Thursday, September 28, 2017

Discovering Young Conservatives Do Exist

A local college was conducting a study and they were looking for conservative/Trump supporters to give opinions who were in the millennia generation (born between 1980- 2000). I heard about it through a friend of one of the students conducting the study. I was interested and so I volunteered. They wanted to know about my experience in my community since the election of Donald Trump.

The study had to be rescheduled a few times due to lack of participants. This did not really surprise me but it was a bit strange. They could not find any conservative/Trump supporters in Oregon in my age group. I asked myself, was I the only one? Or was I the only one who would admit to someone else that I was a conservative?

The Study

I called my wife as I got ready to leave my house. I wanted to let her know that I was going and that I had fed the dogs and let them out. As my wife and I talked she made an offhand joke about me being sure this was not a trap to lure Trump supporters out. I laughed and did not really think seriously about it. Still I made sure I had my pocket knife with me as I left the house.

I would have been more worried if the university was in Portland rather than Forest Grove. Portland is a big city with lots of people, Forest Grove is a small town on the outskirts of the metro area. I figured I had more to fear from coyotes than out of control college students. Although I am sure people thought that about Evergreen University too.

I arrived and parked my car and met the professor and her two students. They were all very polite and welcoming. Quickly any silly ideas I had about being in danger vanished. My gut told me there was nothing to worry about and it was right. I went into a room filled with the smell of pizza, completed some forms and waited for everyone else to arrive.

The Group

The forms I filled out said that I could not reveal any names, for the protection of everyone in the group and to allow them to express their opinions without fear of repercussion. It seems silly but not that outlandish given the current political climate. Soon four other guys showed up and we started the study.

At first we were not sure what to say, but we quickly got over that. We shared our experience in our communities after the election. One guy said he was attacked for being in Portland with an American flag. People dressed in black beat him and his friend until the police showed up and took him away.

Another guy told a story about how he and one other person at work cheered when it was announced that Trump had won, to angry looks and sneers from other coworkers. Someone else was told they were a bad person and to think what it would be like to have a daughter who had to hear what Trump said on the access Hollywood tape.

I told of the best man at my wedding unfriending me on Facebook and not talking to me since. It was good to know that I was not the only one who had experienced these sort of things. We all did not agree on everything, but we did agree that we did not like the attacks from the left. One thing that did jump out at me was one guy who got serious when he said that he was worried about the rise of socialism in the United States. I have to admit, I share that concern.

One of the questions we were asked also stood out to me. It was, do you feel bad for any group since the election? We all answered more or less no to that one. It stood out to me more than the other questions because of its language. Why would I feel bad for a group because someone got elected? I didn’t feel bad for any group when Obama or Bush got elected, so why should I start now? I do not think that the researchers intended it to be a loaded question but it came across that way. It sort of implied that there was some group to feel bad for.

It also referred to people in the terms of a group. As if Latinos or women were just a group of people who all share the same thoughts and experiences. I could not help but think, why would I feel bad for a group instead of individuals? I could understand feeling bad for a group of people who have been hit by a hurricane but that is because they were all affected by a natural disaster, not because they were all born with the same color skin. An hour had passed and all the questions had been asked. We thanked the researchers, said goodbye and went back to our lives.


Looking back on the experience it was good to know that there were other people who had similar ideas as I do. We talked about Milo and Berkeley, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Antifa, Socialism, and Kekistan (Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee). We were not a group of Nazi’s, but just regular people who had to work the next day. People who see the world one way and get attacked for trying to explain it. People who are proud to be Americans and not afraid to say it out loud.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Refuse Fascism

Lately the date November 4th has come up several times from several different sources. It would seem those on the far left (Antifa, Communists, Progressives) are planning a big day of protest.

Why the 4th?

No one is sure other than it is the first Saturday in November. Some people think that it has something to do with Guy Fawkes Day on November 5th. It is also the day Ronald Regan was elected President. It is also close to the date Trump was announced the winner of the 2016 Presidential election. It could just be because they want to ruin everyone’s weekend.

It gives them some time to try and organize but announcing it also gives those who want to stand against them time to organize as well. This could also be why they are planning it for November, they want everyone to show up in force.

What are they going to do?

