providing housing, they get to decide the standard of living for that housing. You won’t get a nice house with a yard that you can paint or build on, instead you’ll get a box with a roof, unreliable utilities, and terrible conditions. Why would it be like that you ask, because the politician who gave you the housing ran on helping you out, and if you always need help they can always get elected. If they make you independent or self-sufficient they will lose a platform to run on as well as reliable voters who are dependent on what they are providing.
            If you are not getting enough to eat it is not the job of the government to make sure you do. In the wild every animal works for their food, with the exception of babies. We are not wild animals and are able to help those who cannot get enough food for themselves. This does not mean that the government should be the one to make sure you get food. You should be earning that food yourself. If the government provides the food, then you will only be able to get the amount and type of food that they determine that you need. Do you think a government official, who has never met you and does not know you, will know how much and what kind of food you need better then yourself? Of course not, so why give them the power to decide that. The politician will only want to give you enough food to not starve. That is because if you have enough food, he won’t have a platform to run on and will have nothing to offer you. But if you are lacking he can obtain your vote by offering you just a little more. This more, he’ll remind you, would be greater if the opposition party weren’t standing in his way.
            The minimum wage should not be raised to $15/hour. It is not the government’s job to make sure you have a good paying job. All this will do is make businesses flee, force them out of business, cause them to cut hours, or cause them to lay people off. It will also cause the price of goods and services to go up. It is also morally wrong for the government to force private business owners to pay a private person an amount they determine to be enough. If two consenting adults want to sign a contract and mutually agree to wages for labor then who is the government to decided what they can or cannot do? Instead of being given better wages, you need to earn better wages, provide a value to someone else that they are willing to pay you a lot for. The politician wants to do this because it will create more people who are dependent on her for their livelihood. It will price people out of the job market and they will need assistance from the government something she will be more than happy to offer.
            That is not to say if you are in need that your need is not real. Instead I am saying that you have the ability to fulfill that need you have yourself. It might not happen in a day or a week, but if you keep aiming toward your goal you can make your life better. The moment you expect that from someone else, you are giving away part of your agency in the world. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, instead be afraid of those who want you to continuously ask for help. They probably do not have your best interests in mind.

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