Monday, March 13, 2017

The Culture War

I realize more and more that we are in a large culture war. Gamergate flew under the radar for most people who are not in the gaming community and who just don’t pay attention to that sort of thing. That was the testing ground. Now with attacks on Pewdiepie and Milo they are going full out. The videos put out by NBC are just them inducting child soldiers into the culture war (I know that is a bit extreme and feel free to correct me but that is how it seems). This video is supposed to shame people into thinking, “Well if children are afraid of Trump then he must be a bad man.”

It tries to illicit the parental protection circuit in our brains to make people hate/fear Trump for hurting or scaring our children much the same way a parent’s brain will hate/fear a predator attempting to eat our children. I have never really bought into the whole media collusion thing until I saw all the articles attacking Pewdiepie and Milo. In the case of Milo they knew about what he had said because he said it around a year ago and they sat on it until now when he was set to speak at CPAC. They all released their articles at the same time in a concentrated attack in an effort to get him deplatformed and get his book deal cancelled. They were successful.

They also separated Pewdiepie from Disney in the same way. We all know Walt Disney has a reputation for being an anti-Semite and so of course the Disney Company is very sensitive to anything anti-Semitic. It was no mistake that they tried to paint Pewdiepie as an anti-Semite and it worked. They also waited to release the story until his show on YouTube Red was about to come out. I fear my mind is slipping into conspiracy theory about mass media collusion and globalist agendas. I used to laugh at Glen Beck and Alex Jones when they talked about that stuff. But with the immigrant crisis in Europe, the suppression of Western ideas of free speech and individual rights, people advocating for open borders, and the splitting of people into identity groups I can’t help but wonder if those conspiracy theories were actually partly true.

I have not read a lot of Marx but I remember learning (in public school of all places) that part of the idea of communism is that the working class the world over would rise up and install communism and the great world utopia would start. Except they realized that people don’t identify as workers throughout the world. Workers in one country are not going to be very sympathetic towards workers in another country, especially if the workers in one country are not treated terribly. But people will identify with race or sex/gender or religion. Marxism needs a rigid class structure to exist in some form so the oppressed class can rise up and overthrow the oppressor class. A monarch or fascist or dictator is the ultimate embodiment of an oppressor (why do you think they seem so set on making Trump out to be a fascist and crazy?) With all the protests against Trump throughout the West (why would people in Britain and Australia care about an elected official in America?) all using the same chants and tactics, it would seem they have built up this oppressed class (immigrants in Europe or America, minorities in America, Muslims, LGBTQIA+ or whatever, women). They have an oppressor and he is a white, straight, male business man, who was successful so has become rich (and was born to a wealthy family), and who is not politically correct.

They could not get elected to office so they are trying to recruit by starting a culture war. They think if they can show that enough people think one way than it must be true and if you think a different way then you will be shamed by being called a racist, bigot etc. It feels good to be part of the group, our primate brains wire us that way to protect us. They are using Hollywood, Universities, and the Media in an attempt to get everyone on their side. They attacked gamers because it is a media they don’t control where merit counts above all else, they attacked Milo because he does not fit the rigid class definition of a gay man and stands up for free speech, they attacked Steve Harvey because he doesn’t fit the class structure of a black man, and they attacked Pewdiepie because they can’t control his media and he has a larger reach/audience then they do. With Brexit and Trump and hopefully Le Pen in France, and Professor Jordan Peterson in Canada, Western culture is fighting back.

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