Again no one is sure and the websites advocating for this day do not give specific examples. The closest you’ll get to a stated goal is to remove the Trump-Pence regime. They do not give details on how to do this but it has something to do with getting into the streets and protesting for days.

I would guess this means they want to get people into the street to riot and protest. They are counting on the protests gaining momentum day after day. For this to happen they would have to do something big. You can get people out and motivated but only for a short period of time before they grow tired or have to get back to their lives.

To gain more momentum you need to secure a victory or reward. Something to keep the troops motivated and to keep up morale. Or a rallying call to gain more support, such as actual Nazi’s showing up and killing someone. They may try to occupy some buildings or territory but I doubt that even if they are successful they would be able to hold onto it for very long. I could make guesses all day long but we just have to wait and see.

Should you be worried?

Honestly no, I think most people have little to worry about. If you live in a major city you probably want to go away for the weekend or prepare just in case, but in the rural and suburban areas you are probably fine.

We have seen these people cause a lot of destruction, but nothing clearly organized and directed. Even if they did gain some sort of power, I would imagine it would devolve to infighting almost immediately as different groups struggle for power. We have seen this already with Black Lives Matter shutting down pride parades.

I do not mean we should let our guard down, only that I doubt the level of influence these Antifa/Progressive groups really have. The police have been stepping up to deal with them, more and more people see them for what they really are, and people are just tired of the outrage.

Refuse Fascism

If these groups understand this, than they could be desperate, which would make them dangerous. I looked at sites like refuse fascism to get a better understanding of what was going on and what these people were telling themselves. I would highly recommend visiting the site so you can see some of the outlandish ideas these people have. Scrolling through the website it occurred to me that someone actually believes this.

Not just believes it, but believes it so much that they have set up a website and spent time writing it all out, editing it and posting it. As someone who writes (I wish for a living but currently I do not get paid to do this) I can tell you it is a lot of work creating posts. Short posts, around 500 words, can take up to an hour if research is involved. Rants take up less time but tend to be less readable and do not flow well. Along with editing, adding photos and publishing it could take about an hour and a half to finish one blog post (I do minimal editing sometimes and do not spend a ton of time on photos and it still takes me this long).

The volume of text this site had to take someone (more like a small group of people) a few days to write, edit, and publish. This means there is a dedicated group driving this, who fully believe everything on the site, or fully believe that others will believe it and join their cause.

I am not sure why these groups picked November 4th or what they have planned. I do not think they are as big as they say they are, but they do have a dedicated core group who fully believe that Trump is a dictator and anyone who does not believe as they do is part of the problem and need to be attacked before they can do more damage to anyone else. Be safe on November 4th, take a lot of deep breaths and do not fall for anything these Antifa/Progressive groups have planned.

Monday, September 25, 2017

The NFL and Freedom of Speech

The big buzz lately is NFL players refusing to stand or kneeling for the national anthem. I personally do not watch football much so this has really flown under the radar for me. Football and sports in general, was always just about watching two teams of top tier athletes compete in a physical contest. This area of life has also been poisoned by the venom of social justice.

The Good Old Days

There was a time when people of all backgrounds and political beliefs could come together and cheer for their team. When you would go to your local sports bar, have a drink with friends and watch the game. You would cheer a great play together, boo a bad call by the referee together, and lean on the edge of your seats as the game comes down to one final play together.

Sports was a place where you could escape all the political stuff and just enjoy the game. Where the only thing that mattered was the talent of the player, not what they said before the game or after.

The Dark Cloud of Virtue Signaling

ESPN used to report and talk about sports. Now they seem to care more about sending out signals that they are not racist or sexist or whatever else is the ad hominin de jour of the day. The cult of Social Justice sees any platform as a way to spread its message and sports is just another platform to them.

They do not care if the platform is destroyed by the message, as long as they push the message. This idea that we all have to prove how not racist we are is what is killing the NFL and ESPN. After a hard day or week of work you want to relax and enjoy the game not be lectured to about how you are racist because you are an American with white skin. Life is hard enough without other people trying to make it harder for you, so why bother.

Attention Seeking Behavior

The players that refuse to stand for the national anthem only do so because they want attention. It will boost sales of their merchandise by bringing in people who could care less about the NFL. People will wear a Kaepernick jersey even if they hate the sport of football, because they want to signal their virtue and stand in solidarity.

