Thursday, April 6, 2017

What am I doing?

I am new to blogging. I mostly blog because I enjoy writing and feel like I have something to say. Of course I want what I write to be read but we don’t have to agree on what I write. I started my blog years ago but have just recently restarted posting to it. I hope that I can provide entertaining and thought provoking posts to people who read my blog. Eventually I hope to make money as a writer but currently I write because I enjoy it. It give me an outlet to express my thoughts and ideas in a clear and thought out way. Sometimes I stumble while speaking publicly but, with most everything, I will get better the more I practice. I also want to get better at writing. I think my writing skill is better than average and I have had a paid writing gig before but I want to get better.
            One thing I know I need to work on is getting my thoughts in order before I write. Most the time for these posts I just sit down and write until I am done or I run out of time. If I want what I write to be read than I need to focus on getting my thoughts together in a clear and cohesive manner. This will make it easier to read and follow my writing and (hopefully) grant me a larger audience. At some point I hope people will share what I write with others because they enjoy it and think their friends will too.
            I am open to suggestions on topics to write about but currently my favorite topics include politics, creative writing, and satire. I really enjoy writing that makes me laugh as I write it. As more and more people read what I write I hope they give me feedback on what they like and don’t like. This does not mean I will change my opinions to fit whatever other people want me to write, it just means that I will try to write more of those types of posts.
            I currently have a fantasy story in the works I’m calling Wizards and Warriors and plan to release it per chapter/ section. I am not going to give anything away but it should be a very interesting story. I will also be working on my writing skills through free writes and whatever practice/class I can find online. I will still be writing political stuff as it comes up but we all need a break from that from time to time. Feel free to let me know what you think, share my writing and leave comments.


Cody Benson

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