Monday, March 30, 2020

Blog and Life Update

It has been awhile since I have posted or updated my blog so I thought an update was in order.

I have had a lot going on in my life in the last couple of month and because of that I have neglected my blog more than usual. I was trying to post one post a month and about a year ago I was actually pretty successful at doing so.

The more I worked on the blog the better it got and the better I became as a blogger. Yet I started to get burned out. I mostly focused on writing about political topics, both national and local. At some point the political stuff just became boring.

It was the same old fighting and bickering, within and amongst parties, and I found myself thinking that there was something better I could be doing. I am not saying that politics is unimportant, only that I was less and less interested in it.

I had also started a YouTube channel where we did a weekly show talking about politics and news stories. I really enjoyed this and really loved working with and interacting with some really cool people who I would call friends today.

We gave the YouTube channel a go and did not grow very much. We understood it was a saturated market but we wanted to try. When we realized that the future of the YouTube channel was not bright and that we all did not have time to devote to it that believed we should have we decided to call it quits.

While that was going on my beautiful wife and I decided that we wanted to have a baby. It was not a choice we made lightly but one we reached whole-heartedly with as much clarity as you can have on such a choice.

February 8th 2020 my daughter was born. Adjusting to a new sleep schedule and life with a third human in the house has been a challenge, but a very rewarding challenge. Needless to say it has left little time to blog between making dinner, working, walking dogs, and giving my wife the much needed break she deserves after a long day doing all that by herself.

And now Corona Virus. Thankfully I am still at work, my workplace has been deemed essential, and am able to earn a paycheck to support my family, for now. I am also thankful that my wife and I are relatively young and in good health. I am still able to get to the grocery store and to head out into the world and acquire essential items (formula for baby, medications for pets, etc).

While I have been on Facebook and social media recently, it is nowhere near the level that I used to be. I am thankful for this as it has allowed me to keep a level head about this pandemic and not to worry too much. Yes I am being cautious, I want to keep those I love safe and healthy, but I also understand that living life as a prisoner in our own homes and of our own fear is no life at all.

These stay at home measures are fine in a time of great crisis but they can never become a regular facet of American life. No, I don’t want people to die, but am I ready to give up my chance to live a life of freedom and liberty in order to buy a notion of security?

Between working, a new baby, and an unprecedented amount of hand washing I have found little time for blogging, or much of anything else. I am happy to report my baby is healthy, has shown a gift for smiling recently, and has already out grown her newborn clothes. As far as the blog goes, I will try to make more of an effort to update the blog on topics that I hope you and I both find interesting.

Hope you are all staying healthy and know that no matter how bad things might seem now, we will get through this and we will bounce back.

Cody Benson

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