Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Why Don’t We See Any Young Politicians?

I have been interested in politics for a long time. I believe it springs from my love of history and how politics plays a direct role in shaping the future. Recently, like a lot of people, I have become more involved in politics. I write this blog, I went to my first presidential campaign rally, went to my first political rally, went to my first protest, and joined a political party.

I have noticed that a lot of politicians tend to be older. Donald Trump is 71, Hillary Clinton is 70, Bernie Sanders is 76, John McCain is 81, Joe Biden is 75. The average age in the House is 57 years old and the Senate is 61 years old according to Congressional Research Service.

While this is not a bad thing in itself it does raise a question in my mind. Why are all our elected officials so old?

Retire Already

I firmly believe that the best person for the job should get the job regardless of age. Yet I personally hope that when I am 70, provided I make it that far, that I am doing something that I like in a home that I love with my wife, the love of my life. I expect I will be reading lots of books and writing none stop.

I do not understand why politicians just keep running for office when they should be enjoying a life of accomplishment. It could be a desire for power, love of the job, the feeling of wanting to help people, or just a fear that no one else can do what is right but them. Each politician will have a different reason I am sure.

Yet at some point you need to realize that enough is enough and you need to take some time for yourself. Step away and live a good life with your family and friends and have faith that the country will still run without you there. It has made it this for before you and will, hopefully, continue far into the future without you.


I think it has something to do with being more established in the world the older you get. When you are young you are struggling to pay rent or mortgage and afford food. You are still trying to find your place in the world while trying to not die doing it.

You have gained respect in the community and wisdom that comes from experience. It is also less of a risk if you have an established place to fall back on if you do not succeed in gaining office.

There are some benefits to having older people as political leaders, but a balance is needed. Some things you need young and fresh eyes to understand.


Most the people in politics did not grow up with a computer in the home. They did not grow with the internet, they did not live in a world where everyone has a cell phone, and social media was not part of the fabric of everyday life.

Not having these technologies puts these older politicians at a disadvantage when trying to deal with the problems presented by these technologies. Internet culture is misunderstood and called racist or bigoted. It is almost as if they suffer from e-phobia, fear of internet culture.

It is true that the world is changing all the time. It is not the same as it was in 1900 as it was in the 1950, just as the 1950’s are not the same as the 1990’s. Much the same way the 1990’s are very different then things are today.

Youth in Politics

This is my blog so of course you are going to get my opinion, but I think that we need younger people to run for office. It is not that older people are incapable of doing a good job, but they need to be balanced out with younger people who have fresh eyes and fresh ideas.

I wish I had a better solution available and I know the comments are going to be, “If that is what you think needs to happen than be the change you want to see in the world.” It is something that I have thought about to be sure, but I personally I do not feel I am established enough to provide the credentials for public office.

I have ideals and a set of moral guidelines such as always erring on the side of liberty, smaller government, and personal responsibility. I do believe that young people, especially young men are crying out for someone to tell them they can stand on their own and can take personal responsibility for not only their lives but the world around them.

We are fed a constant diet of rights, right to healthcare, right to welfare, right to bathrooms, nothing but rights. Yet no one talks about how if you take personal responsibility for yourself that you can make things better for yourself and for those around you. That you can be the hero who reduces the suffering in the world by willingly facing problems, picking up the burden and carrying it forward as opposed to the person who is nothing but an endless source of resentment and hatred.

Yet that is my opinion, so take it for what it is worth.

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