With such a diverse group it is worth taking the time asking
and answering the question, what does it mean to be a Patriot? I hope to
outline what I believe it means with the objective of starting a wider
conversation that will bring clarity to what it means to be a Patriot.
Authors Note: I am talking about what it means to be an
American Patriot in particular. While there will be overlap with Patriots
around the world some of these points will apply specifically to American
Love of Country

A Patriot will love and respect their country. In order to
avoid the dangerous hyper-nationalism a Patriot understands that his country
can be flawed or wrong. The love of country a Patriot feels is not a blind
slavish kind of love, but more like a love between a husband and wife.
You will have fights and disagreements but if you both
remember that you love each other and respect each other than you can come
together, solve those problems and come out stronger. In order to do this both
the government and the Patriot must be able to talk to and listen to one another.
This is why a Patriot values freedom of speech, the right to
peaceable assemble as well as the right to petition the government for a
redress of their grievances. This is the mechanism that allows the Patriot and
the country to communicate with each other and move forward.
The American author Mark Twain said it best when he wrote,
“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when
it deserves it.” Just because there are individuals in government that operate
in a way you do not like does not mean you do not love your country.

Patriotic individualism means you are free to have any
individual distinction but that you are able to set that distinction aside and
share in a common respect for each person as an individual and a love of
This is not the unbridled individualism that results in the
Hobbesian Nightmare of everyone against everyone one, but an individualism set
within a very wide set of limits. Philosopher Adam Ferguson was right when he
said “Liberty or Freedom is not, as the origin of the name may seem to imply,
an exemption from all restraints, but rather the most effectual applications of
every just restraint to all members of a free society whether they be
magistrates or subjects.”
Patriotic individualism is tempered with responsibility. The
responsibility that comes with loving your country and taking care of yourself
and your family. It means doing your civic duty to the best of your ability,
even if all you can do is vote.
Opposes Collectivism
in All Forms

This rejection of collectivism does not mean a Patriot
cannot associate with people in a group because there is a difference between
collectivism and association. Collectivism is “The practice or principle of
giving a group priority over each individual in it” while association is “a
group of [individuals] organized for a joint purpose.” (Definitions drawn from
This rejection of collectivism is not as easy as it may seem
because at the core it means treating everyone, yes even members of groups like
Antifa and Neo-Nazi’s, as if they are individuals. Just because you treat
someone as an individual does not mean you agree with or respect them, but that
you respect their individuality.
Respecting individuality means that you do not apply the
actions of certain members of the group to other members of that group. With
groups like Antifa this is especially difficult because they purposefully hide
their individuality.
Defenders of Liberty
A Patriot does not go looking for or praying for a fight,
but is ready to defend themselves if attacked. They do not go out seeking
confrontation, but will fight to defend liberty. This is a fine but important
distinction that each Patriot must make and reflect on.
A Patriot will not take a stand to try and exert influence
over someone else nor to force people to their side but must stand to protect
fragile freedom and liberty.
A Patriot does not just defend their own liberty but will
stand for those who cannot stand themselves. They do not do this expecting
thanks or reward but do so because protecting freedom and liberty is the right
thing to do.
A Patriot understands that fighting does not always mean
violent or physical altercations. MLK Jr and Gandhi, Patriots both, made
valiant and courageous stands out of a love for their countries using
non-violence. In Matthew 5:5 it says “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit
the earth.” Meek in this context does not mean “weak, tame, or deficient in
courage” but rather “power under control.” (Quotes from Theology
of Work)
A Higher Standard
A Patriot holds themselves to a higher standard. We need to
make sure we do not become the thing we oppose. We need to make sure we do not
resort to the sort of tactics or behaviors that are being used against us. It
is these sort of behaviors and tactics that, among many other things, we have a
problem with, and if we engage in the same sort of tactics and behaviors then
what we are really saying is that we do not actually have a problem with these
methods but only have a problem with the targets they choose.
This does not mean a Patriot should simply roll over or let
those who oppose us run over us because they are willing to be more horrible.
Instead it means we need to determine acceptable behaviors and find ways to
protect against unacceptable behavior.

Part of this higher standard is telling the truth, being
honest and doing what is right no matter how hard it is or how much criticism
you will get for doing it. You do not do the right thing because you expect
praise but do it because it is the correct thing to do.
Yes people will try to use lies and slander against the
Patriot. Others will use these lies and slander to try and get a Patriot fired
or to ostracize a Patriot from your friends and family. Those who seek the
truth will be able to see through these lies and only those who want the lies
to be true will believe them. It might be rough at first but in the long run it
will be for the best.
Yes holding yourself to a higher standard will be a tough
responsibility and take a lot of discipline and self-control and we all will
have times where we slip up but if we all stand together we will be able to
accomplish great things by maintaining this standard. I am reminded of the words of Thomas Paine when in 1776 he
“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer
soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service
of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of
man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this
consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the
triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only
that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon
its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM
should not be highly rated.”
These words are an
echo from the past reminding us that while it is a struggle to be a Patriot it
is a worthy struggle. One we accept because of the high value of freedom and
the importance it has for each individual. Humbly love your country, support individualism over
collectivism, defend liberty and hold yourself to a higher standard. This, in
my opinion, is what it means to be a Patriot.
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