Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Be Active: A Harsh Criticism for Republicans

The Republican Party in Oregon is a joke.

The Party fights and squabbles leading up to the primary, yet once the primary is done the Party is no more united then it was before the primary. Instead the different groups split off and call each other RINO or claim that because this candidate does not agree with me on X they are not a real Republican.


Purity testing is killing the Party and causing it to fractionate. The Party lacks any sort of unity outside of the name Republican.

The sentiment is if you do not believe what I, a real Republican, believe then I am simply going to stay home on Election Day and refuse to vote. Or I will write a name in or simply not send in my ballot because I do not want to waste a stamp.

If you fail to compromise within the Party then you will break and you might as well give up and allow a different Party to take your place. You cannot get everything you want all the time, grow up and make a sacrifice for the future.

The candidate might not be perfect but they are better than the alternative and they are more likely to listen to you in the future if you help get them elected.

Failure to Take Action

The Republican Party is inert. They do nothing to get out in the world and get their message out. I have seen more conservative action from non-political groups then I have ever seen from the Party.

The Democratic Party has several activist groups who attract attention and get people energized. What does the Republican Party do, argue on Facebook! Now is the perfect time for a conservative message.

Young men want, no need, to be told that they can take personal responsibility for their own lives and can make things happen for themselves. And they actually want to hear this message, just look at the wild popularity of Jordan Peterson.

People want to be told that you should always tell the truth and that seeking the truth is a good thing, at the very least do not lie. This is a conservative message, a message of the church and of science, to seek Truth above all else.

Instead they are letting the Progressive Left get away with lying for fear of pissing off their social justice mob. Where are the brave, strong, tough Republicans who will stand up for Republican values and American values?

They are afraid to say they love America because they do not want the bad media attention. But the people will see through the media lies. Use alternative media like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to speak directly to the people and expose the media for their lies.

Just about every cell phone has a camera now, use it and let the public decide for themselves.

Instead the Republican’s try to keep their heads down and hope they can slip in without anyone noticing. How has that worked out so far? That pain in your chest is your soul rotting because you are more focused on protecting yourself from Twitter hate mobs then you are for standing up for Truth, Responsibility, and American Values.

Allows the Left to Label and Define Us

You let those on the left define what you and the Party are. They call you racist, bigot, Nazi and what do Republicans do. The fire back with the word liberal.

It is clear to everyone who the racists and bigots are, just call them for what they are. What did the Republican Party do when Antifa threated to attack them if they marched in the Rose Parade on 82nd? Nothing. The parade got shut down and the Republican Party did nothing.

This looked weak and conceded the point Antifa was making, that the Republican Party is racist and full of Nazi’s and Fascists. Where was the push back, where was the pride of the Party to defend their reputation?

The people of Oregon are begging for someone to step up and stand up to these people, but the Party leaders are too afraid of being called racist. I understand that the press is against you and you will not get a fair shake in the court of public opinion but that does not mean you take the easy road.

You stand up and fight back, take the hard road, accept the suffering that will be heaped on you and understand that if you are speaking the truth that it will all come out in the end. Have faith.

You allow the left to control the conversation. You argue using their words and premises. It is time to reject their premises and prove them false.

Do the work, challenge Democrats to open debate, make it public and do your homework before the event starts. Study their tricks and literature and do not make a fool of yourself. The left does not want their ideas out in the public and for good reason, they are authoritarian in nature.

Yet the Republican’s just come across as weak and leaderless. I have attended local meet ups and felt zero energy in the room. We have a Republican President, house and senate and yet it feels like the Party is ashamed of winning.

Do not be ashamed of being a conservative or Republican, conservative and Republican thought and ethics have a place and are valuable.

Pick Up What the Left has Abandoned

The left has abandoned Free Speech, innocent until proven guilty, and the universal rights of the individual just to name a few. Instead the left worships hate speech, social justice, and groups rights.

Free Speech, innocent until proven guilty and universal rights of the individual are founding principles that most Americans believe in and will gladly vote for. They have been abandoned as if they are trash on the side of the road.

