The Script
Stop me if you heard this one before, people on the right
plan a rally. People on the left spend time from announcement of the rally till
the rally calling everyone attending a Nazi, a Fascist, a White Supremacist, or
Sexist. People on the right say they will destroy Antifa and defend free
speech, people on the left brag about collecting Nazi scalps and bashing the
Fash. The rally happens and the police, who up to this point said they will
protect people, stand down. Antifa/counter protestors taunt and throw things at
rally goers. Rally goers, equipped with sticks and shields engage in brawls.
The media calls Antifa and counter protesters peaceful and rally goers
Alt-Right/Far Right White Supremacists and blame Trump. People on both sides
blame the other and call each other Fascists.
The Actors
The people on the right in Charlottesville were made up of
White Nationalists, White Identity Movements, Trump supports, free speech
advocates, and conservatives. They obtained a permit for their protest, which
the Mayor attempted to pull. In a lawsuit a judge ruled that they had a right
to protest.
On the left (counter protestors) were made up of Antifa,
BLM, Anti-Trumpers, hate speech activists, and Democrats. They had no permit
and came to ‘stand up’ against these protesters.
The History (Timeline)
Back in February 2017 the city council in Charlottesville
voted to remove the statue of Robert E. Lee from the park of the same name.
March 2017 a lawsuit is filed claiming the removal violates
the terms of the statue’s donor and laws surrounding war statues.
May 2017 A protest against the statues removal took place.
They were met by counter-protesters. The statue is to remain for six months.
June 2017 The plaque on the statue is removed.
July 2017 Robert E. Lee Park is renamed Emancipation Park.
August 11th Torch wielding protesters gather at
the University of Virginia. They are met by counter-protesters. Shouting
matches and name calling occurs.
August 12th Protesters and counter protesters
arrive. Violence breaks out and police declare the protest unlawful. The
protesters are forced into the street where counter protesters have gathered.
As fights occur a state of emergency is declared. James Alex Fields, Jr. drives
his car into a group of counter protesters killing one, Heather Heyer, and
wounding at least 19 others.
The President Donald Trump condemns violence on both sides:
“We condemn in the strongest
possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many
sides. On many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not
Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long
time." (CNN)
The mainstream media blames the protesters and labels them
all white nationalists, Nazi’s and racists. President Trump is criticized for
not calling out white nationalist specifically. On Monday President Trump
condemns the hate again and says that includes white Supremacists, KKK and
“Racism is evil – and those who cause violence in its
name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists,
and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as
Americans." (CNN)
People online and in the MSM are going nuts over this. They
are pointing to Trump and blaming him for everything that happened, claiming he
is the one who stirred up this tension. When he comes out and condemns it, he
does not condemn it in the ‘right’ way. When he comes out and condemns it in
the ‘right’ way, he didn’t condemn it soon enough.
The truth is that you cannot win with the Progressives until
you think and act exactly as they do. Feminist attack men for speaking up for
women, such as the case when a boys school in Australia made a video claiming support for women on international
women’s day. The girls school responded by saying they were sexist and why
do they think they have the right to speak for women.
The Reason
We are seeing a rise in Alt-Right and White Nationalist
Movements. This is being laid at the feet of Donald Trump and Barak Obama
depending on who you talk to. While they may be a part of this rise they are
not the main cause. Instead they are just part of a bigger ideology playing itself
Post-Modern Neo-Marxist have taken over the universities.
These universities create people who go on to be leaders in our country in
journalism, business and politics. It is at these universities where they are
taught about toxic
masculinity, toxic
whiteness, white
privilege, straight
privilege, the patriarchy, only white people can be racist (power +
privilege = Racism), intersectionality, institutionalized racism/sexism, Islamophobia,
Transphobia, and how America is a deeply racist, sexist country founded on the
idea that white men are the best and should be the only ones to hold power (and
that is evil).
Ironically they are also taught that capitalism is
oppressive and bad for society all while they enjoy Starbucks coffee and work
on Apple Computers.
These Post-Modern Neo-Marxist see the world as oppressors
and the oppressed, or as Marx would say bourgeoisie and proletariat. White
people oppress black people and minorities, men oppress women, Capitalism oppresses
the workers, Straight people oppress LGBTQ+ people, Cis people oppress Trans
people. To be in the right, they want to stand with the oppressed. If you
question this narrative you are just an oppressor or suffering from some sort
of internalized oppression.
Enter Far Left

You have the mainstream media calling people like Dave
Rubin and Jordan
Peterson (both classical liberals) Alt-Right or Far Right. This just shows
that they are willing to lump anyone they dislike or don’t agree with into this
category of Alt-Right. They do this because they need everyone to be into
collectives so they can rank them and remove the ones that are the wrong kind
of people.
Fire with Fire
This sort of collectivizing of people, instead of
individualizing, has led some to think that they need their own collective in
order to stay relevant. This is where you get white nationalist and white
identity movements. They see groups like BLM gather around race, so why can’t

They are drawn in by these groups because they feel they are
under attack simply for being proud of America, for being white or male.
The white nationalist groups gain their justification from
the Post-Modern Neo-Marxist group’s attempts to de-platform and shut down free
speech. They feel that America and their way of life is being attacked and
destroyed. They are not wrong in this belief as there are people who want to “fundamentally
change” America. By calling every day patriotic Americans who only want to speak
and redress their grievances white nationalists and racists you are giving more
support to those groups. This cements a common interest and a common enemy.
Antifa and other Post-Modern Neo-Marxist groups get their
justification from what they call systemic racism and fascism. Groups like
Antifa see most government as fascist and believe that everyone and everything
is racist, you just have to point it all out. They see equality of outcome as
true equality and anything less is oppression. They want zero barriers, no
boarders, no private property, no family unit, and no traditions. If you
support any of those things, it is only because you want to continue to oppress
people for your own benefit. They claim they are fighting for the very lives of
people who are being hurt everyday by these sort of ‘oppressions’.
Regular People
The fact that most people fail to see is that most people do
not care about these sort of things. Most people are just trying to live their
lives with the least amount of suffering as they can manage. They are worried
about their kids, making mortgage payments, helping their elderly parents. They
think about their job and prospects for the future, about how to stretch a
budget so they can take their wife away for their anniversary.

What Happened and
What To Do
These are just some of the factors that have played into the
buildup of what happened in Charlottesville. You have two groups using
propaganda to stir people up against the other. They label anyone outside of
their group as an enemy. When these groups get together they will fight because
they cannot communicate to each other.
Instead of joining the side you agree the most with and
joining in the rallies to fight against white genocide or the rise of fascism,
why don’t you say your piece as an individual. Reject the collectivism on both
sides and do everything you can to make your own life better. Stop demanding
the government take care of you, it is not your parent, and stop demanding the
government do anything. Instead take it upon yourself to be the change you want
to see in the world. Clean your room, mow your yard, balance your check book,
pay down your debt, and take care of yourself. If you can manage that then move
on to helping your neighbor and then help the world.
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