I do not believe that these players truly sit down and think out the philosophical or social reasons why they do this. For them it is all about emotions and how much publicity they can get. It feels good to stand up against ‘oppression’ or rather sit down against it.

Never before have you had to do so little to ‘fight for the cause.’ As if their sitting down is some heroic action worthy of praise. If you look at it, truly and objectively, what have they lost? They got some people mad at them and they are starting to push people away from the NFL, but that will not impact them directly, at least not right away.

They gain praise from media outlets, from progressive politicians and activist groups and from those who have been taken in by the cult of social justice.

Free Speech

As disrespectful as I find this sort of behavior I have to support their right to do it. Even if it is against the rules of the NFL, I must support their right of free speech. If I do not support the right of free speech for speech I hate than I do not support the right of freedom of speech for all.

It is okay to be outraged by this and it is okay to find it disrespectful. If you no longer want to watch the NFL because of it that is alright too. But ask yourself, do you want the actions of some brainwashed social justice warriors be the reason you stop watching the sport that you love?

I say do not give that sort of power to them, instead voice your opinion. Fight free speech with more free speech. Write articles and blog posts, do not leave it to the progressive to control what people see. Figure out your reasons why it offends you and find a way to articulate them clearly.

Emotions are powerful but tapping into that power will quickly devolve into chaos. Stay calm, use reason and logic to focus your emotions and stand strong. Ignore all the hype, never back down an inch and wait until the emotional attention seekers tire themselves out.

The culture war will not be won in one great battle or with one great event, but will be a long and grinding battle. Do not give up ground easily because you do not like the actions of a few, instead voice your complaints and stand up for the things you love. For the amazing memories you have created watching sports with your father or your kids, for the value of being part of something bigger, they are worth standing up for. So don’t sit out like those players who refuse to honor the national anthem, but stand up for the things worth standing for.  

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I Am Not Going to Apologize for Being Conservative

Growing up in Oregon, near Portland, and going to Portland State University (PSU) I always felt like being conservative was wrong. It just felt like Conservative or Republican were dirty words.

On PSU campus I never would have said I was conservative. I saw people screaming at a Christian preacher in the park quoting the bible. They would yell at him that he was a bad father because he brought his son along with him to hold up a sign.

Not being a religious person and clearly seeing that the kid looked more board than anything I thought, who cares. It is only later that I realized the impact that scene had on me. I noticed that if you spoke up and did not share the commonly held public opinion than you would be an outcast.

It was my second year in college that I took a class called Politics for Change. That was the year George W. Bush was re-elected. In class the teacher had us sit in a circle and talk about how we felt that Bush was elected. One girl cried and said he was sad that Bush was going to invade Saudi Arabia and that all the young men were going to get drafted once he reinstated the draft.

At the time I did not take much notice of it but that also impacted me more than I knew. When it came to my turn to share I said “some people thought it was good and others did not.” A non-answer but I was a shy kid still trying to figure out college.

My life is full of these little moments. People ripping on Conservatives and Republicans as if they are too stupid to understand anything. Jokes made about George Bush and how much of an idiot he was. Everyone laughed at these joke, some were even funny. Professors blasting Republicans, although this happened less frequently then is commonly thought.

I do not know if it was my natural contrarian nature, just a rebellious spirit, or a calm level headedness but I came to identify more and more with Conservative ideas. Freedom of Speech, the right to bear arms, individual liberty.

Whatever I was politically I definitely knew I was not what my peers were. Yet all through college I got a bad feeling for liking conservative ideas or holding conservative opinions. I liked conservative talk radio but I did not listen to it around friends. I only spoke up once during a women literature class and got completely ignored by classmates and the professor.

It was not until several years after college that I become more interested in politics. I still felt like it was unacceptable to be a Republican. It was just accepted truth that Republicans were bad and anyone who held conservative ideas was stupid at the least or intentionally malevolent at the worst.

I spent a lot of time not sharing my political opinions while other shared them. I conditioned myself to not speak up. I saw how people were treated when they did and I was too socially awkward go through that.

I am not sure if it is age or just the chaos of the time we live but I have realized that I cannot be silent anymore. I look back at my experiences and wish I would have said something then. I know I cannot change the past but only go forward.

