Thursday, October 12, 2017

How Liberals Abandoned Liberty for Authority

The Traditional American principles are limited government, individual liberty and free markets. These ideas were put forward by our founding fathers as the guiding principles of the American people.

These ideas were first put forward by thinkers such as John Locke, Thomas Paine, and John Stuart Mill. People who at the time called themselves liberals. The term conservative, at that time, was used to describe those who favored one form or another of monarchy.

As time went on those who call themselves liberals slowly abandoned these liberal ideas.

Limited Government

With the Great Depression and the election of FDR the idea of limited government was abandoned. The Democrat party—the party that claims to carry the mantle of liberalism—believed that they could use the power of government to make the world a better place for mankind.

Yet in order to do that they needed to have more power concentrated in the government. This power was needed in order to make the people do what they believed was right. If there was a problem why not solve it with a government program.

In order to solve more problems they needed a bigger government. Those who spoke up about this growth in government were shouted down for not caring about their fellow man. Hiding behind a mask of altruism, authoritarianism took a step forward.

Individual Liberty

During the civil rights movement those who called themselves liberals in the Democratic Party abandoned the idea of individual liberty. They saw the power that could be gained by targeting group’s rights over individual rights. While the civil rights produced a net positive for individuals it also planted the seed of group’s right in the Democratic Party.

By targeting the rights of groups of people you inherently have to abandon the idea of rights for the individual. You have to put the group before the individual. It is this shift that has led to modern progressive ideas championed by Feminism and various racial interest groups.

Yet in order for these groups’ rights to work you need to have an oppressor group to champion against. This fits nicely with the Marxist idea of oppressor verses the oppressed. Hiding behind the mask of the champion of the people authoritarianism took another step.

Free Markets

The free market system has to exist in order for people to be free. It allows individuals to make their own choices, take their own risks, and be responsible for their own failures. It has generated the wealthiest countries in the world and has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system that has come before or since.

When John Maynard Keynes put forward his idea that government could step in and correct problems in the market those in power jumped at the theory. More power they thought would allow them to do more good.

With Keynes economic model in hand they sought to use the power they gained in government to shape the market and the world in their image. Like the philosopher kings in Plato’s Republic they saw themselves as the smartest best people for the job and thus would know the best course of action on any subject.

The free market was seen as an area that created inequality. An inequality of outcome that could only be corrected by government intervention guided by the anointed in the Democrat Party. Behind the mask of fighting inequality and corruption authoritarianism took another step.

The Road to Hell…

Today the Progressive element in the Democratic Party has taken control. They want people in the street to use the rioters veto to get their agenda pushed through and to silence any opposition. To borrow a metaphor, they believe they are doing God’s work.

They possess the same righteous fanaticism that members of the inquisition possessed. The same fanaticism expressed by Islamic extremists. Yet they hide behind the mask of liberalism.

They use it to fool people who still believe in the tradition of liberal values into thinking there brand of authoritarianism is what is best for the world. These people are not liberals in the original sense of the word, they have perverted the word and still use the old idea as a mask for authoritarian ideas.

They believe a small group of elite intellectual should have the power of government to give out rights to groups of people to make things fairer and to distribute the wealth of the market to those who in their opinion need it most. They finally made the jump from liberal to Authoritarian Marxist by following the creed “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” as determined by them.

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