A battle with a group like Antifa needs to be waged on all
fronts. Physical, Philosophical, Political, and Societal.
Antifa is a broad and confusing term that covers many
different people. In order to win a battle you must know your enemy. I will
attempt to define what Antifa means and some of the various types of Antifa.
Types of Antifa
Some people take the meaning of the word Antifa literally
and believe it simply means you oppose fascism. These people either are not
paying attention or are willfully blinding themselves to the truth.
These are the literalist Antifa. They think Antifa means you
oppose fascism and that the people in black bloc are protectors of the
community and oppressed.
The black bloc Antifa can be broken down into two camps. The
shield maidens and the soy sword members.

The shield members generally outnumber the sword members so
they can claim they are largely peaceful to the media and the media will parrot
this talking point. They also provide sympathy for the Antifa cause because if
they get hurt it makes the other side look bad for beating up women. Something
Antifa will exploit every chance they get for propaganda and recruiting
They also provide a protective group for the sword members
to blend into after they commit their heinous acts. If these tactics seem
familiar, that is because they are the same tactics used by ISIS and other
terrorist organizations. The terrorists will set up base inside a school or
nearby so they can produce propaganda that the evil imperialists are killing
Antifa also utilizes people intended to bait the opposition.
The goal of this is to get the other side to throw the first punch and make
them seem like the aggressors. They will do and say anything short of attacking
you, if they think it will make you angry. Do not take the bait, it might feel
good at the time and you might win the battle but it is a loss for the war.
Archers are the Antifa members who throw objects into the
opposing crowd. They are protected in the group from identification and only
seek to make the opposition angry. They will throw bricks, bottle of urine, fireworks,
and rocks. This tactic is meant to anger the opposition much the same way the
bait does and if they hurt someone in the process all the better.
Antifa does have a propaganda arm. Websites such as Rose
City Antifa and It’s Going Down spread this propaganda across social media and
the web and even reach into the mainstream media.
Antifa also has ally groups, which include labor unions,
sections of the Democratic Party, and the Progressive movement. They also have
sympathetic allies in the mainstream media and in local government.

We also need to show up, in numbers, to town halls and other
events where politicians are talking with the public. Note: Do not seek out
politicians on their private time or if you see them in the grocery store, it
might be tempting to exercise turnabout as fair play but it does no good in the
long run.
At these town halls we need to ask hard questions,
repeatedly, and demand direct answers. Not in a screaming and yelling sort of
way that the Democrats demand everything but in an adult calm but tough sort of
Ask questions like, what is your opinion on Antifa? How do
you plan to keep the community safe from their violence? Or ask about a
specific events, such as the Patriot Prayer march on June 30th that
saw Antifa throwing mortars into a crowd of people. You can also ask them about
what they think about Free Speech, if they support borders, and what is their
opinion on groups like Patriot Prayer.
The questions and answers need to be recorded and shared in
a full unedited format across multiple platforms. By asking these questions
repeatedly it will force the politicians to address the problem directly. If
one person asks they usually can dodge the question but if 4 or 5 people ask
they will be run out of room to maneuver and be forced to answer the question plainly.
By getting them to answer these questions it will force the
politicians to either express support for Antifa, which will make them look bad
to the general public, or if they denounce Antifa it makes Antifa look bad and
will cause them to turn on that politician. Either way we win.
This is one of the more difficult aspects because it is a
war of ideas and narratives. The best thing we can do is examine Antifa
ideology. Antifa for the most part runs on Socialist/Communist and Anarchist ideologies.

These are highly intelligent people that are able to help
give words to your thoughts. They are able to express ideas clearly and in
understandable terms. Support them and share the ideas you agree with and talk
about those that you do not.
If you get a chance you should also read what was written by
the founding fathers and the thinkers they were reading. The Federalist
and Anti
Federalist papers are great, works of Thomas Paine such as Common
Sense, and The
Rights of Man, and of course the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
If you do not have the time to read these works you can
always search for audio versions and listen to them while doing dishes, walking
the dog, or during your workout.
Antifa appears to be the militant wing of the Democratic
Party. I say, appears to be, because I have no direct proof that they are
getting their orders from that party. There are also Democrats who oppose
Antifa, though most are probably too afraid to say so.

The goal here is to try and tie the Democratic Party
together with Antifa. This will force individual Democrats to either come out
against Antifa or accept that they endorse them. This will seem to matter
little to Antifa but it will matter to the general public.
It will create a split between the Progressives and the
Liberals by forcing them to come down on one or the other side of the issue.
Those who come out and oppose Antifa can be reasoned with and would make useful
allies. We will not agree on everything but as long as we agree that Antifa is
a problem we should work together on that shared idea.
Currently Antifa enjoy the silence on their behavior on the
part of the Mainstream Media. Any coverage that makes it on the news is down
played as a few bad actors among a largely ‘peaceful’ protest.

If a video goes viral it will bring the violence of Antifa
into the daily life of the average person and allow them to see what really
happens. To do this we need to build relationships with the media as well as police
We also need to build relationships with business owners who
have their property damaged by Antifa, people who have been shouted down and no
platformed by Antifa and Progressives and community leaders who want to see an
end to their violence.
Never Apologize to a
By considering all these factors we’ll be able to end the
violence of Antifa. If we continue to show up and peacefully share ideas we
will win. If they attack us for doing so, we will win because they clearly have
no argument against us.
We need to understand both our ideas and their ideas. This
will allow us to push back against their narrative more effectively. Take some
time to read or listen to those in the conversation of ideas.
We need to press those in politics to clearly come out for
or against Antifa. Most will try to waffle or deflect, keep asking questions,
showing up to town halls and never be afraid to state what you believe as long
as you do it respectfully and calmly.
Forge relationships with business owners who have been
damaged by Antifa or have suffered thanks to the outrage mob. In their quest
for ideological purity Antifa will push people away who do not live up to their
ideals of perfection. While you might not agree with some of these people on
several issues we can come together under the shared goal of doing something
about the violence of Antifa.
The culture war will not be fought on one front but on many
and we need to be ready to engage in all of them. Do not damage the cause of
liberty and freedom by acting in a silly way because you want to own or burn
progressives. It might be funny at the moment to get them mad but remember the
mainstream media is more than ready to take your actions and apply them to the
whole group.
Only do what you know to be right and would be proud to do. Never
apologize to the mob for doing what you believe is right, they will only see it
as an admission of guilt. They know no forgiveness and will turn the apology
into a weapon.
Antifa is a problem, they lie, commit acts of violence, and
are willing to destroy your life if you disagree with them. We can beat them but
only by being better than they are. We must remember the quote by Nietzsche “He
who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a
monster…when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you.”
This is a how to article. A how to do exactly what you think is right even though youre unfortunately so misguided.
ReplyDeleteThe people you follow are idiots and someone who seems to love this country you are very much for the divide.
Maybe if our country wasnt built on hatred and racism then we wouldnt need ANTIFA.
But until we over throw the gov't and actually change this god awful system then antifa is in the right and hopefully you steer clear from the morters.
Supporting this system and the flag shows your inteligence.
Antifa is itself garbage, and by far, inferior in ideology, intelligence, and moral authority to real Americans. There is no need for antifa, just like there is no need for parasites. Antifa is peopled strictly by a class of stupids, who have flunked their way through high school, and believe everything they watch on Netflix to be real life.
DeleteIt’s perfectly okay to defy them and disrespect them. Like I said, they’re inferior. Piss on antifa’s illegitimate beliefs