The petition needs 88,000 signatures in order to make it to
the ballot for a vote of the people of Oregon.
What is an Assault

According to this petition an assault weapon is any
semiautomatic rifle, handgun, or shotgun, that is has a magazine that is
capable of holding more than 10 rounds. The petition goes into much
more detail but that is the overall definition.
This would include almost all the weapons people possess in
the state of Oregon outside of some bolt actions rifles and revolvers. This
definition casts a wide net that will impact many lawful gun owners.
Infringing on That Which
SHALL NOT be Infringed
In section 4 of this petition it states that “[A] person
commits the crime of unlawful possession or transfer of an assault weapon or
large capacity magazine if the person manufactures, imports, possesses,
purchases, sells or transfers any assault weapon or large capacity magazine.”

This petition carves out an exemption, but before you get too
excited it only applies to “Any government officer, agent or employee, member
of the Armed Forces of the United States or peace officer…if that person is
otherwise authorized to acquire or possess an assault weapon or large capacity
magazine and does so while acting within the scope of that person’s duties.”
One rule for citizens and one rule for the government class,
hardly seem fair in a country that is dedicated to freedom and liberty.
The Big Lie
Every time any sort of gun control conversation takes place
you always hear those in favor of additional gun control say ‘no one wants to
come and take your guns away from you, you are just a paranoid gun nut.’

Failure to do any of those things will make you a Class B
Felon which carries all the restrictions such a crime entails, such as losing
the right to vote while you are in prison.
The Gun Registry
Section five of this petition says you will be able to keep
your assault weapons provided you register with the authorities. You must give
your name and address as well as the ID number for the assault weapon, have
owned the weapon before the passage of this law and allow the police to conduct
a criminal background check.
In section six they leave it up to the police performing the
background check to set up a fee schedule. Allowing them to simply price you
out of registering your assault weapons.
You are also required to submit evidence that you securely
store the weapon and only keep it on your property unless you have express
consent to bring it onto someone else property, at a firearms dealer for lawful
repair or at a shooting range or traveling to and from any of these locations
to another.
Under this law, if you are going camping in the woods you
will have to leave your gun at home. Just remember, you don’t have to be faster
than the bear, wolf, or cougar, only faster than the people you are with.
This act would also make it illegal to buy additional
assault weapons or large capacity magazines once it is passed.
My Appeal
If this law passes the Oregon government will be coming to
violate your inalienable rights on January 1st 2019. I call upon
everyone in the Oregon legislature to kill this petition and do their duty to
stand up and protect the rights of the people they serve.
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