In the past I felt ashamed to have the ideas I had. Now I realize that people were shaming me. Not directly but social pressure is real. I am not a victim because I silenced myself.

I now realize I do not need to be ashamed to have conservative ideas. That my ideas are just as valid as any others and that they have value. They are worth fighting for.

I just wish more Republican politicians understood that too.

I will no longer apologize for my conservative ideas. I not only owe that to myself but to anyone who might have felt like I did. Sure it is a bit rough at first but in the long run it is worth it. I will stand tall and proud and do not care if I get attacked or called names. I now know that even if I am attacked at least I stood free, that I held true to my ideas of freedom of speech and individual liberty.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Reasons Behind Why I Write

I have often asked myself why I decided to write this blog. I started it several years ago, stopped for a couple years and recently picked it up again. There is not a reason why I decided to write my blog, but several.

I needed a way to express what was on my mind. There were things that I felt needed to be said, even if it was just on some blog in some corner of the internet that no one visits. The blog was also a way to get me to write more and to further my writing career. As I started writing I also found more reasons to continue my blog.

Too afraid

I had a friend tell me they were biting their tongue on a certain topic because they own their own business. They were worried about what would happen if they spoke up. This floored me.

When I asked why, they said they were afraid of speaking their mind because they did not want to lose their business or any customers for saying something too controversial. My knee jerk reaction shocked me as well. I did not think of this person as a coward, afraid to stand up for free speech. Actually quite the opposite.

My friend has a family and a wife who depend on him. He was sacrificing expressing his opinion in order to continue to be able to take care of his family. Although I disagreed with keeping silent I respected his bravery and sacrifice for his family. He was fighting for a better future for them in his own way.

This impacted me more than I realized at the time. This fortified me to continue writing. Having the ability to say things that he might want said but is unable to say is part of the reason I continue writing this blog.

Needs to be said

I was very nervous when I decided to post things publicly. I thought that people would read it and mock me or try to use what I said to get me fired. My blog is not that big so I do not have to worry about that for now, but it did cross my mind.

I first thought that I could keep quiet and continue to live a peaceful easy life. Who knows I might even go my whole life without this problem ever showing up at my door step. Yet as free speech was under more and more attack I decided that not saying something would be worse than saying something.

From my point of view, I might go through a hard time now but in the long run it would be better if I speak up. Free speech is a right everyone is born with, but each right carries a responsibility with it. My responsibility was to say what I thought needed to be said as clearly and honestly as I could. I might not get it right all the time but it was better than being silent.


I spent five years studying and writing papers in college. I used to be really good at it. I even graduated with a degree in English.

In that time in school I developed an ability to write and to clearly articulate what I wanted to say. Or at least that is what I thought. I quickly learned that after years with little use, I was out of practice. The knowledge I gained in school allowed me to write well enough for a good grade but did not give me the power of clear and concise writing.

I have always loved to write, but this was a different kind of writing. It is easy to write a journal entry or just post whatever is on your mind, but a blog post needs to be interesting and powerful enough to get people interested in reading it.

I know with each blog post I get a bit better at what I want to say and in my writing ability. Each post is a chance to sharpen my writing skills so that I can lay out a clear idea and express it to the world as fully and truthfully as I can.

Each post is also a chance to refine my ideas. I had one set of ideas going in, sometimes they get stronger, some get weaker and need more research, and some come up just wrong. I know I have made progress in my ability and that is why I continue to write.

This was not an accident, but rather an ability that I cultivated and continue to strengthen over time and through experience. This was driven by watching my friends and family crushed online when they dared to post what they thought. I had some extended family members who left Facebook for a time because of how harshly they were treated by other family members for expressing their opinions.

They expressed their opinions alongside mine and were bullied off of Facebook for it. I knew that the best way in dealing with these bullies was not to bully back or complain, but instead to get better.

I wanted to be ready to pick up my opinion and be able to stand strong with it if I needed to. I got torn to shreds a few times, I have been called names and attacked online, but it was all a learning process. Each insult was a chance to grow and get better. To weed out those weak ideas or weak methods of expression.


I did not write because I wanted to become the voice for the voiceless. I want them to be their own voice. Instead I write because I wanted to show them that it can be done and that they are not alone.

