Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Normalization of Bigotry

The letter above is from the City Club of Portland and is signed by the President of the Board of Governors for that organization, Lisa Watson. In this letter she is rejecting research done by volunteers for City Club at the expense of volunteer time and energy simply because of their skin color.

“As part of the Board of Governors’ standard review of the research process, it came to our attention that every member of the committee was white. While we have no doubt that the committee members entered into this research project in good faith and with all best intentions, it’s clear that an all-white committee makes our research vulnerable to significant and substantive racial bias.”

What Lisa Watson is saying is that they are rejecting this study because it might be compromised by racial bias. Yet the criteria for making that assertion is based on racial bias. That a group of white people cannot do something effectively because they are white. You can read the full article and letter here.

Dear White People

This is not the only article that attacks white people. The New York Times published an article titled Can My Children Be Friends With White People? In this article the author, Ekow N. Yankah a professor at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshive University says that white people cannot be trusted and he will teach his children to mistrust white people.

Mistrusting a group of people based on skin color is racist. Teaching children to mistrust people of a certain skin color is racist. As a professor he is not only teaching his own children not to trust white people but teaching other people’s children that white people are not to be trusted.

He does give a pass to white people who go and protest and do what he likes, essentially saying that the only white people you can be friends with are the ones who will do what you want.

Almost one year ago on December 25th 2016 George Ciccariello-Maher an Associate Professor at Drexel University tweeted out saying “All I want for Christmas is White Genocide.” He followed that tweet up with a clarifying tweet saying “To clarify: when the whites were massacred during the Haitian Revolution, that was a good thing indeed.”

He tried to play it off as a joke aimed at criticizing and mocking the alt-right idea of white genocide. Yet if you turned the statement around and replaced white with any other skin color that would get you fired on the spot. Ciccariello-Maher was placed on administrative leave on October 11th 2017 after blaming the Las Vegas Shooting that left 59 people dead on a system that favors white males.

Sally Boynton Brown, the Chairwoman of the Idaho Democratic Party, said in a speech while running for Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair that “My job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt. My job is to shut other white people down when they say, ‘Oh, no, I’m not prejudiced; I’m a Democrat; I’m accepting. My job is to make sure [white people] ‘get’ that they have privilege.” (Read the article here or watch the video here)

Sally Boynton Brown said this among cheers. She also said “I am from Idaho, we are so white” as if being white were something bad to be. That white people need to be ‘schooled’ so that we can move forward as a country.

This is someone who holds a political office in the Democratic Party. Someone who was seen as enough of a leader that she thought she had a chance to win the DNC chair position.

There are several articles like this. Sargon of Akkad a well known YouTuber made a video that does a great job of explaining this narrative here.

Every Narrative Needs a Villain

News media, universities and the political left are trying to build up white people are a sort of monolith. That is because the far left and the Democrat Party focuses on the rights of groups as opposed to the rights of individuals. (See my previous post on that here).

They need people to fit into groups so they can then claim to be fighting for those groups. To fight for a group you must be fighting against something. You cannot fight against the government because there are virtually zero laws that discriminate based on race or gender. Also you do not want to fight the government if you are running for office because you will be the government if you get elected.

Instead you make the government the answer, with you as the elected official of course, and you point to something else as the problem. The ‘problem’ a lot of media outlets and universities are pointing to is white people.

To be fair there have been some horrible white people and there still are horrible white people. Yet to pretend that this is exclusive to white people is to deny context, reality and history.

Exclusionary Tactics

The term People of Color (POC), which is often used in the media and by Progressives is a term designed, consciously or unconsciously, to exclude white people. Think about the term, who is a person of color? Anyone who is not white of course. So when a Progressive says there is racism against People of Color what they are really saying is that white people are racist.

To the Progressive white people cannot be part of the group, they can only be allies. Being an ally means doing everything that the Progressives say is right without question, you can see that in this video here. It also means that you can help the group but you can never truly be part of the group.

By redefining racism and using terms like POC and ally the Progressives are actively creating fault lines among people in order to divide them into groups to get them on their side. At times this turns against them and you get groups like the Alt-Right, who believe in a lot of the same ideas as the Progressive left, just on the white people side.


The activists, journalists, media pundits, university professors, and anyone else with a Progressive bent to them will tell you they are doing this to help POC, to destroy systemic racism that is at the foundation of Western Civilization or some other flowery way of saying they are helping people.

That is what they will say they are doing, and it might even be what they believe they are doing, but I am reminded of a quote from the bible Matthew 7:20 “Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”

So what kind of fruit is being produced by this Progressive tree? Has it fed the hungry, made suffering less for humanity or has it caused people to turn out in the street and destroy things? The fruits I have seen produced are riots in the street, people being attacked for defending freedom of speech, and division being created along any sort of identity lines that people associate with. POC versus white, LGBTQ versus straight, rich versus the poor, men versus women, Republican versus Democrat, and the list of this sort of fruit goes on and on.

The roots of this Progressive tree is Post Modernism growing in the soil of Neo-Marxism. Post Modernism boils everything down to power, if someone is more successful it is because they have more power, while Marxism boils everything down to oppressor versus oppressed. In this ideology if you are doing better than someone else, it is not because you are more competent but rather that you have more power and are using that power to oppress others.

Combine this with the idea of group’s rights and group identity and taking the data that on average white people are doing well, you will find the justification for the hatred of white people. Terms are developed and words redefined to separate white people from others. This is done so that people can manipulate others into doing what they want so they can possess power to make the world a better place.

I just wonder how many bodies they will need to stack up in their attempt this time.


  1. I can hear oblamo " . . . you did not build that . . ." etc.

    1. Haha not sure where that comment came from but thanks for the comment.
