Thursday, November 2, 2017

Are you a Nazi?

The quick answer is no, you probably are not a Nazi. Yet if you find yourself being accused of being a Nazi all the time it is definitely worth a look. Not because you might find that you are a secret Nazi but because you’ll find ways to argue back against this over used slur.

Looking Inside

Even a quick look at yourself will show that you are in fact not a Nazi. You might be nationalist, but you are not socialist and are not collectivist.

A point I struggled with is that I have been called a Nazi or white nationalist so many time that I thought when anyone was called this then it must just be an unfounded slur. It was hard to identify those who were legitimately had Nationalist Socialist view and those who held true to individual liberty.

The problem forced me to look at my ideals and crystalize what they meant to me and how I acted them out in the world.

Separate the Wheat from the Chaff

Once you have taken a look at yourself it is easy to identify those people who could be considered Nazi’s and separate yourself from them. It is okay to say you do not support or do not like Nazi’s and white nationalist. You do not need to be fanatical about it, but you can clearly state that you do not support Nazi’s and you are not one yourself.

The activists will still want to call you Nazi, because they need you to be one. They need someone to appear to be an oppressive force for them to fight against. Some will change it slightly and ask you why Nazi’s were at an event you were at. The best answer is “I don’t know, I don’t like Nazi’s, why don’t you ask them?” Simple, true, to the point and immediately takes the bluster out of the activist.

The activists will still call you a Nazi but that is because they want you to be one. They are depending on you to be one so they can justify themselves.

Republicans and Conservatives are Not Nazi’s

Activists that claim that Republicans and Conservatives are Nazi’s are attempting to use the word Nazi to slander those they politically oppose. They want to make people in those movements seem so bad that the average person will have to vote for the side they like.

Personally I know I have had hesitation to say that I am a Republican when in a social setting. I think this is a horrible thing. I have heard people saying terrible things about Republicans to a large group of people to rounds of laughter. This sort of social pressure kept my mouth closed, enough though I wanted to say that I was a Republican.

Looking back, perhaps I could have changed a few minds if I had spoken up, but I just cemented the negative opinion in people’s mind. It is what is socially acceptable so it must be right they will think.

If you look in on yourself and find out what ideals you strive for you will be able to say honestly and proudly that you are a Republican or Conservative. You will realize and be able to separate yourself from extreme elements and if you act with patience you might even change a few minds.

Authors Note

I know I have not posted a blog post in over a week. Things at work got busy and I have been traveling for work. I also have come across the problem every writer comes across now and again, running out of ideas or writers block.

I also want to improve the level of my writing in the hope that more people will read, enjoy and share it. This will mean more time and effort on my part, but it is a labor of love. Feel free to comment and let me know how I am doing, subscribe if you enjoy my work and share if you think other people will be interested.

Thanks for checking me out and thanks for reading.

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