Monday, April 10, 2017

The Evil of Extreme Diversity

            The word diversity gets thrown around a lot today. Diversity makes us stronger, we need to focus on diversity, and diversity is our highest ideal are just a few phrases you’ll hear from politicians, Hollywood stars, and reporters. So what does it mean? The definition of Diversity is a range of different things or variety. On the surface it seems like a good thing, you would not want to eat the same thing every day, you want to enjoy a diversity of food. When you hear diversity today, it is usually in the context of people.

            A diversity of people can be a good thing when used correctly. When you have people from different backgrounds, with different skills and ideas than you can often come up with better more innovative solutions to problems. This kind of diversity is a benefit. Yet when you take diversity to an extreme you not only lose this benefit but you cause more harm than good. Lately the word diversity has been used as a club to bash any company, group, or organization that does not fit the vision of those on the left. They want a diversity of people, but not based on ideas, instead based on group identity.

            Basing diversity on group identity is textbook racism. Those ‘champions of diversity’ believe that any organization should reflect the population it operates in. So if the population is made up of 50% men and 50% women the organization should reflect that. Any organization that does not reflect this expectation is sexist (racist, homophobic, etc) and is oppressing those who are underrepresented. In short they want people to be put into positions not based on their ability but because of some group identity characteristic. They are saying the people of this group identity are not able to get the position through their own merit, but instead are being oppressed and need help. The same ‘champions of diversity’ will also shout down and shut down people who have different points of view. They seem to only favor diversity of gender or skin color but not the diversity of ideas.

            This racism of low expectations is being used by the left to gain votes (your life is shitty and hard not because of personal responsibility but because you are being oppressed, vote for me and I’ll make it better), attack those on the right or anyone who criticizes them (see he is racist he only has 2 out of 100 people who work for him that are black when black people make up 10% of the population) and to force people into censoring themselves (what are you a racist bigot? Don’t you want diversity?) It is not when you look exclusively at someone’s race or gender (etc) and force organizations to take people based on these criteria that you get diversity, it is when you look past what is on the surface to the ideas and experiences people have that you get true diversity.

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