Here is the original article I am responding to:
The violence that took place in
Charlottesville earlier this month marks yet another heartbreaking and tragic
chapter in America's history of bigotry and bloodshed.
Wow, I
sure am glad you are one of my state elected officials with a view of America
like that. If you think that all American history is a history of bigotry and
bloodshed, you need to look a bit closer, or perhaps go back to school. I
instead see American history as the planting of the seeds of freedom and
liberty for the individual. The language of the constitution, which you use
later, has been used to throw off ideas of bigotry and bloodshed. Instead of looking
at the horrors in the past and sitting in judgement, why not look at how those
horrors were overcome because brave Americans had the freedom and courage (and
free speech) to stand up for what they saw as right.
We mourn the lives shattered
and lost, including Heather Heyer, who was killed while standing up for civil
death of Heather Heyer is a tragedy. I’m glad to see that you will not let a
good tragedy go to waste. What civil rights was she standing up for? I thought
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion,
sex, or national origin. I agree that if the Alt-Right Neo Nazi types gain
power they would be a threat to civil rights, but the truth is they are a
minority group and have been for a long time. In fact they are only growing due
to these counter-protest movements that sweep up anyone they don’t like and
label them Nazi or Alt-Right.
But while we grieve, we must
also recognize that the responsibility of standing up to Nazis, white
supremacists and the Klu Klux Klan belongs to all of us.
This I
mostly agree with. I would have said it belongs to each individual instead of
all of us, but that is just splitting hairs.
History has shown clearly that
in the face of a growing tide of people who seek division, none of us can stay
I am
not a religious person, but Jesus said it best, “You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see
clearly to remove the speck out
of your brother's eye.” Matthew 7:5 World English Bible
Every elected leader in the
country needs to boldly and unequivocally denounce fascism, racism and bigotry
in all its forms.
I am
going to operate on the basis that most people do not like fascism, racism and
bigotry. So I think it is kind of pointless virtue signaling to ask for
everyone to denounce those things. Almost as if you are asking for a purity
test, but I’ll just chalk it up to ignorance as opposed to malice.
"We the people" must
show commitment to the ideals of the Constitution, and never retreat from the
fight for "a more perfect union."
true. I’ll be waiting for your defense of freedom of speech at the next pro-free
speech rally that gets invaded by Antifa.
Unfortunately, we've seen
politicians giving aid and comfort -- if not outright encouragement -- to white
nationalist groups.
or it didn’t happen.
That is why we, the people of
color in Oregon's Legislature, felt it was important to speak up.

Through the Trump campaign and
administration, these groups have become emboldened, reenergized and empowered
by the rhetoric and the exploitation of fear toward people of color, Muslim,
Jewish and immigrant communities.
it had nothing to do with the rampant bias in the mainstream media, the
unrelenting attempts at character assassination carried on those who are not Progressives,
or flagrant over use of the words racist, sexist, homophobe etc. It had nothing
to do with article after article blaming white people for everything that has
gone wrong in history from sites like Vox, Huffington Post, and Buzzfeed to
name a few. It had nothing to do with the ideology pouring out of college
campuses that says America and the West is nothing but evil racist misogynist society
that needs to be torn down. Nah it was all Trump.

There are not "many
sides" to this issue.
issue has many sides.
There are fascists and then
there are the rest of us, who have a responsibility to reject racism and white
If the
fascists reject racism and white supremacy will it still be okay that they are
fascists? I don’t think this kind of language helps bring people together. I
feel like this could easily be “There are Progressives and then there are the
rest of us, who have a responsibility to reject racism and people of color
supremacy.” Or “There are Feminists and then there are the rest of us, who have
a responsibility to reject sexism and female supremacy.” This is very divisive
language for someone who just said “History
has shown clearly that in the face of a growing tide of people who seek
division, none of us can stay silent.” Consider this me not staying silent.
For Oregonians, it's easy to
see what's happened in Charlottesville and elsewhere as something that can't
happen here.
If you
let the police continue to do their job and don’t tell them to stand down I
think we will have little to worry about.
The reality is that we've seen
a rise in hate crimes and hate-related activity in Oregon.
Antifa is out of control and these Anti-Free speech protesters seem to only
care about their hate for anyone they perceive to be a Nazi.
And now more than ever, we must
confront our state's dark history of sanctioned racism and its ongoing impacts.
I feel
like we already confronted our state’s dark history of sanctioned racism. As
for its ongoing impacts, would you mind providing some information on those?
Anti-immigrant groups still
have support from Oregon politicians and are still pushing xenophobic measures
to the ballot.
I think those groups are probably anti-illegal immigration or rather pro
following the law. As for xenophobic measures, again, I’d like some proof. If
they are truly xenophobic and they are going on the ballot than I think you can
rest easy as most Oregonians are not xenophobic. I also think you have a
different definition of the word xenophobic than I do, but I can’t be sure.
Rejection of unfettered immigration and open boarders is not xenophobic by the
We must not supply the fires of
hate with oxygen to spread terror in our great state.
words sound pretty, but basically have nothing behind them. Whose hate are we
talking about, Antifa’s hate for anyone who is not an anarchist or Communist,
or white supremacist hate for anyone who isn’t white or Progressives hate for
anyone who is white, straight, cis-gender, or male? I am guessing from the
previous statement you mean the Anti-Immigrant xenophobic politicians and
groups. Which I would take to mean basically anyone who is not from your party.
How do you plan to cut off the supplies of oxygen to these people? When you say
oxygen do you mean free speech or do you really mean literal suffocation? Poetic
language sounds nice and can be powerful but this use of it here falls flat
with any amount of scrutiny.
Racist violence doesn't happen
in isolation.
if you are isolated there is no one to be racist against. Geez.
It's fed by fear and anger and
exploited by those seeking to consolidate power.
So you
admit politicians are exploiting fear and anger to consolidate power. Who would
be the ones consolidating power, the people who want government to do
everything or those calling for a smaller government? Guess I’ll just vote for
the people running on the smaller government platform.
It's up to all of us to prevent
it from taking further hold by speaking out, by passing pro-equity legislation
and by educating our fellow Oregonians.

I am
sure it was just a typo but I think you meant “reeducating.” Pro-equity just
means that we all have the same in the end. For example 50% men and 50% women
hired on at a company. This leaves out merit and interest. Equity can only be
achieved through forced compliance. I doubt you have women who are lining up to
become trash collectors or sewer cleaners. You cannot force people into jobs
they don’t want and you cannot force people out of jobs to make a spot for
someone else based on gender or anything else. Instead what you can do is
provide equality before the law so those with the desire and the ability to
obtain those positions are free to do so. You should not be allowed to be a
doctor just because you want to be a doctor, you should have to earn and prove
your ability to be a doctor, not just have it handed to you because some
politician wants a world where we all have the same outcomes. You cannot force
everyone to be the same because people are different, have different dreams,
desires and abilities.
The Oregon Constitution
proclaims, "We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are
equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free
governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace,
safety, and happiness."
to know the Oregon Constitution agrees with me that people are equal in rights
and says nothing about people being equal in outcome. I don’t think you are bad
people but you have been swept up by bad ideas. Ideas that have been tried
before and ended in some of the most horrific atrocities committed. Stop
focusing on the rights of the group and instead look at universal rights of the
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