We are all dealing with our lives being turned upside down
by Coronavirus. Some of us are staying home unable to see our friends and
family or engage in our regular activities. Others are still working but have
altered our routine to try and prevent the spread of this virus while we carry
out our essential duties.
I am extremely proud of the sacrifices we as Americans are
making so that we can buy as much time as possible to get a handle on this
pandemic. Most of us are staying home, practicing social distancing, wearing
masks and washing our hands to the point they become cracked and dry. Not to
mention the loss of jobs and financial burden.
We do this so that we do not overwhelm healthcare workers
and facilities and give people who are severely impacted by this virus the best
chances at survival. Yet how long can we be expected to make these sacrifices?
Cure Worse Than Disease
He was also accused of not caring about people dying and it
was even suggested that Trump should be brought up on crimes against humanity.
None of these accusations answered his question but simply served to deflect it
and to score a political hit against the President as he grapples to deal with
the chaos of this pandemic.
The hard fact is that death is part of life, be it from
Coronavirus, a car crash, a flood, or old age. The idea that we are willing to
do anything to save one life is not based in reality. Are we willing to put
everything to the torch to save one life? And even if we do how long will that
life be saved for? Does that one person’s one year of life outweigh the
suffering of another person for a decade? Does it outweigh the suffering of 100
people for a decade? What about 1000 people?
Businesses have been destroyed, they will never come back
from this shutdown. People who have given years of their lives to build their
dream have had it snatched away from them. They will not be able to just turn
their business back on.
The longer we remain shut down the more common this story
will become. This crisis does not only threaten our economic future, it
threatens to put our liberties on life support.
A Bad Apple a Day
Keeps our Liberties Away
Most of us can understand that we must be willing to give up
some of our liberties in order to allow the rest of our liberties to flourish.
In times of crisis we also accept that short term sacrifice of our liberty may
be needed in order to preserve those liberties in the long term and to allow us
to pass those liberties on to future generations.
There are some people in positions of power who are more
than happy sacrificing your liberties in order to protect you from yourself.
These people operate under the delusion that because they are smart that they
know how to run your life better than you do and they will grab any instant to
prove this point and strengthen their position.
I ask that people do their best to comply with stay at home
orders and social distancing not out of a benevolent spirit but out of self-interest
and love of liberty. The formula for legislating by fear goes something like
Find one person doing something that on the surface appears dangerous
or damaging. Call that person out and draw attention to them for what they are
doing. Get people afraid and asking for something to be done. Then propose
whatever legislation you desire on the grounds that if you oppose it you are a
morally bad person who does not care of people are hurt or die.
Legislators of fear seek to punish people for the bad
actions of one individual. They justify this punishment under the guise of
working to protect you. Only they want to protect you from yourself. Subtext
being, you are too stupid to run your own life and need someone smart, like a
legislator of fear, to help you along.
For those of you up to date on your history, yes, this is
the same reasoning slave holders used to argue why they needed to maintain
slavery as a legal and moral institution. Making a small temporary sacrifice of
your liberty is painful, frightening and dangerous but in the long term it will
be less painful then having to defend those liberties against tyranny from the
weak fortress of negative social opinion.
The State as Helicopter
While we all must do our part the calls about the state
getting further and further involved in our daily lives are not without merit.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to shut
down religious facilities permanently if they did not comply with his stay
at home mandate.
LA Mayor Eric Garcetti encouraged people to snitch
on their fellow citizens if they see them violating his “safer at home” order. Nancy
Pelosi held up the Coronavirus relief bill because she wanted to add in
money for things that had nothing to do with Coronavirus, such as stricter
emission standards for airplanes and funding for PBS.
Those calling Donald Trump the next incarnation of Hitler
and saying he will stop at nothing to gain power are now the same people
calling him incompetent for not seizing broad powers in this time of crisis.
They are essentially saying government can solve all these problems and more if
only it had greater power and they were the ones in charge instead of Trump.
While we all are working hard and making tough sacrifices we
also must be on guard against making what is understandable during a crisis the
norm of everyday life. We must also protect ourselves against a constant state
of crisis.
After seeing what can be done in the name of protecting you
from a crisis, what is to stop those same people from declaring a crisis every
election season? Or what is to stop them from simply declaring something a
crisis in perpetuity?
Climate change could be called a crisis so under that
heading shouldn’t government officials be able to assume broad powers in order
to solve it? Except what is the end of climate change, isn’t the climate always
changing? Would the end of the ‘crisis’ of climate change be a climate that
does not ever change?
Yes humanity does have an impact on the climate, but to
think that we have the power to ultimately control it or to even know what the
best climate is supposed to be is a bit hubristic.
We should be willing to make sacrifices to be able to rise
to the challenge of a crisis, but only if those sacrifices are made to preserve
our liberty and way of life, not to fundamentally alter it.
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