I wanted to show them that they do not need to be ashamed of their ideas. That they are not racist because they voted Republican or agree with Trump on one issue or another. I wanted them to know that just because they have a hard time articulating their ideas that does not make them incorrect.

I have a lot of different reasons why I write, some self-interested and others grounded in personal experiences. Every reason I have is my own. Mostly I write because I love it and somehow I feel I have a responsibility to do so.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Truth Behind What is Happening In the West

If you look at the Democratic Party Platform you will see things like “Ending Systemic Racism, Closing the Racial Wealth Gap, Guaranteeing Women’s Rights, Guaranteeing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights, Guaranteeing Rights for People with Disabilities, Protecting Workers’ Fundamental Rights.”

It would seem that the Democratic Party really cares about rights. In a way they do care about rights, just not in the way most people think about them.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali in her book Infidel undoubtedly described it best when she wrote “The Democratic Party is grounded in the rights of groups of people not the individual.”

It is this grouping of people together in an attempt to gain votes that is causing division and hate. This growing tribalism is recreating the political landscape, turning friends against each other and seeming enemies together. These ideas are new manifestation of an old threat.

That was not REAL Communism

The idea of group’s rights is not a new concept. It finds it roots in the ideology of Karl Marx, who promoted the rights of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie.

Toward the latter half of the twentieth century it became increasingly obvious that Communism did not produce the wonderful utopia that it promised. The horrors of the Soviet Union, the genocide of Pol Pot, and oppression in Cuba could not be ignored. Those who believed in Communism could no longer associate with that ideology and be taken seriously.

Instead they performed a sleight of hand. Instead of proletariat verses the bourgeoisie, it became oppressor verses oppressed. This allowed the idea of group’s rights to flourish. If a group is being oppressed of course they need more protections.

It is this sleight of hand that allows an ideology responsible for some of the most horrific atrocities in the world to still be openly put forward as a good idea. Ask yourself, why is it acceptable to fly a hammer and sickle banner but not acceptable to fly a Swastika banner? Both are symbols of despotic regimes responsible for the deaths of millions of people, both are offensive to lots of people, yet one is acceptable and the other is not.

This in part has to do with the fact that those who subscribed to the communist ideology never owned up to the horrors it produced. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the head of Communism was cut off. It took some time, but true to its form the hydra of Communism sprouted several more heads. Those heads sprouted up as positions in universities. Women’s Studies, Black Studies, Gender Studies, LGBTQ Studies. Using the experience they gained in the civil rights movement the Democratic Party realized they could appeal to groups of people and claim that they are champions of those group’s rights.

Why Classical Liberals Find Themselves on the Right

The term online is ‘Red-Pilled.’ Taken from the matrix it means someone who can finally see reality for what it really is.

The left has increasingly become obsessed with identity politics. The term identity politics is not exactly correct. Lately the Progressive/Social Justice Warrior types point to the right and accuse them of engaging in identity politics too. At some level they are not wrong. Everyone has one identity or another that they think needs more help. That is natural to human behavior.

So why are classical liberals joining together with people who are more on the right. Classical Liberals can see or at least feel that the Progressives on the left have moved away from individual liberty. John Stuart Mill, a prominent liberal thinker, in his book On Liberty sums up this feeling well when he says, “Whatever crushes individuality is despotism, by whatever name it may be called and whether it professes to be enforcing the will of God or the injunctions of men.” Group’s rights crush individuality, it is the tyranny of the majority.

The politics on the left promote the group above the individual. This why you see people like Linda Sarsour Tweeting out “Brigitte Gabriel = Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking 4 an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away- they don’t deserve to be women.” Despite being women Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali are treated as undeserving of that status because they do not fight for the rights of the group over the rights of the individual.

This behavior is not exclusive to feminism. Racial slurs are directed toward people who oppose the group, the term race traitor is thrown about, and a mountain of shame, outrage and disgust is dropped on anyone who dare step out of line. If group’s rights is the end goal than anyone who opposes that is not only not part of the group, but an enemy of the group.

