Monday, September 25, 2017

The NFL and Freedom of Speech

The big buzz lately is NFL players refusing to stand or kneeling for the national anthem. I personally do not watch football much so this has really flown under the radar for me. Football and sports in general, was always just about watching two teams of top tier athletes compete in a physical contest. This area of life has also been poisoned by the venom of social justice.

The Good Old Days

There was a time when people of all backgrounds and political beliefs could come together and cheer for their team. When you would go to your local sports bar, have a drink with friends and watch the game. You would cheer a great play together, boo a bad call by the referee together, and lean on the edge of your seats as the game comes down to one final play together.

Sports was a place where you could escape all the political stuff and just enjoy the game. Where the only thing that mattered was the talent of the player, not what they said before the game or after.

The Dark Cloud of Virtue Signaling

ESPN used to report and talk about sports. Now they seem to care more about sending out signals that they are not racist or sexist or whatever else is the ad hominin de jour of the day. The cult of Social Justice sees any platform as a way to spread its message and sports is just another platform to them.

They do not care if the platform is destroyed by the message, as long as they push the message. This idea that we all have to prove how not racist we are is what is killing the NFL and ESPN. After a hard day or week of work you want to relax and enjoy the game not be lectured to about how you are racist because you are an American with white skin. Life is hard enough without other people trying to make it harder for you, so why bother.

Attention Seeking Behavior

The players that refuse to stand for the national anthem only do so because they want attention. It will boost sales of their merchandise by bringing in people who could care less about the NFL. People will wear a Kaepernick jersey even if they hate the sport of football, because they want to signal their virtue and stand in solidarity.

I do not believe that these players truly sit down and think out the philosophical or social reasons why they do this. For them it is all about emotions and how much publicity they can get. It feels good to stand up against ‘oppression’ or rather sit down against it.

Never before have you had to do so little to ‘fight for the cause.’ As if their sitting down is some heroic action worthy of praise. If you look at it, truly and objectively, what have they lost? They got some people mad at them and they are starting to push people away from the NFL, but that will not impact them directly, at least not right away.

They gain praise from media outlets, from progressive politicians and activist groups and from those who have been taken in by the cult of social justice.

Free Speech

As disrespectful as I find this sort of behavior I have to support their right to do it. Even if it is against the rules of the NFL, I must support their right of free speech. If I do not support the right of free speech for speech I hate than I do not support the right of freedom of speech for all.

It is okay to be outraged by this and it is okay to find it disrespectful. If you no longer want to watch the NFL because of it that is alright too. But ask yourself, do you want the actions of some brainwashed social justice warriors be the reason you stop watching the sport that you love?

I say do not give that sort of power to them, instead voice your opinion. Fight free speech with more free speech. Write articles and blog posts, do not leave it to the progressive to control what people see. Figure out your reasons why it offends you and find a way to articulate them clearly.

Emotions are powerful but tapping into that power will quickly devolve into chaos. Stay calm, use reason and logic to focus your emotions and stand strong. Ignore all the hype, never back down an inch and wait until the emotional attention seekers tire themselves out.

The culture war will not be won in one great battle or with one great event, but will be a long and grinding battle. Do not give up ground easily because you do not like the actions of a few, instead voice your complaints and stand up for the things you love. For the amazing memories you have created watching sports with your father or your kids, for the value of being part of something bigger, they are worth standing up for. So don’t sit out like those players who refuse to honor the national anthem, but stand up for the things worth standing for.  


  1. The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the NFL League Rulebook. It states:
    “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.
    “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition...
    ...It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”

    This is your bro Dave btw

    1. Hey Dave, thanks for the comment. You bring up a very good point. It is in the rules and the rules need to be followed or changed. It seems to me that these people protesting really have no idea why they are protesting, just mad at the president and the US I guess.
