Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Truth Behind What is Happening In the West

If you look at the Democratic Party Platform you will see things like “Ending Systemic Racism, Closing the Racial Wealth Gap, Guaranteeing Women’s Rights, Guaranteeing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights, Guaranteeing Rights for People with Disabilities, Protecting Workers’ Fundamental Rights.”

It would seem that the Democratic Party really cares about rights. In a way they do care about rights, just not in the way most people think about them.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali in her book Infidel undoubtedly described it best when she wrote “The Democratic Party is grounded in the rights of groups of people not the individual.”

It is this grouping of people together in an attempt to gain votes that is causing division and hate. This growing tribalism is recreating the political landscape, turning friends against each other and seeming enemies together. These ideas are new manifestation of an old threat.

That was not REAL Communism

The idea of group’s rights is not a new concept. It finds it roots in the ideology of Karl Marx, who promoted the rights of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie.

Toward the latter half of the twentieth century it became increasingly obvious that Communism did not produce the wonderful utopia that it promised. The horrors of the Soviet Union, the genocide of Pol Pot, and oppression in Cuba could not be ignored. Those who believed in Communism could no longer associate with that ideology and be taken seriously.

Instead they performed a sleight of hand. Instead of proletariat verses the bourgeoisie, it became oppressor verses oppressed. This allowed the idea of group’s rights to flourish. If a group is being oppressed of course they need more protections.

It is this sleight of hand that allows an ideology responsible for some of the most horrific atrocities in the world to still be openly put forward as a good idea. Ask yourself, why is it acceptable to fly a hammer and sickle banner but not acceptable to fly a Swastika banner? Both are symbols of despotic regimes responsible for the deaths of millions of people, both are offensive to lots of people, yet one is acceptable and the other is not.

This in part has to do with the fact that those who subscribed to the communist ideology never owned up to the horrors it produced. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the head of Communism was cut off. It took some time, but true to its form the hydra of Communism sprouted several more heads. Those heads sprouted up as positions in universities. Women’s Studies, Black Studies, Gender Studies, LGBTQ Studies. Using the experience they gained in the civil rights movement the Democratic Party realized they could appeal to groups of people and claim that they are champions of those group’s rights.

Why Classical Liberals Find Themselves on the Right

The term online is ‘Red-Pilled.’ Taken from the matrix it means someone who can finally see reality for what it really is.

The left has increasingly become obsessed with identity politics. The term identity politics is not exactly correct. Lately the Progressive/Social Justice Warrior types point to the right and accuse them of engaging in identity politics too. At some level they are not wrong. Everyone has one identity or another that they think needs more help. That is natural to human behavior.

So why are classical liberals joining together with people who are more on the right. Classical Liberals can see or at least feel that the Progressives on the left have moved away from individual liberty. John Stuart Mill, a prominent liberal thinker, in his book On Liberty sums up this feeling well when he says, “Whatever crushes individuality is despotism, by whatever name it may be called and whether it professes to be enforcing the will of God or the injunctions of men.” Group’s rights crush individuality, it is the tyranny of the majority.

The politics on the left promote the group above the individual. This why you see people like Linda Sarsour Tweeting out “Brigitte Gabriel = Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking 4 an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away- they don’t deserve to be women.” Despite being women Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali are treated as undeserving of that status because they do not fight for the rights of the group over the rights of the individual.

This behavior is not exclusive to feminism. Racial slurs are directed toward people who oppose the group, the term race traitor is thrown about, and a mountain of shame, outrage and disgust is dropped on anyone who dare step out of line. If group’s rights is the end goal than anyone who opposes that is not only not part of the group, but an enemy of the group.

Classical liberalism is nested in the idea that each individual has intrinsic value and natural rights. Fundamentally the ideology of group rights cannot coexist with the intrinsic value of the individual. The needs of the group must always come first, if that means a few individuals have to suffer for the betterment of the group than it is acceptable. This is why liberals who used to be on the left now find themselves more to the right. As Dave Rubin host of The Rubin Report said “Defending my liberal values has become a conservative position.” It is this belief in the rights of the group over the individual that is driving people away from the left.

