Below are three of the most powerful questions you can ask
anyone on the left when engaging in debate. These three questions are simple
straight forward and should be easily answered if you have sound reasoning for
your argument.
Compared to What?

This question strikes at heart of most arguments put forward
by those on the left. To them everything is terrible, in fact they need it that
way so they can come across as useful. So when they say America is Sexist,
asked them Compared to What. If you compare America with the Middle East we defiantly
are not sexist. If you compare America to its own past, we are less sexist
today than we were 100 years ago. This puts things into perspective. Yes we are
not perfect but you know what, we are better than we were and this is something
to be proud of.
What Hard Evidence Do
You Have?
This one rarely gets answered. More often they will present anecdotal
evidence. The problem with that is that for every anecdote for your argument
you’ll be able to find one against it. Don’t fall into the trap of trading
anecdotes, it gets nowhere. Instead focus on the hard evidence such as verified
scientific studies and books published by real experts in their fields. More
often than not, a person on the left will feel that they are correct as opposed
to actually doing the work to find out if they are correct.
At what Cost?

This is something that the left never considers. The call
for more entitlement programs may sound like you want to help people, but you
need to consider who is going to pay for it. Of course the reply to this is the
Government. Government does not earn money, instead they get money through
taxes. So when they say the Government should pay, in reality they mean you
should pay for it. This question goes deeper than financial costs. If you look
at how the welfare system is set up you can see that it has a social cost too.
You get more in benefits if you are a single mom as opposed to a married
couple. This leads to fatherless homes and children growing up without a
father. If you are married it is harder to leave a relationship at the first
sign of trouble.
While these three questions will pretty much destroy any
leftist argument they need to be used wisely. They can be turned around on you
so make sure you know what you are talking about, or be truthful of your
minimal amount of knowledge. It is okay that you don’t know everything about
any given subject. If you are passionate about a subject find out the answer to
these three questions. Always remember, that in a debate your goal is not to
change the other persons mind, but to change the minds of those viewing the
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