Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Beware Protesters

In this country we have seen protesters take to the street in frustration. It may have started with legitimate causes and for a good reason but was quickly taken over by a malicious group of people who want to get away with destruction of property and violence. The media forgives them for this violence and excuses it away and they are backed up by politicians and universities. Currently we have no solution to the problem. I thought, okay we let them throw a fit and when they realize that’s not working they will stop and then we can talk about it. Instead something very different has happened. They have not stopped throwing a fit, instead they have doubled down on their tantrum. This is because they have an ideology that tells them they are under attack and this is the only way to defend yourself. They have professors and politicians agreeing with them and telling them that they need to protect themselves from is microaggressions. Let’s look at the word microaggression for a moment.
The definition is “Microaggressions are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership.”
So it is a small hostile or violent behavior. If someone is hostile or violent toward someone else then it is okay to defend yourself. This is something that I would agree with, if you are being attacked it is acceptable and expected to fight back. But the dangerous part of microaggressions is that it puts it on the person being microaggressed. This means that if someone FEELS like they are being slighted or insulted, regardless of evidence or proof or actually being insulted, then they are experiencing an aggressive act against them. Remember a microaggression could be nonverbal and unintentional, it is all about how someone feels about someone else. For example, if you are walking down the street and lock eyes with someone walking toward you and you smile at them and they take it has a slight. Smiling at someone on the street can be considered a violent behavior. If you take it a step farther and believe the person smiling is committing a microaggression then you are fully within your rights as a human to defend yourself, with force if necessary. I know this is an extreme example, though one simply has to look at a Black Lives Matter protest to find someone who says all white people should be killed. Go to a feminist rally or march and you’ll find people that say men need to die. Go to an LBGTQ event and you’ll find people that want to kill straight cis-gendered people. You can also go to a KKK meeting and find people who want non-whites killed. The difference is that the media, politicians, and universities, condemn the KKK (as they should) but celebrate these other groups and make excuses for their behavior. This is why you need to beware protesters, they get a free pass for their actions, one you can bet you’ll never get if you act against them.

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