False Claims of Representation
This is a slight of hand that does not get challenged. An activist will claim they are representing a group of people, usually by saying I am standing up for the rights of this group of people.
The second way this happens is when a member of a group of people claims they are speaking for the group. For example, I am bald so if I say ‘as a bald man’ I am subtly claiming to speak as a representative for all bald men.
Always challenge activists on this claim, just because you say you are speaking for a group of people does not mean they all agree with you. A lot of the ‘communities’ these activists are claiming to speak for are in fact not communities at all. Instead they are people the activist has grouped together based on one characteristic or another.
You should remind these activists that these groups they are claiming to speak for (People of Color, LGBTQ, etc) do not all think alike. They are not all the same and believing that they are is racist (sexist etc). Unless a group of them got together and voted to have you speak for them, then you cannot legitimately claim to speak for them.
Even if a group did you can only claim to speak for that group of people that voted for you, not the whole category of people represented by that group. It is up to each individual to speak for themselves, which is why freedom of speech is so important.
Hiding Hate Behind Compassion
If you watch people you can tell a lot about what they are really up to. An activist that organizes a food drive for needy families, probably really has compassion for the poor. An activist who Occupies Wall Street, probably cares less about the poor and instead just hates the rich.

The activist will use compassion as a justification for their hatred of a certain group of people. One of the best examples of this is the 3rd wave feminist ideas of ‘toxic masculinity’ and ‘male privilege.’ Neither one of these concepts promotes women, instead it seeks to tear down men.
I suggest everyone try to examine their motivations behind their own actions. If you find you are doing something just to spite a group or person you do not agree with, perhaps you should find a more productive use of your time. Activists lack this introspection, blinded by both their anger/hate and their misguided belief that they are caring accepting people. If you do not think that compassion can be used as a weapon just watch a momma bear with her cubs.
Virtue Signaling is Not Actual Virtue
Today we see politicians, celebrities, universities professors and activists virtue signaling nonstop. Virtue signaling is “the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.”
It seems they seek to demonstrate their good nature as opposed to actually do the hard work of being good. Virtue signaling is more about the appearance and recognition gained as opposed to actually being virtuous.

Compassion can be a good thing when it motivates you to help someone in need. Yet all too often activists claim compassion to justify their anger and hate against people they perceive as evil. They make those whom they are claiming to feel compassion for as victims and those they hate as oppressors to justify any actions they take. Preferring to appear virtuous instead of doing the consistent hard work of being virtuous. Appearance matters more than substance to those who virtue signal. The hate activist dons the false mask of virtue, wholly believing the lies they are telling themselves and the world.
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