Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Backing Buehler: The Right Person for Oregon

Lately I have been frustrated with some of the positions Knute Buehler has taken. It seems he has gone out of his way to disrespect his own party in order to prove to swing voters he is not the typical Republican.

Even though we disagree on issues that are important to me, I will still be voting for Dr. Knute Buehler in November.

It’s Okay to Disagree

Growing up near Portland and going to college at Portland State University as a non-Democrat you have to learn to be okay with people who disagree with you. If I were shocked or offended every time a student or teacher said something I disagreed with, I would have been in a constant state of outrage.

Instead I made the choice to accept that people have different opinions. An event that crystalized this view came my freshman year of college when I asked, a bit naively I admit, ‘When does life start?’ I asked this question publicly on our class forum page so everyone in class could see and comment.

When I returned to the forum page the next day I was shocked to find close to 100 comments. I remember thinking this was odd because we only have about 35-40 students in the class. As I scrolled through my classmates comments I realized two things. First thing was that I had accidentally touched on a hot button topic. The second was that everyone had an opinion and reasoning to back up their opinion.

This topic got heated at times and got so many replies that my teacher brought it up in the next class session. He was excited to have the discussion and glad to see so many of us engaged. I, only 18 at the time, was mostly embarrassed from all the attention. Even though the class was divided on this issue it never devolved into shouting, name calling, or cult-like chanting.

Instead what I saw were people who were able to set aside this difference and work together on other projects. Throughout the rest of my time at college I had teachers openly bash candidates I had voted for. We even had a teacher cancel the lesson plan for the day to have everyone sit in a circle and talk about how the 2004 election made us feel.

I was uncomfortable saying I voted for Bush and mostly just observed the meltdowns from my fellow classmates. It was clear I was in the minority of opinion. Yet through all of this I learned that it was okay to disagree with someone. That just because they did not think or believe the same thing as me that did not mean they were a bad person.

While Dr. Knute Buehler and I disagree on certain issues that does not mean he is incapable of effectively running the state. In fact I believe he is a highly competent person and would be a vast improvement over his opponent and the incumbent Governor Brown.

Reality Check

Some people hold out hope that a write in campaign will have a chance at successfully getting someone into office that more aligns with their beliefs. The optimist in me secretly hopes this is true and on a theoretical level this might be possible.

In order for a write in campaign to work the person written in must be both very active in promoting their candidacy as well as have massive name recognition across the entire state. Currently no one matches that description.

The only thing a write in campaign would accomplish would be to split the vote. In a tight race such as this that split, even a minor one, could end up costing Dr. Buehler the Governorship. I am not going to tell you who to vote for, it is your right to make that choice yourself. I would just ask that you consider everything before you cast a vote for a write in or refuse to vote at all.

Who would you rather vote for, someone who will listen and talk with you but might disagree with you on a few things or would you rather vote for someone who does not need you, will not listen to you, and will do everything they can to #resist?

End the Insanity

It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result. Oregon has a lot of problems facing our state. Our education system over spends and under performs. Our roads are congested and we have a problem with homelessness in our major cities, specifically Portland.

Will Dr. Buehler be able to solve all these problems for us? No most likely not, after all he is only one man. While Dr. Buehler might not be able to fix everything in our state alone he is definitely a step in the right direction, a direction that Oregon sorely needs. It will take all of us working together to fix these problems.

We know that over 30 years of steadily increasing Democratic control of the state these issues have not improved, in fact they have become worse. Even if you think Kate Brown and Knute Buehler are similar, you have to admit they are not the same.

We can either continue to try and do the same thing over and over hoping for a better result, or we can take a chance and try something new. I might not agree with Knute Buehler on everything but it is okay to disagree. In the end he is the right man for the job and any attempts to mount a write in campaign will only result in more of the same.

When you go and vote ask yourself do you want to vote for someone who is willing to do what is necessary to get the state back on track, or are you going to hand the election to the party of resistance and mob rule?

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