I have been wearing my MAGA hat everywhere I go for about 20
days now. When I first started this challenge it was awkward to put that hat on
my head and go out of the house. I worried about what others would think or do
when they saw it.
So far that worry has been unfounded and those who comment
on the hat have been positive. Now I put the hat on my head and forget that I
am wearing it. The places and people I see frequently seem to not notice
anymore. It has become common place.
Nothing really exciting has happened and that is why I have
not had anything to write about. Honestly that is exactly what I wanted to
A Wink and a Nod
I was out walking the dog when I noticed an elderly lady
working in her yard. She saw me down the street and walked toward me.
At first I was a bit nervous, not because I was worried
about this lady but because my dog has a bad habit of jumping and he is a big
dog. She approached me and from a safe distanced asked if she could pet my dog.
I explained to her if he starts to whine or get nervous then
the answer is no, but if he is okay with it than yes. She put her hand out, he
smelled it and immediately leaned against her for some pets. She loved on him
for a minute, getting her fur fix she said, and we talked about dogs.
At the end of the conversation she leaned in and looked up
at me sideways and said “By the way I like your hat.” Of course I smiled and
said thank you and she went back to her friend to continue working in the yard.
The next instance was at a local Albertsons. I was walking
through the store and as usual I could tell people noticed the hat but were
largely going about their business. I passed an employee who was talking with
another customer but I could tell his eyes followed me for a second longer than
I brushed it off as him just thinking I might need help. I
was looking for a product I did not know exactly where it was, so I figured he
picked up on my lost expression. A few seconds later I heard he call to me from

Silent Support
These two instances are not the only time someone has
commented on my hat. I have not had anyone get upset, just positive feedback. I
took some time to think about those encounters and what they meant.
In each of those encounters the comment was made in a public
space but was meant to be a private conversation. It was almost as if they said
they supported the hat but did not want to wear one themselves. Or that they
were thankful that someone was doing something they wanted to do but felt they
could not.
Before I took on this challenge I felt the same way. In fact
I probably would have been one of those people who gave a quick positive
comment in passing if I had seen someone in a MAGA hat.
I have often wondered why people felt they had to stay
silent. For the most part I think people just want to avoid conflict. For me I
left a very real social pressure that being Republican, Conservative or wearing
a MAGA hat made me a bad person.

I do not have the answer to that question outside of social
pressure. Thankfully I have spent most my life being socially awkward and have
had to build up an inner strength that can stand against social pressure when
Even with this practice I had a hard time taking that step.
But if my experience is any indication the only thing that holds people back
from taking that step is themselves.
If you want to wear a MAGA hat or get involved with the
Republican Party, do so. Go to a meet up or join a Facebook group (Here are a couple groups I am a member of Oregon Republican
League, Young
Republican’s of Washington County). Check it out, talk
to people, and make the choice that is best for you.
Thanks for reading and hope you all are having a great
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