Wednesday, October 4, 2017

A Warning About the Outrage-Industrial Complex

On January 17th 1961 Dwight Eisenhower gave his farewell address. In this moving speech he candidly addressed the American people and delivered a warning that echoes down to today. This warning is twofold, one about the military industrial complex and the other about balance in all areas of government.

His words still ring as true today, 56 years later, as they did when he first spoke them. Yet today we face new but similar threats. One of the greatest among these is the outrage-industrial complex. Taught in universities, propelled by media, endorsed by politicians and enforced by activists, this climate of constant outrage is wearing patience thin and negatively polarizing the American People.

Borrowing and updating a line from Eisenhower helps explain this problem, “Now, this conjunction of an immense [outrage] establishment and a large [virtue signaling] industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government.”

University Outrage

Universities are training centers for the outrage-industrial complex. Students, who have been given time out of society in a safe environment to study whatever they desire, are being taught that they are victims. Not all students but a loud minority and a complacent majority are taught to be outraged at this perception of victimhood.

Professors teach students not to question but to listen and believe. That all their problems, and all problems in the world, come from one oppressive force or another. For Women’s Studies it is toxic men, for LGBTQ studies it is straight people, for African American studies (or any racialized studies) it is white people and underneath all of it is capitalism.

The amalgamation of this oppressive force is the Straight White Cis-gendered Male Capitalist Patriarchy. This is the devil of the Church of Social Justice and the boogieman of the outrage-industrial complex.

These universities train and indoctrinate students who will then go out into the world and implement part of the philosophy of outrage and social justice.

Media’s Role

The outrage-industrial complex includes the media. They understand that all forms of media are a powerful platform. These platforms give you power and power is the ultimate goal.

News rooms are full of people who have been trained to be part of the outrage-industrial complex. CNN, MSNBC, Buzzfeed, Vox, and other media outlets produce content that pushes the outrage. If people are outraged they will watch or click and when that happens they make money.

Hollywood is also a part of the outrage-industrial complex. Stars are using their celebrity platform to drive outrage. This is accomplished by speeches at award shows, where famous people attempt to out outrage each other all while calling each other brave for saying these things in a room full of cheering likeminded individuals. By making public statements condemning large population groups as bad people who need to be punched.

This allows the outrage-industrial complex to reach an audience of people that news media would not normally reach.

Social media, like Facebook and YouTube, are using their platform not only to spread the outrage industrial complex, but to silence those speaking out against it. These companies have CEO’s that are trained in universities to push the narrative. They think they are being good and decent people by directing outrage at specific groups of people.

Political Endorsement

Politicians, more specifically progressive politicians, love the outrage-industrial complex. It helps them raise money so they can ‘fight against’ those who outrage people. The Trump resistance movement is nothing more than a way to gain votes, money and support from outrage. Daily, politicians will post to Facebook one false outrage after another. By selling outrage they are trying to virtue signal that they are a good and morally right person while those other people are evil people that just want to hurt and kill you.

For example, a popular position for these outrage merchants to take on healthcare is to say that Republicans do not care about people and will actually kill thousands of them by taking away their healthcare. This of course is a strawman built up so that outrage can be pushed out to the masses.

Activist Enforcement

This outrage is also a tool for the activist groups. They want people to be mad because they can then direct that outrage onto a specific person. Groups like Antifa are known for their violent behavior and for hurting people simply for wearing the wrong color hat.

These activist also attack people on a personal, social, emotional, and financial level. They use outrage to try and get people fired from their job. They throw insult after insult at people and push the bounds of legally acceptable behavior. Chanting and interrupting people while they are talking, invading personal space my moving forward in a mob and then claim the person standing still is assaulting them.

The rest of the outrage-industrial complex plays down the violence by calling it justified outrage and giving them space to destroy.

The Industry of Outrage

It is this massive industry of outrage that violently polarizes people. Instead of taking a stance on a topic from a principled perspective, people are instead polarized due to perceived outrage. It is this outrage we must guard against.

Turning to Eisenhower again, he would say “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the [outrage]-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

The unwarranted influence the outrage-industrial complex seeks needs to be checked. The industry of outrage is not just one person and will not be stopped by one event, but will take the efforts of individuals willing to calmly stand up and do the right thing.

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