Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Google Archipelago

            We all have had that job we wanted to get fired from. Some may have even created elaborate ways in which we would do it, usually involving telling a boss or customer off. Yet I doubt that anyone has dreamed of getting fired for using science.

            This is exactly what has happened to James Damore the author of the Google Memo titled Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber. In the 10 page memo James Damore outlines differences between men and women as well as addresses the culture of bias at Google.

            He cites sources, draws on his background in biology, and even suggests other ways to reduce the gender gap at Google that does not involve discrimination. While doing this he reaffirms that he is for diversity and inclusion, recognizes that instances of sexism exist, and does not endorse stereotypes.

Google’s Bias

            Other employees at Google expressed concern that if they spoke up about or defended these points of view they could be fired. Turns out they were valid in those concerns as James Damore was fired for writing this memo.

            If this were just some guy at Google getting fired for being a sexist, why would it matter to anyone? The truth is that it touches on something important. It points out there are people who think you should be fired and that you are disgusting if you have a different opinion than the group. It also shows the power the Progressive PC authoritarians have.

Diversity of Appearance

            It also lays bare the hypocrisy of the left. They want diversity, but to them diversity is only skin deep. Diversity is a strength when you have a diversity of opinions and ideas. It is a weakness when it becomes about appearances. If someone is better for a position but you give that position to someone else simply because they have a different skin color or gender that is discrimination.

            This way of thinking puts looks over merit. If you are looking for the best woman for the job you might get a very skilled and talented woman, but you may also be missing out on an even more skilled and talented person simply by limiting your search to women.

The Real World Effect

            When things like this happen it has an impact in the real world. You or I might think twice before sharing our opinion out of fear of being fired from our job. We have bills to pay, families that rely on us bringing home a pay check. This is not the jack boot kick down the door type of censorship. Instead it is the development of a climate that fosters self-censorship.

            That is why we must stand with those brave enough to speak up and risk it for the freedom to express our opinions, no matter who wrong or clumsily they may be. If you do not stand now, than you might be the next one they come for.

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