How Feminism and Islam can coexist.

The coexistence of Feminism and Islam has been a question that baffled me for some time. On the surface it would seem that the two ideologies vastly contrast one another.

At first I thought this had to do with the fact that both groups seem to harbor a hatred of Western culture and civilization. This might be one factor in their friendship but it goes even deeper than that.

Islam is concerned with the group of people who have submitted their will to Allah. Islam has different rights for those who are Muslim as opposed to those who are not, the dhimmis. Jizya, the idea that any non-Muslim subject has to pay a yearly tax that Muslim do not, is just one example of this playing out.

Feminism at its founding was a movement to gain equal rights for women. One of the biggest problems the feminist movement has suffered was being too successful. Legally women enjoy all the same rights as men. Now Post-Modern Feminism does not want equal opportunities with men, instead Post-Modern feminism seeks to have equal outcomes with men. This can only happen two ways. Either give women an additional leg up, or cut men down so that everything will have equal outcomes. Both of these methods seek to grant ‘rights’ to one group of people instead of all people as individuals.

These two seemingly opposing ideologies overlap in one key area. They believe in the rights of one group and disregard the rights of other groups. In that regard they are philosophical siblings. They happen to also have a perceived shared enemy in the Western Capitalist Judeo-Christian Patriarchy.

It is this dedication to the rights of group’s over individuals that allows groups with opposite views but similar ideological roots work together. Like some sort of comic book superhero team up gone horribly wrong, they have decided to join forces to defeat a common ‘enemy’ even if they normally could not stand each other.

Free Speech and the Individual

The right to free speech is the most powerful weapon an individual possess. If you have no money, no status, and no influence you will always have the ability to speak the truth. It is this freedom that gives power to even the most marginalized person. That is why freedom of speech is under attack.

Group’s rights does not work unless everyone fits into their group. So when an individual uses their freedom of speech to speak against the group they get stuck with the label hate speech. To the group’s right activist speaking out against the group means you do not care about that group’s rights. The line of thought follows this path to the idea that they are suffering from internalized oppression or they are actual oppressors who seek to do harm to the group.

Further down this line of thought is that if they are seeking to do harm, then the group, or those representing (or claiming to represent) the group, have a right to self-defense. This is the victim narrative. Group’s rights activists and Democrat Party politicians need a victim narrative to survive.

Democratic Party politicians like to position themselves as champions of the people. They are the ones fighting for women’s rights, they are fighting for Trans rights. In reality they only care about the group rights of certain people often to the detriment of other people. That is why they are so willing to attack freedom of speech under the guise of hate speech. They want to protect the group, not the individual.

Ideology of group’s right bring together groups that would normally seem antagonistic toward one another. This is accomplished because of the close ideological familiarity of group’s rights. The push for more and more group’s rights has resulted in a lot of classical liberals being pushed over from the left to the right.

The ideology of group’s rights is built on the foundation of resentment. Not a resentment that they do not have enough, but that someone else has more than they do. When someone feels like they deserve something that someone else has, things go from bad to dangerous. It is clear to see that this ideology is destructive and crushes the individual in its attempt to usher in the utopia.

The Threat to Civilization

Individual liberty and the rights of the individual are the foundation that Western Civilization was built. These ideas of group’s rights are a serious threat to that foundation. They can only see power and want nothing but more power for their group.

This quest for power will ultimately thrust everyone into warring tribes’ hell bent on the destruction or subjection of other tribes to their will. Countries founded on individual liberty and individual rights stand in the way of this goal. That is why recently at Berkeley you could hear a chant of “No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all.”

The political landscape is changing, we need to adapt to it. The rights of the individual are under attack by those who seek the rights of the group. This time of chaos has brought ideologies with goals that are anathema to each other together under the banner of group rights. Once the rights of the group are put above the rights of the individuals, atrocities will soon follow. At that point the only question that remains is, how many individuals must be sacrificed before utopia can be reached?

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