Classical liberalism is nested in the idea that each individual has intrinsic value and natural rights. Fundamentally the ideology of group rights cannot coexist with the intrinsic value of the individual. The needs of the group must always come first, if that means a few individuals have to suffer for the betterment of the group than it is acceptable. This is why liberals who used to be on the left now find themselves more to the right. As Dave Rubin host of The Rubin Report said “Defending my liberal values has become a conservative position.” It is this belief in the rights of the group over the individual that is driving people away from the left.

How Feminism and Islam can coexist.

The coexistence of Feminism and Islam has been a question that baffled me for some time. On the surface it would seem that the two ideologies vastly contrast one another.

At first I thought this had to do with the fact that both groups seem to harbor a hatred of Western culture and civilization. This might be one factor in their friendship but it goes even deeper than that.

Islam is concerned with the group of people who have submitted their will to Allah. Islam has different rights for those who are Muslim as opposed to those who are not, the dhimmis. Jizya, the idea that any non-Muslim subject has to pay a yearly tax that Muslim do not, is just one example of this playing out.

Feminism at its founding was a movement to gain equal rights for women. One of the biggest problems the feminist movement has suffered was being too successful. Legally women enjoy all the same rights as men. Now Post-Modern Feminism does not want equal opportunities with men, instead Post-Modern feminism seeks to have equal outcomes with men. This can only happen two ways. Either give women an additional leg up, or cut men down so that everything will have equal outcomes. Both of these methods seek to grant ‘rights’ to one group of people instead of all people as individuals.

These two seemingly opposing ideologies overlap in one key area. They believe in the rights of one group and disregard the rights of other groups. In that regard they are philosophical siblings. They happen to also have a perceived shared enemy in the Western Capitalist Judeo-Christian Patriarchy.

It is this dedication to the rights of group’s over individuals that allows groups with opposite views but similar ideological roots work together. Like some sort of comic book superhero team up gone horribly wrong, they have decided to join forces to defeat a common ‘enemy’ even if they normally could not stand each other.

Free Speech and the Individual

The right to free speech is the most powerful weapon an individual possess. If you have no money, no status, and no influence you will always have the ability to speak the truth. It is this freedom that gives power to even the most marginalized person. That is why freedom of speech is under attack.

Group’s rights does not work unless everyone fits into their group. So when an individual uses their freedom of speech to speak against the group they get stuck with the label hate speech. To the group’s right activist speaking out against the group means you do not care about that group’s rights. The line of thought follows this path to the idea that they are suffering from internalized oppression or they are actual oppressors who seek to do harm to the group.

Further down this line of thought is that if they are seeking to do harm, then the group, or those representing (or claiming to represent) the group, have a right to self-defense. This is the victim narrative. Group’s rights activists and Democrat Party politicians need a victim narrative to survive.

Democratic Party politicians like to position themselves as champions of the people. They are the ones fighting for women’s rights, they are fighting for Trans rights. In reality they only care about the group rights of certain people often to the detriment of other people. That is why they are so willing to attack freedom of speech under the guise of hate speech. They want to protect the group, not the individual.

Ideology of group’s right bring together groups that would normally seem antagonistic toward one another. This is accomplished because of the close ideological familiarity of group’s rights. The push for more and more group’s rights has resulted in a lot of classical liberals being pushed over from the left to the right.

The ideology of group’s rights is built on the foundation of resentment. Not a resentment that they do not have enough, but that someone else has more than they do. When someone feels like they deserve something that someone else has, things go from bad to dangerous. It is clear to see that this ideology is destructive and crushes the individual in its attempt to usher in the utopia.

The Threat to Civilization

Individual liberty and the rights of the individual are the foundation that Western Civilization was built. These ideas of group’s rights are a serious threat to that foundation. They can only see power and want nothing but more power for their group.

This quest for power will ultimately thrust everyone into warring tribes’ hell bent on the destruction or subjection of other tribes to their will. Countries founded on individual liberty and individual rights stand in the way of this goal. That is why recently at Berkeley you could hear a chant of “No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all.”

The political landscape is changing, we need to adapt to it. The rights of the individual are under attack by those who seek the rights of the group. This time of chaos has brought ideologies with goals that are anathema to each other together under the banner of group rights. Once the rights of the group are put above the rights of the individuals, atrocities will soon follow. At that point the only question that remains is, how many individuals must be sacrificed before utopia can be reached?