Thursday, February 8, 2018

How the Trump Tax Cut Hurt Me

All we heard from Democrats and the media was that these tax cuts would hurt the middle class and that the rich were the only ones who were getting a good deal.

Today is payday for me and as I opened my check hands trembling. I fully expected it to say that I owed money for all the work I did over the last two week.


Instead of a bill saying how much I owed my employer I found that I actually had an increase in the amount of take home money. Not a ton of money, I do not make that much, but still more than I had in last year’s paychecks.

Looking at the numbers I had roughly an increase of $20.17 over last year’s paychecks. That means at the end of the year will have an additional $524.42.

The additional amount I make is more than I make an hour. Meaning that I get to keep over an additional hour of my wages. These tax cuts gave me back more than an hour of my labor and my life.

Now I know I am not a millionaire or that my whole life is changed with these tax breaks but it is nice to actually have a little more to take home.

The Hurt

This extra money leaves me with a huge problem. What do I spend it on?

Do I put it into a savings account or add it to my companies 401K? Should I save it for a few months and take my wife out for a night on the town? Do I donate to a local charity? Should I put it toward some home repairs I’ve been putting off?

The problem is endless, but it is a good problem to have. The truth is that I can do far more good in my life with this money then the government could ever do with it.

Media Spin

I am not sure why the media lied about these tax cut (but I have a suspicion it has to do with a hatred of a certain US President). I am thankful for the small amount I get to take home.

The media made it seem like the world was going to end if these tax cuts were passed. Yet the city is not on fire, there is no rioting in the street, no breadlines forming, and a lot of people have a little more take home money each month.

Maybe I’ll spend some of it on a MAGA hat.

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