All the Republican Party has to do is pick them up, yet they just look at them as if they were a coiled rattlesnake. You would just have to read the constitution and the bill of rights as if they were a political playbook and you will have more votes than you have ever had in the past.

Even if the left tried to argue with you most people still agree with the bill of rights. They would be arguing against the bill of rights. They will argue against it, the lefts ideology says it was written by a bunch of white male slave owners and so it is bad.

Of course they hate it because it gives rights to the individual and not the group and all they care about are groups, who they then turn into voting blocks. Yet Republican’s remain silent. They are trying to be statesman like and proper, the time for being proper is over.

Pick up freedom, hold up liberty, and promote personal responsibility, because if you do not then no one will. Republicans complain that the country is being ruined by Progressives, yet they stand by and watch it all happen.

Republicans seem to be in love with their complaints as opposed to doing what it takes to do something about them. It is easy to complain, it is difficult to get real things done.

How about you stand up and fight for the values that made this country great. People want to hear about conservative values and to be told that they, as the individual, have the power to change the world, and the great thing about that message is that it is true!

Why the Republican Party is too afraid to stand up and do anything is beyond me. Where are the radical Republicans that ended slavery, fought against Jim Crowe, and stands up for the rights of the individual? Where are the Republican Activists?

Where are the Republicans who will willingly march into a Progressive city like Portland and tell the small business owners that they are there to support them when their livelihood is being overrun by the homeless? The Progressives organized a protest in favor of the homeless people against the businesses. Seize the opportunity.

Where are the Conservative thinkers who are not afraid to stand toe to toe with a Democrat and challenge them with powerful traditional ideas? Ideas such as the importance of the family and that a family with two parents in the household is better than single parent families.

Where are the Republicans pushing back against the poisonous ideas being disseminated by the Progressives through universities, the media, and Hollywood, such as Toxic Masculinity and White Privilege? Stand up for the young man who is already nervous to approach a girl he is interested in but now has to worry if he could face legal action for making a fool of himself.

Pick up the disaffected liberals in the Democratic Party. They are sick of the Progressive radicals who are simply authoritarian socialists and communists or violent anarchists. You just have to appeal to them in ways they can understand. With classical liberal ideas (read Locke and Mill and founding fathers).

Instead Republicans just wait for Democrats to fail hard and hope that they can get voted in simply for not being Democrats. Why not try to get voted in for being conservative? If you wait the damage done will be irreversible.

What to do

Be controversial. It is not hard because now it is controversial to say you support Freedom of Speech. Ignore the labels heaped on you by your political opponents, it is just an attempt to keep you silent so they do not have to argue against your ideas or principles because they have no arguments against them.

Be public. Get out and interact with people. Hold your own events, do not simply attend other events. Go to controversial events and talk to people. Show people that you will stand up clear and strong.

Be honest. Tell the truth, or at the very least do not lie. The truth always finds a way to come out and you can either take your knocks now and improve or you take make it worse and end up losing everything in the end.

Have thought out arguments and principles. I do not care if we disagree on them as long as they thought out and strong. Consider criticisms to your arguments and use them to make your ideas stronger. Make your case powerful and be ready to face opposition not only in the form of arguments but also in the form of name calling. You know it is coming so be ready for it.

Have a clear place you want to go and a good reason why we should go there. If you want to be a leader than lead. Have a vision of the future, develop a plan for reaching that future and figure out why it is good that we should go that way as opposed to another way.

I make these criticism and suggestions from my own experience as a conservative who has lived in Oregon his whole life and has never had a conservative government in power. I wrote this knowing full well that some people will be angry about it. If that is you than ask yourself are you angry because I got it wrong or angry because it hits close to home?
I would be happy to admit I was wrong, as I am still fairly new to the Party, so please correct me if you think I am wrong on some point.

It is time we stand up and fight for the liberties that have been bitterly won throughout our history. It is time to be active.

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