Thursday, March 9, 2017

NoFact News #1 A Day Without a Gun

A local teenager was suspended for four weeks at Sen C Tiv High School today for threatening gun violence. The student’s name has not been released but the school closed early today and parents were called to come pick up their children several hours after the incident happened. One teacher who wished to remain anonymous told a NoFact reporter that the student was showing a picture on his phone of a photo he had taken of him holding a photo of his grandfather from WWII. In the photo, the student in the picture on his phone is holding, is a soldier in the background with an assault weapon. As a precaution several police officers were called off of important patrols to respond and sit in the parking lot until their shift was over. Governor Oppor T Nistic’s office released a statement saying he applauds the principle’s decision to shut down the school and that citizens should use this incident to start a dialog about how we need to raise awareness of the growing gun problem in schools. He proposes a new tax to fund a program he calls Cash for Crooks where he will take the money to do with as he wants and he hopes that will be a start on solving this crisis. NoFact also spoke with city commissioner Don T Treadonme. Don said “Gov. Nistic’s plan is a clear overreach, I propose a new plan to bring spanking back to schools, giving the teachers the ability to bring the classroom back in line.” Treadonme’s plan would call for a cut to all social services in order to pay for the new training and paddles. Patsy Buck a concerned parent of a student at Sen C Tiv was interviewed while picking up her child from the high school. She said “I blame all the violence on video games, movies, rap music, rock music, Satan, no religion in schools, GMO’s, illegal immigrants, the internet, Facebook, Corporations, Unions, greedy politicians, welfare, gangs, drugs, TV shows, global warming, the war, too much discipline in schools, too much pressure on our kids to succeed, lack of discipline in schools, lack of funding for schools, and of course Bill Cosby.” The local community can breathe a sigh of relief today having narrowly escaped a situation where someone may have had the possibility to be offended or afraid, and is given a chance to address these important issues that we will promptly forget about in the coming days.


Cod E Benson

NoFact News reporter

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