My hope is to bring the different groups of the party
together so that we can, to borrow a phrase, ‘make Oregon great again.’ I also
hope this gets people thinking and commenting so that these principles can come
into clearer focus.
Individual Liberty
and Rights
I believe that both parties are concerned with rights but
have a major difference between the two. The Democrat Party is after groups
rights and the Republican Party is after universal rights of the individual.

Universal rights of the individual on the other hand apply
evenly to everyone regardless of things like gender, skin color, or economic
status. They include all US citizens regardless if they were born here or
immigrated here legally.
These rights include things like freedom of speech, the
right to bear arms and religious freedom and are outlined in the United States
Bill of Rights and the constitution. They are in place to ensure that everyone
can enjoy the maximum amount of freedom possible and remain part of civilized
This means more than just pull yourself up by your boot
straps. It means that if you want freedom than you need to take care of
yourself. You need to feed yourself and provide shelter for yourself.
It also means that if you see a problem you deal with that
problem yourself. Do not expect the government or someone else to come along
and do it for you, but take it that responsibility yourself.

It means you take responsibility to care for your parents
when they get old. You help out the community where you can. Cook meals for a neighbor
who lost his job, donate hand me down clothes from your kids to your coworker
who is a single mom.
Personal Responsibility also means you own your actions. If
you got fired because you told the boss off or did not show up to work on time
you need to accept that you lost your job through your own actions. It is
realizing that your actions do have consequences, even ones you cannot see and
that you take responsibility for those actions.
Two Pillars of the
I see these two ideas as the ideals of the Republican Party.
You can take these ideas to specific topics and come up with different opinions
but we can all agree that universal rights of the individual and personal responsibility
are ideals which we strive for.
If you look at a specific topic such as the right to bear
arms you can argue for no background checks from the position of individual
liberty, but you can also argue for background checks from the position of
personal responsibility.
The liberty side believes that everyone has the right to
protect themselves but I also think that most people would agree that we all
need to be responsible to ensure that criminals are not given free license to
buy whatever they want.
A background check is like a personal responsibility check.
If you have proven to be irresponsible in the past than you cannot be trusted
with the responsibility of a gun.
With these two wide pillars it is easy to see why people
within the party split on so many topics. Yet if we all can agree on these two
points we should be able to come together and advance ideas and candidates who
also believe in these two ideals, even if we disagree on how they should be
carried out in government.
Do you agree that these are two of the major pillars of the
party? Why or why not? Feel free to comment below and let’s get this
conversation going so we can get to the work of making Oregon great again.
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