Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Man in UK Convicted for Being #GrosslyOffensive

A Scottish YouTuber who goes by the name Count Dankula has been found guilty in a UK court for a joke video he posted.

He is currently facing jail time.

The Video

The video in question was created by Count Dankula, Markus Meechan, in 2016 as a prank on his girlfriend, who was always telling him about her cute pug.

The joke was that Meechan would teach the dog to raise its paw to Nazi phrases as if it were giving a salute. As he stated in the video, he wanted to make the cute dog into the least cute thing he could think of, a Nazi.

Being a YouTube personality Meechan uploaded a video of him training the dog to his channel. The video was viewed over 3 million times and has been put in a suspended state by YouTube as offensive content.

The Verdict

This video landed Meechan in hot water with the UK authorities under the Communications Act of 2003. This lead to charges being filed against him and a court case that has lasted two years.

On March 20, 2018 a guilty verdict was handed down. It stated that Meechan was guilty of being grossly offensive (#grosslyoffensive) and he will be sentenced on April 23, 2018.

This means that being offensive in the UK is now illegal and you could face jail time. Since anyone can be offended at any time by anything it means it is up to those in power to determine what is and is not offensive.

A situation has developed in the UK that would seem laughable if it were not so horribly true. The police refuse to investigate and bring to justice Muslim grooming gangs for fear of appearing racist but will gladly send someone to jail for an offensive video on YouTube.

It is a dark day in history when your government ignores young girls and women being abused, raped, tortured, sold into sex slavery and in some cases killed because the perpetrators of those crimes have a specific minority status (some might call it privileged), but the full weight of the law needs to come down hard on someone posting a ‘grossly offensive’ joke on social media.

I am thankful that I am in the US but my heart goes out to the citizens of the UK and I stand with them in their fight for free speech.



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