Thursday, April 13, 2017

Why do these people stay together?

Feminism and Islam go together like an abusive husband and a woman who will blame everyone else for her abuse. The only reason they stay together is because Feminism is pregnant with a totalitarian ideology and Islam might be the father. Although Marxism was at Feminism’s house a lot so he could be the father. Feminism is a slut, she even told me so. But who am I to judge, if Feminism and Islam want to have an open relationship with Marxism, who am I to say that is wrong. Black Lives Matter has been hanging out with Feminism too, I guess she is a slut. Again, no judgement. I remember they all got together one time for a parade or something one time, it was peaceful, but very awkward. I was sure Marxism and Islam did not get along but they seemed to patch things up. Islam and Black Lives Matters on the other hand have been old friends. It is a strange group of people who live in the Post-Modern house on the corner of Demo Street and Crat Lane. I usually try to avoid them, I mean I’ve heard them say some pretty racist stuff before. Feminism does have her friend LBGTQ over sometimes but they were calling her something else. She changes her name a lot it is hard to keep up. I think Marxism likes LBGTQ but I know Islam hates her. One time I overheard Islam threatening to throw LBGTQ off the roof. Black Lives Matter and LBGTQ have a love hate relationships. They got into a fight while on a walk awhile back. LBGTQ wanted to have a party but Black Lives Matter said they needed to be more serious. Antifa is a wild cousin, anytime he comes over I make sure to lock the door. He has gotten into a lot of fights and anything will set him off, especially free speech. I don’t mean to gossip but I just thought that you needed to know. Strange bedfellow if you ask me.

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