I’m sure you have heard the term Alt-Right, maybe even you have been accused of being in the Alt-Right. You might even believe that you are Alt-Right.
The term Alt-Right seems to mean, whoever the Progressive Left
disagrees with. But what does it really mean?
Basically the Alt-Right is identity politics for the right.
It includes White Nationalist, White Supremacists, Neo-Nazi’s, and anyone who
thinks Western Culture is exclusive to white people.
The Alt-Right are National Socialists, which means they want
a bigger government taking care of people and protecting them, except they want
it ran by and for what they call the ‘white race.’
Some people advocate for violence and others are peaceful
but they all want a separation of the races, particularly white people separated
from anyone who is non-white.
A good working definition for the Alt-Right would be: A
person or group who believes in the superiority of white people and seeks the formation
of a rigidly controlled and regulated top down white ethno-state. Belief that
races should not mix and that Western culture is white culture and can only be
preserved by white people.
Of course the Alt-Right is a broad term and many groups and
individuals will disagree on a few subjects so this definition, like any other,
is not perfect. Instead it is a frame of reference to relate back to when
dealing with this term.
Why this Definition
is Important
It is important to define the terms we use and this term is
important for two reasons.

The first is that with a clear definition people can separate
from the Alt-Right that are not Alt-Right.
Being called Alt-Right does not mean you are in the Alt-Right
any more than being called an A**hole makes you one.
By leaving the definition vague people might believe they
are truly Alt-Right. This is not true.
For example you are not Alt-Right for wanting immigration
reform. The reason why you want immigration reform will determine if you are
Alt-Right or not. If you desire reform because you want to keep the white race
pure, you are Alt-Right. If you desire reform because you think it is too easy
for people to stay in the country illegally while obtaining benefits, you are
not Alt-Right.
The Alt-Right tries to hide behind and appropriate ideas on
the right. In the above example they will just say they want immigration reform
and leave out the racial component. While the goals may be similar, the ends
are very different. This is why a separation is needed less people assume you
have the same goals in mind and share the same philosophy.
The Alt-Right uses this loose definition to appear as if
they have a large following and more power than they actually possess. Do not
let the Alt-Right define you.
Disarming the
Progressive Left
The second reason is to take the power away from the Progressive
Currently the term Alt-Right is being used as a club against
anyone the Progressive Left does not like. Ben Shapiro (who is Jewish and who received
the most anti-Semitic harassment online in 2016, mostly from the Alt-Right) has
been called Alt-Right. Dave Rubin (a classical liberal and a gay man) has also
been called Alt-Right. Richard Spencer (a white nationalist) has been called
Alt-Right. Nothing connects these three people together other than their
opposition to the extreme actions of the Progressive Left by groups such as
Antifa. They even disagree with the form that opposition should take.
If we can clearly define what Alt-Right is than it cannot be
used against people who are not in the Alt-Right. If there is a publicly agreed
upon definition of Alt-Right the word will lose its power when used
incorrectly. People won’t be able to say you are Alt-Right for saying you are
Pro-Free Speech.
It will also allow other people to recognize those who only
use the term to slander their political enemies. It will reveal those who are
willing to use deception to achieve their goals and call into question those
goals that require deception to achieve.
The Progressive Left uses this loose definition as a weapon
against anyone they disagree with. Do not let the Progressive Left define you.
The definitions for the words we use matter. If we do not
share common definitions we cannot talk to each other.
If you cannot solve your problems by talking, that only
leads to fighting.
A clear definition of the term Alt-Right will go a long way
to helping people separate those who are actual racist from those who have
different opinions. It will take the power away from those who would seek to
label anyone they don’t like Alt-Right and thus bad people.
If you do not help in defining this term it will leave it to
the Alt-Right and the Progressive Left to do it, and do you want to be defined
by them?
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